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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. There was a Hiram PD car there THIS MORNING and yesterday morning as well, with his radar on low. My info is correct, as I drive by there, every morning between 5:30 and 6 am. If he is going to sit, why can't he do it on Nebo, where he can really make an impact on the aholes doing 60 - 70 mph and passing on the double yellow line?
    They do this in Dallas, also. I figure it must have something to do with city limits, traffic congestion, safety, school zones, pedestrians, etc., though I could be totally off base. Not saying its right to speed on Nebo, not at all, but there is definitely a greater degree of concern for drivers who are exceeding the speed limit inside the city limits of either town due to the increased traffic from side streets, plus the other things mentioned above. Just dangerous no matter how you look at it.


    Do the Hiram city limits even extend to Nebo Road? :huh:


    Pointyhead Posted Today, 07:34 AM

      Who can remember back to the time when the Hiram Police was Rocky Jordan, and the old Ford Pickup truck???


    edited to delete a somewhat irrelevant comment




    I went to elementary school there and I don't even remember that. And I'm old!

  2. This isn't exactly related to the topic, but a while back, I was out of town overnight and picked up a copy of USA Today in the hotel lobby out of sheer boredom. The page 1 headline said something to the effect of "Researchers discover that air pollution crosses borders" (I'm sure that's not exact, and may not even be very close, but what it basically said was "Airborne pollutants are not confined to the country where they are produced". Well duh!). I think the headline pretty much sums up the non-story that followed (and somehow managed to consume an entire page of the paper :blink:).


    Not only was I amazed that a someone would commission a study to research something that any cognizant person should understand, I was puzzled that anyone involved would openly admit that they conducted such a study as though there was some question of whether the US might have a protective atmospheric bubble to protect us from the all the pollution produced elsewhere in the world. That the paper touted it as news is less surprising, since half of what passes as news these days really ISN'T, but still.....makes you wonder if the word credible is part of the vocabulary of any of these folks.

  3. Instead of asking "what's in it for me," one should ask "what is the right thing to do."  The Democrat and Rebublican electorates are asking these questions--respectively.


    No.  The Republicans are winning simply because they are  telling more of the population what it wants to hear then the Democrats are.  Period.


    Er....which is it? Are they asking 'what is the right thing to do', or 'saying what people want to hear in order to win an election'?


    Unless doing the right thing equates to pandering to those with the greatest amount of money and influence, or those whose religious beliefs are "correct", (which is to say 'working toward re-election'), it doesn't seem there aren't many of them overly concerned with "doing what is right" by the average taxpaying citizen, regardless of what they said before the election.


    Talk is cheap. Unfortunately, that's about the only thing that is, these days.


    I don't know if the condescending remarks made by some were intended as humor; I do know they were unnecessary and inappropriate. Since the simple act of casting a ballot endowed you with superior intelligence, why not join in the discussion for once, rather than disrupt, yet again, someone's attempt discuss ways to fix what is broken in this country? Every time one of you makes a remark like those made here, you may as well be saying "I'm right 'cause my posse says so". Are your convictions not strong enough that you can simply say "This is what I think and believe" and let it stand on it's own merit? Or are you afraid someone else might have a good idea, a right answer or :o maybe know a better way?


    It's pretty narrow-minded to assume that anyone who isn't a Republican must be a Democrat. It's also incorrect, which would make you WRONG.


    Yes, wrong.


  4. There are thousands of people now living in this county who would be completely out of their element if tomorrow they found themselves in the city of Hiram as it existed just 20 years ago, yet for years the police department remained largely unchanged, despite the rapid growth, greater responsibility and other changes that it brought to that area. I'm sure it's been a challenge for these officers considering the size of the force as compared to the increase in population as well as the large volume of traffic passing through the city to other desinations every day. These officers have had much to contend with and they deserve our respect and appreciation as much as the officers of any other law enforcement agency in Paulding County.


    Keep up the good work.

  5. Good. I was beginning to think I was the only one. I'm not sure what can be posted here that you think will make a difference, however, the condescending tone of the remarks you refer to are equally unconstructive and accomplish nothing. They voted for the guy who won. Period. Nothing else that's said here amounts to anything more than a display of something bordering on arrogance, and those to whom the remarks have been made are to be commended for not stooping to that level and taking the bait.


    You are correct, though, there needs to be some organization among those who fall somewhere in the middle of the two extremes, otherwise I don't think this country will ever get back on track.


