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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. :lol: armpit town in NJ.



    I have a friend in NJ, he'll get a kick out of that.


    Take care & keep in touch.








    At least she has the right attitude. She should fit right in.

  2. And yet elsewhere there were some of you defending a "good" kid who had consensual sex with a minor and wound up on the sex offenders list. He was convicted, I believe, of child molestation, because he clearly BROKE THE LAW. The girl WAS someone's child and the victim of a crime, right? Even though he was convicted in a court of law, there were those who even suggested that it was the parents who were to blame for his situation, or the girl herself. What about his responsibility, or that of his parents to teach him about such things?


    I think there is some tendency to overreact when the topic involves children. Whatever logic leads one to believe that the lower the age, the more heinous the crime is beyond my comprehension. I don't believe, however, the responses would have been quite so violent if the victim were a 95 year old confined to a bed or a physically or mentally handicapped person in their 30s, though a middle-school aged child would probably be better able to put up a fight, and would also be more likely to be sexually active and suffer less trauma as a result.


    I already realize he's an adult and she isn't, so no need to state the obvious. I am equally aware that I don't have children, and therefore couldn't possibly know anything about anything. I do recall, however, a friend in 9th grade who actively pursued a physical relationship with an adult. I never asked and was never told whether or not she was successful in her quest, but if she was, I would fault them both equally, if I were asked to assign blame without consideration of the law. I also recall that a great number of girls my age were sexually active, and if you believe everything the government says (in their never-ending quest to expand the scope of their power to include our personal lives), with every passing year the girls having babies out of wedlock are younger, and the number of babies born to these younger girls steadily increases.


    Just one more angle to shoot from; since I'm not an attorney, I hardly qualify or wish to defend the man against the accusations, but he deserves a fair shake as much as anyone else. I know none of your kids would ever dare do such a thing, but some kids DO lie, and some even make false accusations against adults or other kids in the spirit of "paying them back" or just out of spite, for that matter.


    Yes, they really do. Other people's kids, that is.

  3. I have no doubt that she's seen such snakes....I live about 5 miles north of the trail, and I've seen very large rattlesnakes on my property, as well as at the homes of others in the area. Not a single one was less than 5 feet long, possibly longer, though I didn't get close enough to take an exact measurement (nor did anyone else, to my knowledge). In fact, even after they were killed and clearly no longer a threat, nobody cared to dispose of them or handle them at all (timber rattlers just look wicked, dead or alive, especially when you're up close and personal).


    The asphalt where the trail crosses the road receives direct sunlight most of the day, which would make it appealing to sun-seeking reptiles.


    May as well learn to live with their presence along with the rest of the unpleasantness we're forced to embrace these days.

  4. Haha!! You should be a single person with no dependents. Talk about taxed to the core! Bah.


    And we wonder why so many people don't care to hold a job.


    Seems the government works to discourage responsibility and productivity. The IRS (much as I hate to defend them) are only collecting what the law tells them to....you can blame your elected officials for the tax code that determines who pays what....or doesn't.


    They should make them remove one law from the books for every new one they pass. At least they'd be busy at something besides influence-mongering and vote- buying in the form of tax rebates based on the number of dependents you have.


    Y'all do realize that wasn't tax relief for ALL taxpayers, right? :mellow:

  5. It really is no different (and no more criminal) than letting a child take a sip of beer, and not nearly as bad as drugging a borderline child into compliance with amphetamines just because it's easier than dealing with the kid, or because the school recommends it (for their own sake, of course).


    Of course, it's wrong, but unless it was an ongoing thing, the child likely won't even remember it (IF there was any smoke actually ingested to begin with).


    I have a question. What is the advantage or benefit in this deluge of information that does nothing but inflame us and is otherwise irrelevant to our lives for the most part? Personally, I believe the bigger portion of it is the reason for all the hostility, division and intolerance that is prevalent in today's society.


    I agree. Some people just need to not reproduce. I think Arcaidy is off the wall with his statement.


    Wow. Talk about self-righteousness. Would you want to be judged so quickly and harshly by a stranger who may or may not know all the details of your situation? In fact, would you want another person pronouncing your fitness as a parent at all?


    I didn't think so.



    To know all is not to forgive all.

    It is to despise everybody.

    ~Quentin Crisp~

  6. So what about parents who don't want to send their kids the message that you'll be rewarded for doing what's right? Parents (at least mine did, and my grandparents as well) teach young children not to be tattletales, probably because they know nobody likes a snitch and don't want their children to be ostracized, bullied or worse. Then they get to high school and are offered compensation for snitching on their friends? I'd be fired up, if it were my child.


    Besides, what ever happened to doing the right thing just because it was the right thing to do? It's one thing to offer a reward for information about a specific crime that's been committed, but this is bribery, plain and simple.


    This country is about as backward-thinking as a bunch of people could be anymore. Sad.

  7. Paulding County is not the only county in the state without a DMV office. I'm confident of that.


    I heard Cedartown isn't usually crowded.


