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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. Having had a dalmatian previously, I will say that even though they are friendly dogs, they can be temperamental and/or nervous, especially with people they don't know, so I don't know if I would try to tie him up or otherwise forcibly confine him. Some are more neurotic than others, and I am not disparaging them as a breed; I loved mine dearly and he never bit anyone except my ex (it was his dog...ha!) but I also was never comfortable having anyone go inside the fence with him without one of us there as well, especially children. If they aren't used to small kids, they can be unpredictable. Mine also tended to jump alot, and one time he jumped up at the same time that I was leaning down to feed him which resulted in a perfect (and painful) head-butt.....they're pretty smart, maybe he will find his way home. Dogs are good that way.

  2. Surely some of you people have had to do what you could with a limited amount of money? Do you think they (the BOC) just ask the department heads "Ok, you tell us what you need, and it's done" NO.


    They budget the funds, and decisions must be made about where that money goes. Let's blame the department head, because everyone knows (courtesy of the "unofficial" cheering section/PR committee) that the BOC can't be held responsble for anything, their hands are tied and if they try to do anything that's beneficial to the residents of this county or to slow the growth while the county does it's best to catch up, why, they'll be sued, and your taxes will skyrocket. Then I have it on good authority that the sky might even fall. Call the commissioner for your district, he can give you the lowdown on all the potentially devastating problems that might arise if he's held accountable for this unchecked growth and failure to prepare and plan for it. While you're at it, ask him what needs to be done to get his hands UNTIED so that something can be done to stop the steady flow of people into Paulding until we have figured out how to deal with those already living here? Maybe we should check the past experience and credentials of our BOC as we do the department heads BEFORE we cast our votes. Take a look at the previous four years, at the very least, for incumbents.


    The fire department and emergency services are only two of a very long list of areas in which the county has fallen woefully behind the growing number of residents here. Water. Schools. Roads. Traffic controls. Water. Sewerage. Police force/sheriff's dept. Water.


    BOC. Planning and zoning. Legislature. That's where the buck would appear to stop.


    And educate others about the delayed response that results when emergency services are called out for things better handled by a doctor's visit or trip to the ER, or when they're called out due to smoke and find it's someone's BBQ grill because the caller didn't take a moment to check out the circunstances before dialing 9-1-1.


    Heck, maybe folks would like Sam and Mike a little better if they'd take a second job and fund more equipment and staff directly out of their own pocket.

  3. If we are the group of teachers reffered to as not leaving a tip you are very correct. Why leave a tip after losing your lunch hour for someone NOT bringing your food. Phil ought to apologize to not only us but to his staff and kick in a bonus for them. I realize it was not their fault but who expects a tip for not doing anything but refilling water once.


    I'm baffled by this portion of your comments. You say your server only refilled your water glass(es) once and therefore didn't earn and shouldn't expect to receive a tip, despite the fact that you didn't consider it that person's fault your orders were delayed. (Obviously they couldn't serve you food after you had left the restaurant-though I assume they did serve the two ladies who waited for their salads to go.) It's pretty harsh to penalize a server because your food was not prepared correctly or promptly or because you left before it was ready to be served. Tips ARE a server's income; their hourly wage is almost negligible in most instances. I think it would have been courteous for the six of you to have pitched in and at least left a small gratuity to acknowledge the service you did receive unless it, too, was less than satisfactory. Considering the fact that you feel they should have been paid a bonus, that wouldn't seem to be the case......

  4. I've never had any problem getting a signal with my Cingular phone....even at my office, which is a notorious dead zone for cell phones, or at my home, where I never could get a signal with my last phone.


    My Cingular phone hasn't ever dropped a call, either.

  5. Oh, they'll gladly sell you a bigger supply with your checks. Add-ons, that's where the money's at...


    ...or you could just get some generic ones at the bank and keep 'em handy. Just always remember to put your account number on them BEFORE you hand over your deposit to the teller :wacko:

  6. You are foolish to think that none of the other dining establishments in Hiram, have the same problem. This one just got found out.  :o

    PS - I am not implying that anyone on P.com is foolish. Doung so would be contraversial.  :lol:




    Please don't name names or specify dining establishments unless you've upped your liability insurance to the maximum limit available. :ninja:



    No, it was a cockroach. Thanks for playing, though. Don't forget to collect your lovely parting gift as you exit the studio.


    and one more :lol: @ mashed potatoes with the skins in


    cockroach incognito ;)

  7. Someone is surprised that legislation was passed that favors the banking industry over consumers? :lol:


    I'd be surprised by anything else, myself.