    Edited to add: yeah, what psychomom said, too.

  6. That is the process of the PRD and that is the control that the county has because they must approve the development formally with a vote.
    Ok, question. Are you also stating that a PRD CAN be denied in the zoning process, or just that it requires the formality of a vote for appearances' sake? I don't really understand this, because some of the previous posts seem to be saying that the county cannot stop this, no matter what might be in the best interest of the people who live here, that they have to approve; to do otherwise will find them in court defending their actions. In other words, does the BOC have any authority in these matters at all? If so, what exactly IS it? :blink:


    You state that this is where they ask for stipulations, etc. What if those are not agreed to or not met? What happens then?


    I've asked this question in the past and not really seen that it's been addressed. Does any one developer of a PRD give concessions such as money for the schools, etc. that justifies the number of people (and therefore the extra burden) that an extra household per acre would bring to the county?


    And finally, is there really anyone who has built 2.9 homes per acre as it has been stated that R-2 allows? 2.9? Those sort of numbers seem to me to be the result of someone frantically searching for a way to make zoning a PRD seem less uhm, dense as compared to R-2 zoning and utilizing some serious mathematical wizardry in order to do so.


    2.9? I assume the .9 houses are built to accomodate those families having 2.5 children?


    And is it really in our best interest to knock over every damn tree for a country mile in order to over-crowd and over-burden the county in such a manner? Surely there's someone who can reasonably see that it makes good sense to spare more trees than these oft-mentioned but rarely seen "green space" areas.


    While that may be fine with you, it is not fine with the majority of larger landowners (whose land value plummets if PRD's are disallowed)


    Is it about property values or quality of life? I am much more concerned about the latter. Again, why should we all pay so that some can enjoy higher land values? Is that some new twist on the entitlement system that these same people so vehemently despise?


    At the very least, I think that statement sheds some light on the question of who is in control here.

  7. :ninja:


    It's a secret. If I told you, then I'd have to kill you.





    Some rednecks run amok. It's true, ask around.



    We don't all like Hank, Jr. (the entertainer) either. :wacko:


    I would say I'm more a hillbilly/hick type than redneck.

    Others might say I'm a walking crisis just looking for a place to happen.

    I think I'm just misunderstood. :unsure:


    I have met several very nice people from New York, but only one was from the city. The other two were from upstate, what they call "the country". That made me laugh a little, "the country", but I later learned it really is the country, and very pretty country at that.


    edited to say: I have all my teeth, no criminal record, own several pairs of shoes, and dislike violence. Also have good spelling, grammar and punctuation skills. Guess I'll never rise above the run-on sentences.....oh well, can't win 'em all.

  8. I don't know, one minute they say it's better, the next the argument is that nothing can be done to change things, and they don't necessarily like or agree with it, but that's the way it is. I'm with whoever it was who asked what the heck is the point of bringing this stuff before the board if their hands are tied and they can't do anything anyway?


    Is it really necessary to talk down to people just because you have the ability to repeat the same few facts over and over, verbatim? It would be nice if nobody ever complained and everything went smoothly and to everyone's satisfaction. Unfortunately, people become unhappy, disillusioned, and outright concerned for their future, and they do complain. I certainly think that this issue merits it more than some chick with a bunch of kids at a fast food restaurant who can't make up her mind. You know how bad that food is for you, anyway, so JUST SAY NO. Problem solved, didn't even have to break out the chapstick.


    One tree produces enough oxygen to sustain two people. Anyone noticed that the fewer trees we have, the worse the allergens are, and the greater number of folks suffering more severely with asthma and other respiratory troubles? More people equal more pollution, yet unfortunately, it seems more people also equal fewer trees and plants to clean our air. How about shade? The fewer trees, the more we have to rely on both heat and air conditioning (or in other words, GAS AND ELECTRICITY) to be comfortable in our homes (and to avoid the pollutants and allergens that cause so much difficulty for so many people)


    Once this stuff is done, it cannot be undone. I think that's what some of us fear. To keep accusing us of wanting to "keep people out of Mayberry" is ridiculous, this hasn't been "Mayberry" for 15-20 years now. We just want responsible growth that is planned and managed properly and to retain some of what all these people find so appealing about this county that they chose this as their home.


    I'm sorry, I feel no sympathy for either the developers or the landowners. Nobody is making them buy, sell or build. Just like the rest of us, they are free to buy or sell as they choose (or not), and just like anyone else entering into a business transaction, they can ask/pay what the market allows. Why should we all pay the price (in ways we cannot begin to realize yet, even) for them to receive top dollar for their property or get a great deal on a parcel of land to develop at a handsome profit?