    Now that they're considering dismantling the DMV they just created a few years ago (talk about wasted money) who will be responsible for the insurance reporting portion of their duties, I wonder? For all the false starts, it seems to have worked out fairly well (all things considered), and now they want to shuffle it around to other agencies. I wonder sometimes if these folks in office have lost all sense of logic and reason. ALL of them, party affiliation notwithstanding.

  8. After my divorce, my previously anti-social cat immediately started socializing, not only with me, but with anyone who visits, though he's still cautious with anyone he doesn't know. Before, he stayed hidden 90% of the time, and wouldn't even come out into the open if there was anyone at the house besides me and my husband. Now he stays right underfoot when I'm home, sleeps on my bed and if someone comes over to visit, it's only a minute or two before he has to come check 'em out to see what they're all about. Still won't allow anyone to hold him for more than about 30 seconds, but the older he gets (he's 11), the more he seems to want to be right wherever I am. :wub:


    A couple times when I was having a particularly difficult time of it, I'd wake up to find him sleeping ON me, which was unheard of for this cat. I just assumed that was his way of taking care of me or trying to make me feel better, or whatever. He hasn't done it since.


    Anyone who says animals don't have feelings or intuition of some sort probably doesn't spend much time with animals.....

  9. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=24041



    ^^^Didn't see a fee for that one....^^^ and she's a cutie!


    And if you need more, I seem to live in one of the more popular animal dumping areas of the county.....just holler and I'll let you know if there's anything available. One thing is for sure, there is no shortage of animals needing loving, permanent homes in this county.


    The two dogs I currently have were obtained without a fee. One, a beagle/basset mix, was about to be taken to the shelter because his family had to move and couldn't keep him. The other is a huge dog that appears to be something called a Greater Swiss Mtn Dog (maybe mixed, not sure) that wandered up to my home 5-6 years ago and was given to one of my in-laws due to the fact that I already had three dogs and a cat. I came home from work a few months ago to find her sitting in my front yard, once again in need of a home. Both dogs are completely housebroken, well-behaved, have beautiful personalities, and I would take nothing in the world for either of them. I had one other dog that I took in as a stray, and she is my all-time favorite dog ever. She was hit by a car a couple years ago on Halloween; she was the Houdini of the dog world and I could not confine her, and since she normally stayed close to home, I eventually stopped trying. She was the only dog I ever saw that had an aversion to coming indoors, for that matter. Also housebroken (the few times I managed to get her to come inside), the gentlest, most loving dog I ever knew of, and smart as a whip.


    All this only to say that saving an animal's life or acquiring a loving pet doesn't always require a large sum of money at the outset. Love of and a desire to help animals needing homes is sufficient to eventually lead you to them or vice versa. It may be that an animal you take in is kept from ever seeing the inside of the shelter as a result. You never know.

  10. I heard about this cat from someone who works with the shelter, and I'd like to say thank you for taking him. Not alot makes me cry. This made me cry.


    While pets are wonderful companions and teach us alot about love and loyalty, those who live to old age will need more care, more attention, and more patience in their later years. For all they give us, the least we can do is bear the responsibility for their care and well being for as long as they live.

  11. Jen,


    This kind of attitude from the Baptist community is one of the reasons I go to the Methodist Church now.


    It's why I no longer go to church at all. Among other things....


    I got the very same reasoning from the pastor of the church I belonged to, and got married at the courthouse instead.


    The whole "can't have sinners in church" thing....and the selective sermons that cover the same 5 verses of the Bible over and over and over.....ignoring any part that might contradict, prompt a question, etc.- which doesn't encourage spiritual growth- and the emphasis on who does what and who is more righteous, rather than how we treat one another was just discouraging.

  12. You don't know fun til you're working in the garden, notice you've almost put your hand in a bed of ants, and THEN realize they aren't ants at all, but baby black widow spiders. This made me a firm believer in the wearing of gloves when working outdoors....


    It's true that they're as scared of you as you are them, though, because once I was pulling weeds and got close to a couple of 'em before I realized it. They didn't seem to have any interest in rushing over to bite me, they just cowered against the edge of the garden bed til I moved away.


    The big spiders, like the one in the picture, used to really creep me out. Now I just leave them be, since, like most other critters, they're as eager to get away from you as you are them. That one in the picture, btw, was almost as big as my open hand. Scorpions are more aggressive than spiders, or at least the ones I've had experience with have been. Luckily I've avoided being stung so far, but a couple times only narrowly.


    What really gives me the shivers are these:


    Japanese beetles are hard to control unless your neighbors are working at it as diligently as you are. They'll just come over from next door or down the street otherwise.

  13. The one time I was nice and polite and didn't roll my eyes a little or give any attitude at all, I got a speeding ticket that cost me $150. I won't say how fast I was going, and yes, I was guilty. I was the only car on a straight stretch of highway and had slowed down considerably before I reached the officer, who was doing nothing but waiting for a speeding driver to come along. That was obvious based on his location, and the fact that in 15 years of traveling that route, I have not once before nor after seen an officer on that stretch of highway unless it was ON the highway, moving, and the fact that he was sitting on private property between a business and a home during the morning commute to work the day after Labor day.