    Neither party is a stranger to this method of governing. In fact, this is probably the only true bi-partisanship that still exists in government...the willingness of both parties to put the screws to their consituents with legislation that heavily favors those who can deliver to them the largest number of votes (MONEY AND INFLUENCE)

  8. :o  :o and I thought I read last week that the bankruptcy judge for Winn-Dixie approved millions of dollars of bonuses to be paid to the top executives B)


    That seems to be the trend lately. Bankruptcy then buy another company or pay big bucks to the ones at the top, or buy out another company and then have a huge layoff, or vice versa, which to me is worse.


    There seems to be no shame in any of it anymore.

  9. If I understand correctly, some past member appears to have successfully messed with some heads posting under various screen names, because there is a tendency toward paranoia when someone new posts.


    I don't really understand what would motivate someone to do that on a forum such as this. It isn't like we'll be voting or polled for a verdict later, so why go to the trouble of registering a bunch of addresses and logging in and out of the site?


    As for the number of new people posting, I think the circumstances might warrant those who are familiar with the accused, the victim or who work at or attend HJMS taking enough interest to register on this site so they can participate in the discussion.


    Even if it were one or two people, if they wish to pretend to be four or five different personalities, what does it really matter? Is there a rule against that sort of thing if there is no malice or mischief involved?



    PsychoMom Posted Today, 07:45 PM

      Okay, let's get real. I KNOW this happens a lot more than it is reported. I am the one who deals with the consequences of these type of things.


    If this is one of those that is true, there are probably a lot more vicitims out there. They will show up for counseling and never report it to anyone else.


    If this man did this, I'm for slow and painful torture. Why? Because the vicitims are often tortured for the rest of their lives after this type of violation.


    As for the newbies. . . I bet most of them have the same IP address. It's an old game. We've seen it before. Too many of them to be all different.


    You forgot the part about 'if this man didn't do this'.



    I'm just glad to see that for the most part Americans understand the importance of being considered innocent until proven guilty. God forbid we should ever leave someone's very life to the whim of the court of public opinion, considering the 'vigilante violence' mentality so prevalent today.

  10. OsFan  Today, 09:42 AM Post #38

    So according to your logic, it would be OK to start a FALSE roumor that there is harmful toxin's and "mad cow" beef in most of the BBQ restaurants, around town.


    Then true or not, people start avoiding BBQ joints, cause they aren't sure.



    Would you like that one to get started?

    You mean like maybe someone found a finger in the stew?


    I hope whoever starts that one has a huge amount of liability coverage.

    It's one thing to claim that there are tunnels undergound, or that the black helicopters are spying on everyone. Or like a few years ago, the contrails left by airliners contain actually a mind-altering chemical.


    It's a totally different thing to make a specific false claim against a person or company.


    Speaking of things that are "totally different", no matter how many times I read OSFan's post, I can't find any mention of fingers or stew.


    Unless there's some new eatery in town operating under the name of MOST BBQ PLACES, I'd say his liability coverage is ok for the moment. You, on the other hand, have credited him with something that he simply did not say.


    That's pretty darn specific.



    And lastly:

    When those people try to tell about what they know, one group tries to silence them. Another tells them that they are crazy, that there is no way the project could ever exist.


    Isn't that the same that is happening here?


    :lol: :lol: Ok, if you say so :lol: :lol:

  11. A much easier and less costly way to stop her from profiting would be to simply not buy anything remotely related to this fiasco, and for that matter, to ignore her completely.


    Negative publicity is still publicity...and free publicity, at that.

  12. It's a shame that so many people disregard traffic laws and posted speed limits that we have to fear entering and exiting our driveways and neighborhood streets. Many of the roads in this county are little more than glorified country backroads that in the not so distant past were either dirt or tar and gravel and not suitable for driving at highway speeds, even if they have since been paved.

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