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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. I maked handmade/homemade soap!  And I'm a mom. :D



    Ahhh! I thought daytime tv :wacko: Didn't really see that it fit you in that context, but you never can tell.


    Mine is a name I used on another forum where the tendency was to incorrectly label me as an uneducated, shotgun-totin', moonshine-drinkin', gator-'rasslin, road-kill-gatherin', KKK- rallyin' hick, redneck or hillbilly based on the fact that I'm from the south....a tongue-in-cheek reminder to those who found out differently that it's not wise to make assumptions or judge others, especially without sufficient information :D


    I had to change the spelling because Redneckhickchick was already taken. Retained that spelling for consistency's sake.

  2. to refer to the plural of letters and words

    She wrote three r's in terrific.

    You have way too many and's in this paragraph alone!

    I never knew that last rule about apostrophes (using them to denote the plural of words). I only knew it applied to the plural form of letters.


    Why anyone would find learning something new offensive in any way, I just don't understand. Some people like motorcycles, some like cross-stitching. Some like socializing and others enjoy reading. People start a lot of topics on these forums that others have absolutely no interest in, yet many of us read them anyway, and sometimes comment or ask questions in an attempt to know or understand one another a little better. We expect others to tolerate and even welcome our views, interests and opinions, then beat them up or become offended and even hostile when they expect us to respond in kind and offer the same consideration.


    If someone gives you a tip or other advice that saves you time or money(such as fixing your car, repairing your home, etc.), you gladly accept it, especially if they possess a higher level of knowledge or skill in that area. Not so with something intangible like knowledge, even though people pay good money to learn these things every day. If children fail to learn it in school, there is no lack of criticism of the educational system.


    I'm really surprised that any adult would downplay the importance of learning as much as possible, as often as possible, regardless of your age or circumstances in a conversation that includes a student, much less applaud that student's own misguided comments simply because they agree with that adult's own view of things.


    Knowledge is always valuable, and time spent aquiring it is never wasted.


    Floppin Turtle  Jul 8 2005, 06:31 PM Post #26


    Why does it matter if someone posts something right, I am in high school and my teachers try to correct me, but that dont make me stop talking the way I talk. you are just a yankee that expects every one talk the way you talk


    It matters if you want to do something in life. Just as you rushed to categorize someone as a yankee based on their appreciation and knowledge of the use of proper English, others will do the same to you (label you as uneducated, backwoods, illiterate, etc.) if you aren't able to speak or write properly and coherently when the need arises. You do realize you'll have to work when you've completed your education, and in order to be hired for a job you'll be interviewed and assessed based on your demeanor and performance during that interview, right? Besides, we aren't speaking, this is a text based forum and like it or not, writing skills (or lack thereof) does matter.


    Floppin Turtle Jul 8 2005, 08:49 PM Post #45


    Its not my fault teachers don't do their jobs any more, they expect us (students) to learn every thing from a book.DUH


    You seem to have the idea that teachers are supposed to impart knowledge via osmosis or something. YOU are equally responsible (if not more so) for what you learn and don't learn during your time in the classroom. Most knowledge comes from books. You have to read them yourself to find out what they say.

  3. I suppose you're right, about the stereotyping, but no matter who's doing it, it's just as wrong as bigotry, racism, or racial profiling. Stereotyping, I mean.


    So if Pat is a bad reflection on us and others lump the entire county into a category with him, they're no more correct than he is.


    Some of you also seem to forget that nationwide, there will be a large number of people who are not offended by or even agree with the sentiment he's expressed, and many who won't give a hoot about him, us or any of the rest of it, because they have more serious issues to worry about themselves.






    Wasn't he one of the BOE's distinguished service award winners this year?


    I've heard alot of good things about him....and I don't even have kids!

  5. I also know a lady here in the county who is 91, appears to be in her 70s, and not only drives herself around, but drives a full-sized pickup truck, and quite capably, at that.


    Her husband passed away a number of years ago, and she too lives alone. If I'm not mistaken, she was the oldest of her siblings and is the only one still living. I saw her just after her 91st birthday and when she mentioned her age, I just couldn't believe it. I've known women in their 60s who could never have kept up with this lady.

  6. I'd say it's an issue of what you can live with on your conscience...until the courts ask you. At that point I believe you have to tell the truth, yes. Who's going to be hurt by the truth and who's going to be hurt if you withhold the truth? That's what I'd ask myself, and then I'd go with whatever is in the best interest of the kids.


    If the only evidence you have that the mother is unfit is the word of a liar, then I would seriously have to wonder if that's even true. I am currently dealing with a different situation, but about the same level of dishonesty. It's frustrating. Good luck.