    Maybe we need to more closely scrutinize who we elect at both the local and state levels, since the state seems to be the root of our local government's inability to do what is best for the people of Paulding County.


    You keep referring to those who want to come live here; what they prefer, what their rights and needs are, etc. What about those of us who already live here, have invested in homes, built relationships, paid taxes and otherwise supported this county for years, if not our lifetimes? Do you not consider our wants and needs and lives to be just as important as those who are yet to come?


    This county is simply unprepared for thousands more residents without taking a break to evaluate what's done, what needs doing and what should be done differently in the future and then acting upon it. Virtually everything is overburdened...schools, roads, animal control, emergency services, you name it.


    How would the PRD zoning change result in or guarantee compliance with codes, ordinances and laws any more than a development that is zoned R-2? If there is lax enforcement, there will be less compliance, and those who don't care, don't care, no matter what zoning they develop under. Sort of like the parent who doesn't want to discipline for fear their child won't "like them" or want to " buddy around with them". One day they find they have no authority or control at all, only an unmanageable monster that nobody is willing to suffer.

  9. Man, one look at that woman's picture told me there was something not quite right going on there. What is up with her eyes?


    I think when she called home they should have told her they'd have to get back to her, they were too busy organizing search parties and taking polygraph tests, and trying not to lose their a$$e$ on the wedding they'd financed that she ditched at the last minute. Let her sit there without any money for awhile. Bailing her out sure won't discourage her from doing such a stupid thing in the future. Anyone who has watched a local newscast or read a newspaper within the past 12-24 months knows full well what takes place when someone vanishes like that. She also had to know that the boyfriend would come under suspicion right away.


    She sounds like an indulged, spoiled, attention-seeking brat, and it's obvious she either didn't think about the consequences others would suffer, or simply didn't care.


    I vote that the media should shut up about it, also. Of course, they won't.


    Things like this make me doubly glad I don't watch television anymore.

  10. Maybe working together instead of trying to be 'right' or superior would serve us better. One thing is for sure, what we have going on now just ISN'T working, and nitpicking and finger-pointing won't get us anywhere.


    I think as long as our elected officials are more concerned with legislating private lives and forcing their religious and moral beliefs on the citizens than solving very real problems by working together as a whole, things will continue to get worse. For those seeking moral guidance, there is the church. For those who break the law, there is the justice system. You cannot change a person's beliefs, nor can you force them to your way of thinking. To continue to try to do so only strains our system of government and distracts from serious issues, and the fingerpointing and labeling sounds like a bunch of pre-schoolers who only know what they've been told by someone else because they haven't learned to think for themselves. If conservative, Republican, Democrat and liberal are derogatory labels, what the HECK does that make a politician?


    The past is gone. Except for learning from it, it's pointless to keep dragging it up. What the hell are we going to do about NOW? Continue to point fingers and call names and lay blame? Tolerance and cooperation and the geniune desire to do something better (and refusing to tolerate ANY BS from ANY elected official) would serve us much better and maybe remind our elected officials that they are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. It isn't about them, it's about us. Or it's supposed to be. Politics should not be a lucrative career choice. It should be about public service.


    PS-A majority is nothing if it has no power-just a few more people than the other group. This one has no power. All the power lies with those who tell you what you want to hear so you'll swallow however much propaganda they feed you and back them and their platform and keep them in power. Do you really think they DON'T know how to keep you on the hook? Of course they do.


    We don't need someone who's concentrating on being perfect, we need someone who can govern and do it honestly and effectively and in the open.

  11. Maybe it was a stolen tag or was on their previous vehicle and for some odd reason they were allowed to transfer it to the new one?


    Or maybe they just enjoy interacting with law enforcement and that's their way of increasing their chances of doing just that?

  12. oh grounded, I hope not. seems the cat may be up a tree.

    we could not find ours once for 2 + days. she was up a tree in anothers yard who had 2 big dogs.

    she layed by the water bowl for 2 days after we used a ladder to get her down.

    this is her pic in avatar, she's 11 now.


    Too weird. Back some years ago, a cat that looks similar to yours was treed in our backyard by our dogs, and my ex had to go up and get it (after much nagging) because it had been up there so long. I don't live in or near your part of the county, though, just thought it was an odd coincidence.

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