    As for officers being on a call or performing some other duty without their lights on, a call that doesn't require lights and/or sirens shouldn't require excessive speed, either, and doesn't justify their breaking the law any more than it would us.


    My brother -in- law was a Cobb County officer for several years, and I admire the fact that there are people who would do such a dangerous, thankless job for such little pay, but yes, there are those who really shouldn't be on the force and who make it difficult for those who do deserve respect to receive it.

  14. 47 years 5 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 88

    43 years 11 months younger than Pope John Paul II, age 84

    39 years 10 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 80

    32 years 7 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 73

    30 years 5 months younger than Larry King, age 71

    24 years 2 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 65

    20 years 9 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 61

    17 years 9 months younger than George W. Bush, age 58

    12 years 9 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 53

    8 years 5 months younger than Bill Gates, age 49

    3 years 8 months younger than Cal Ripken Jr., age 44

    2 years 3 months older than Mike Tyson, age 38

    6 years 3 months older than Jennifer Lopez, age 34

    11 years 9 months older than Tiger Woods, age 29

    18 years 2 months older than Prince William, age 22




    and that you were:

    37 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America

    35 years old on the first day of Y2K

    33 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a car crash

    31 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing

    30 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder

    28 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center

    26 years old when Operation Desert Storm began

    25 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall

    21 years old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded

    19 years old when Apple introduced the Macintosh

    19 years old during Sally Ride's travel in space

    16 years old when Pres. Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr.

    15 years old at the time the Iran hostage crisis began

    12 years old on the U.S.'s bicentennial Fourth of July

    10 years old when President Nixon left office

    8 years old when Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace was shot

    5 years old at the time the first man stepped on the moon

    3 years old when Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated

    a 1 year old during the Watts riot



    Geez. Thanks for the link. :mellow:

  15. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm still trying to figure out why you're the apologist. What's up with that?


    I'm still amazed that they can flatly deny construction of apartments, yet have no grounds to slow the construction of single family dwellings. Any time I've ever been out and driven by most of the apartment complexes in the area, I see that the areas around them are neat, because they have rules and those rules are enforced, it always appears to be pretty quiet and subdued, and I've noticed specifically that the traffic in the immediate area is never as bad as what you find in the areas that are all built up with subdivision after subdivision. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I've been in numerous subdivisions, and there are many of those that are terrible, in large part because people are buying houses simply because they can "buy as cheaply as they can rent", but then cannot afford to maintain their residences or keep up the lawn, or keep their vehicles repaired due to mortgage payments they are barely able to afford, etc. There have been many posts on this site about junked up houses in subdivisions, bad neighbors, suspected drug dealers, etc. These people aren't congregating in the "bad neighborhoods " that are apartment complexes, they're everywhere, and when they pay a mortgage payment rather than rent, there is no landlord to fix the roof, or provide lawn care that was already built into the rent. And like it or not, it's just UGLY, these neighborhoods without trees. You seem to be an educated person. Ever pay any attention in science class? Know what we lose when they push all those trees down? wildlife habitat, sound barriers, the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen, which, incidentally, we require for survival.


    Of course, I realize apartments are undesirable because of the strain they put on the "infrastructure" without any tax revenues, but you've said yourself that property tax in this county is not sufficient either, and we desperately need industrial and commercial development here. So who's the genius running the numbers that sees any gain in bringing a couple retail strip malls, some office spaces to lease out (while there is an abundance of newly built, VACANT offices anywhere you turn these days already waiting for tenants, tyvm), and along with it 3,000 more families with 2.3 or whatever children per family to further strain resources that we are PROHIBITED by state statute to bring in line with the population and needs of the county.


    Where is the authority given them to restrict water usage while bringing in all these new people?


    Apparently what you're saying is that the county and state are both governed by idiots with no math skills or common sense, and that no matter what the county needs to do, or wants to do, they are basically powerless because the state either mandates a thing or prohibits it. So what, we need to boot every incumbent and get a whole new bunch in there to fix this? Seems to me that's EXACTLY what you're inferring. Either that or we don't need most of them PERIOD, which is probably closer to the truth.

  16. The easiest way to avoid that stuff is to not open forwarded mail if you can't tell what the content is by the subject line (works for me-haven't missed a single important e-mail yet), and if you do open something and see that it has 400 recipients, regardless of where it came from, delete it, there's a 99.9% chance it's fiction, or been circulated a million times already, etc. --Just because it annoys me in a major way, I'll add here that forwarding something to everyone in your address book, etc. is not only inconsiderate, it's like making up a mailing list for a spammer, because you've basically ensured that each email address on there gets forwarded to umpteen thousand people after the thing is forwarded a few times. If a person does that to me, I block them from sending any email at all in the future--with very few exceptions.


    It's really ok not to look at everything online, and it's also OK to stop reading or viewing something offensive, uninteresting or downright stupid before you reach the end, no matter WHERE you see it.

  17. Birth certificate and something else was what I'd suggest too, or the photo ID from the state. He ever been married? I think a certified marriage license or divorce decree would work...and used to be I think you could use your immunization record but I may be wrong on that.

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