  7. Yeah, I realize that, but I didn't want to strain a brain cell trying to come up with a better word, or risk losing a fat cell walking over to get the thesaurus. :p


    I'm not really so interested in the specifics of law, to be honest, and never studied such things in-depth. I tend to think my grandmother's methods of dealing with undesirable behavior were as effective as anything a lawyer can sell you, in certain situations.


    Didn't cost nearly as much, either.

  8. The more attention it receives, the longer it will stay up. Once the last incident stopped being publicized and people stopped wringing their hands over it, it just sort of went away. Heck, I've driven past the place at different times of the day on many occasions since that time and honestly couldn't tell whether the place was even occupied any longer in ANY capacity.


    Why on earth would anyone want to help get his message out by calling the media to give him a bunch of free airtime and publicity (and free advertising, which translates into $$$$$$)? Don't you understand that's EXACTLY what he wants? And if some journalist type happened across it of their own accord, then the same goes....who even considers this newsworthy? Anyone who would publically display such a message is probably not going to be shamed into complying with society's idea of what is and isn't acceptable.


    I will say that I would think twice before vandalizing someone's place if I suspected they had ties to an organization like the KKK, but that's just me---plus I think revenge is pointless and only leads to bigger problems; I also think it's childish and uncivilized to vandalize or otherwise damage someone's property in retaliation for voicing their opinion. I also dislike violence, which is where payback often leads.


    I am not in any way endorsing his or anyone else's opinion or actions. Just pointing out that if someone is attempting to draw attention to themselves, the best remedy is to ignore them 'til they give up and find something else to do.


    Some things are better resolved by the use of common sense than attempts to force the issue legally. We would do well to remember that.


    PS-It isn't racism, but it IS defamation to call him a pervert, etc. after he has been exonerated by a jury trial, is it not? That's YOUR opinion, and you value the right to voice it freely. Whether I agree or not, I do think it's in poor taste to expect to be entitled to exercise your right while simultaneously complaining that Pat Lanzo has done the same. Pervert isn't any nicer a word than the one you've taken offense to, and that's MY opinion.


    edited to clarify: him = Michael Jackson, not Pat Lanzo

  9. poy=pot?



    i don't even know of pot costing anyone their job, much less their family or life. thing about meth I don't get is that people claim to do it to "up" their energy, productivity, etc, yet they stop working once they start doing it. what is up with that?


    However, Mexico-based trafficking groups entered the illicit methamphetamine market in 1994 and now dominate the trade leaving motorcycle gangs with a small share of the market. Mexico based trafficking groups dominate the market for many reasons, including their ability to obtain large quantities of the chemicals needed to produce the drug, their access to established smuggling and distribution networks, and their control over "super labs" (laboratories capable of producing in excess of 10 pounds of methamphetamine in one 24-hour production cycle)


    BUT! They'll work for cheap and take jobs that Americans don't want.

  10. Are you telling ME if someone had been the victim of a serial killer on Saturday afternoon, the press wouldn't have been all over it for the Sunday papers?


    Please. They rush so many things to press, don't even care about accuracy (or consequences) anymore.


    I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't tally up the number of days and divide it by the average number of phone calls her mom made to her home. I noticed that Jennifer Wilbanks' head was plastered all over the place almost immediately, and turns out she did her thing intentionally and possibly even FOR the publicity. Although she left of her own free will to go jogging, the fact that she didn't return when expected was enough to launch an extensive search, even in the absence of any evidence that she had been a victim of foul play. According to what they found at this missing girl's home, it appears she had not intended to leave, especially not for an extended period of time. Appears to me Chastity's mother feels she has to make a case that her daughter is missing and that this is out of character for her.


    This has also been a point of discussion since the whole Crazy-Eye fiasco ended...it didn't begin with this girl's disappearance.


    Besides, isn't your hobby disparaging the "leftist" media whenever humanly possible?

  11. I had a woman in the Dollar General in Rockmart ask me for $2.00 once. I'm sorry, what is that? Plan ahead...check your financial circumstances BEFORE you go to the store.


    I absolutely did not give her money...and trust me, she wasn't going hungry :blink:


    Someone who doesn't appear to have access to groceries and/or bath facilities (a home of some sort) might be a different story......I did give some woman down in Atlanta who was shot out on drugs or booze a cigarette, when I worked in an office on Peachtree near 10th about 25 years ago. She lit the wrong end of it.


    Too bad for her.

  12. That guy is all over Dallas dancing. Of all the things I am aware that ice causes people to do, dancing isn't one of them.


    My personal favorite is the one we saw on Cartersville Hwy at the end of the driveway across from Old Cartersville. He was raising h3ll about something one day, looked like he was trying to cuss out every single car that drove past, all pointing and hollering and stuff. Seems like there was a scanner call about him trying to hit cars with a baseball bat or something a while ago.

  13. i dont think i am trying to validate any point with this post....i am just asking a question....if YOU have nothing nice to say.....then why dont you just stay out of this topic......from reading your interests....i can see you are quite the 'grown-up".... i get the impression that you are an alcholic womanizer.....  how is that for name calling





    Is it the picture of Burt Reynolds or are you psychic? :blink:


    Oh, wait, for a second I thought that said alcoholic. My bad.

  14. Whoa there, Ace. You're confusing two different things.


    The School Board assesses the School Tax.


    The Board of Commissioners assess the property tax.


    Those are 2 completely separate things.


    Wait. The BoC voted 2 weeks ago to cut the property tax. Darn! Wonder why no one mentioned that??  :o


    So the taxes get cut on one side & raised on another. Still, that about evens out & is the way it is. When inflation goes up, so does the price of groceries & salaries. You've gotten a raise over the last 10 years too. Now it is time the county have some extra to do what it has to do too.


    I had wondered if anyone else was aware of the decrease in the property tax.

  15. I like them both about the same.  I love some of the old stuff especially Zepplin and also like a lot of the current stuff like AudioSlave......awesome stuff.


    What he said ^^^

    I didn't vote, for that reason.


    There are some good bands now, you just have to suffer through some of the not so great ones til you figure out who the good ones are.


    I like most any music, really. Except what passes for country these days.....if I'm gonna listen to country music, it's gonna BE country music. Not pop.



    I just gave up 6 tickets to see Robert Plant tonight at Chastain. :(

  16. No you don't need to be blasted but you see what he wants you to see and not being able to see both sides stinks for you. Bet you didn't know that he turned down a FREE offer to start a hazmat team almost everything needed to contain pick up and deal with most hazardous spills we would deal w/ in the county. Hmm

    response " we don't need any help "  10's of thousands of dollars that would be given  but instead we the tax payers have to pay for it. People in this county ask to help or volunteer their services that he personally tells them we don't need you thanks any way. Specialists in fields all involved with emergency services. Yea good ole leader there. Time for people who are not worried about themselves and put the county first.  MY $.02



    While I can see how this would not be to the benefit of the taxpayers of Paulding County, I fail to understand your implication that it was out of self-interest that the offer was declined by the fire chief?

  17. Yes that is excatly what the Lord wanted us to do. Thats why we have missionaries. Its not suppose to be easy for us to witness, thier not suppose to come to our door. We are suppose to go to them.  Thats why the scripture says Go into ALL nations. Just because some people dont believe as we do thats OK. We should witness and pray for them. BUT dont even try to change us.  Having the 10 commandents on the wall is like witnessing to people who need it. Taking them down is like hiding the word of God. Why should we hide the word if we're not ashamed of them?


    So we expect to be able to go into a country where the majority of people practice something other than Christianity and change THEM, while we tell them to go home if they can't get with OUR program? Arrogance at its finest.


    I don't think hanging the Ten Commandments on the courthouse wall is exactly what is meant by witnessing to others. If God is not evidenced in your life, and you can't attest to his goodness and mercy based on your own relationship with Him, then a plaque on the wall isn't going to change anyone's mind or heart about God or anything else.


    As for Thomas Jefferson....Thomas Jefferson quotes If that doesn't link doesn't work, sorry. How some of this stuff works is still a mystery to me.


    Just as you can pick through the Bible and find quotes that will support most points of view these days in some context, even those that contradict one another, you can pick through thousands of quotes by everyone from George Washington to George W. Bush and find exactly the same thing.


    If a naked statue offends me, should I go to court to have it taken away, or turn my head. HISTORICAL or religious. Either one, you choose.


    John Ashcroft DID cover a naked statue or two, to the tune of somewhere around $8,000.00, because apparently it violated his religious beliefs to stand beside statues with bare chests while speaking, be it male or female. Imagine, up til that time, not a single Christian publically took issue with these statues' exposed chests (to my knowledge, anyway) and along comes this Mormon (I believe-correct me if I'm wrong) who proceeds to spend whosemoney to enforce his own religious views on nudity? I read in the paper yesterday that the statues have been liberated from their coverings, so there ya go....$8,000 to TEMPORARILY preserve one man's sense of modesty and decency stemming from his religious beliefs. What if that were the rule and not the exception? With governments cutting so many important programs due to lack of funding, do we really want to encourage this sort of selective (and costly) indulgence to promote certain beliefs in government buildings and institutions? Some taxpaying Americans don't practice ANY religion. If they take the position that painting peace signs on all the courthouses in the country will inspire us to 'make love, not war', and are told no, how long before we are bogged down with lawsuits from those who want the same opportunity to promote their NON-religious ideals? Where do we draw the line?


    For that matter, who gets to draw it?

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