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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. The scorpions we have here aren't quite as bad as those big old nasty things they show on TV from South America or wherever; they look similar, but on a much smaller scale. They are the wickedest creepy crawly I've ever seen, though, and I've seen spiders with bodies the size of baby mice up here.


    Scorpions aren't as easy to kill as other bugs, because they have a hard exterior shell type body. Never had one die on the first smush, and I've killed a bunch of em.


    Had a close up picture of one I made a few years ago. I'll try to find it. I think it's in my other computer or on a disk around here somewhere.

  2. thatboyaintright Posted Today, 10:54 PM

    It was glorious! Glorious, I say! Believe me, we did not simply answer trivia questions. No. We let the answers drip from our tongues like honey. Women swooned, spirits soared... gods were created, ladies & gentlemen! Not a bad way to spend an evening!




    Congratulations! Nice work.


    I take it you didn't bring Mr. Cuervo with you to this event, then? :ninja:



  3. My friend and I were talking about this movie last night, and because he's never seen it, and it happens to be one of the few movies I own, we planned to watch it tonight.


    Very good movie.

  4. Is there any dog alive that isn't terrified of thunder? I had a dalmatian who would shake like jello, which was kinda pitiful, considering they have so little body fat. Probably closer to a nervous jerk than shaking. If you've ever seen a dal whose neuroses had finally gotten the better of it, you know what I'm talking about. Good dogs :wub: but weird personalities.


    It's thundering and lightning a little north of here now, but no rain or wind at all.

  5. Oh man. What a terrible accident. :(


    Bless y'all's hearts. Good luck with your trips home. Maybe a good idea to just hang around work a little late or go someplace to kill some time rather than sit on the highway burning up ga$.


    I'm so thankful I don't have to drive in that kind of traffic to get to work anymore.


    Yes, I feel sorry for anyone and everyone who has to deal with traffic congestion any day, but today.....oh man.

  6. Number 2 would be to explain the scanner forum, and the fact that it is not illegal, and the fact that it IS optional and can be skipped completely. And the fact that we appreciate RRR's posting it here voluntarily in her free time while receiving nothing in return but the occasional thanks.


    And on that note, I'll say thanks, RRR, for taking the time and putting forth the effort to post the information here for those who wish to read it, myself included. :)


    Maybe add one of Gem Man's eloquently worded reminders of the behavior that's expected of people who participate in some of the more controversial discussions. Also, one of the more generalized explanations that's already been posted in the threads of what comprises slanderous or libelous remarks, the consequences of such remarks and how to avoid the problem altogether. These two could probably be combined into one item, I think. Or are there rules already listed someplace that I'm not aware of?


    I realize that the idea is more for topics or questions that come up frequently, but these things seem to need repeating on a regular basis lately....and putting them in a centralized location that can be easily referenced if necessary might ease the burden for both of them considerably, not to mention allow them to enjoy the site themselves without such unpleasant distractions.

  7. You should carry the card with you at all times since it has your agents number on it, and also if you will be traveling out of state


    Agent's number, policy number, insurance company, and that little paragraph on the back that says DO NOT ADMIT FAULT.

    Good answer on the out of state thing, that one slipped my mind.


    I don't think they'd write tickets for no proof if they aren't allowed to. The thing about the cards is that they are no longer accepted as evidence that you have insurance, not that you don't have to carry one. Insurance cards are just too easily reproduced, especially now that so many households have computers with scanners and printers. If it was optional, they'd leave it to you to ask for one rather than send them to you automatically, and to someone else to pay for the paper and ink used to print it (agents) if you did ask for one.

  8. QUOTE(Eternitynhevn @ Jul 26 2005, 10:28 AM)

    My belief, since you asked me directly, is that homosexuality is a sin. That God created marriage for a man and a woman to each other. That God created woman to be a helpmate for man. So, no I do not believe that they should have the same rights as a married couple. God destroyed 2 whole cities, burned them down to oblivion because of the sin (mostly sexual) found in them. If God says that it's wrong, and since I believe that God created everything, I believe that it is wrong too.


    So it's ok to deprive gays of rights based on the fact that God called homosexuality a sin. Is that what that says right there?


    Then what rights shall we deny the fornicators? The adulterers?


    There are more sins of a sexual nature than homosexuality, and I've not seen where it was singled out as the most heinous of the lot in any bible verse cited thus far. In fact, I would say that murder and rape are far more heinous acts against our fellow man, yet a person can go on a rampage tomorrow, bond out a week later, and their marital and familial rights and privileges remain intact, do they not?


    For that matter, why single out sins involving sex? Because it plays well politically and publically, and most people tend to avoid the subject as well as those it encompasses due to a lack of understanding or just plain fear, that's why.


    Those who are different or unpopular are desirable targets for bullies.


    Always have been, always will be.


    Seems to me humanity should be something all humans possess.

    Unfortunately, many times that's not the case.

  9. Chris, I'm pretty sure the way it works on the insurance is that the cards are not valid for PROOF of insurance. You have to be in the computer or have a binder from a new policy or adding a newly purchased vehicle to show the officer if the system doesn't show you have valid insurance.


    They can and do still ask for the ID cards, and you are still required to carry it, because all the computer says is valid insurance or no valid insurance. If there's an accident, the policy information shown on the card will be needed.


    They can ticket you for not carrying your insurance ID card, and obviously, they will.

  10. Yes, the car I drove when I was ticketed had tint when it was bought also, but it didn't come from the factory that way. I think they've changed it so that none of the windows (if it's a car) can be darker than the limit, which is somewhere around 35%. Mine was 20%. My fine was $65, but that was in the mid or late 90s. I think in another thread someone said it was a very expensive ticket now, but my brain is tired this late in the day and since that's where my memory lives, I could very well be wrong.


    They did offer to let me pull the tint off before court, and bring the car to show it was removed and they would drop the ticket. I didn't do it; probably wasn't the smartest decision, but I'm telling you, ROLL DOWN THE WINDOW when you are approaching a police officer. Can't tell what the tint looks like when you can't see the window. They only want to be able to see inside the car, anyway. Never had another problem after that first ticket.....but at that time, the rear windows could be darker, and I'm not sure what the law says now.


    Let me point out that I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV. Heck, I don't even follow the news regularly, so any information I offer should be double- checked for reliability.


    Condolences to the unnamed someone who got the tickets.



    What exactly do you think entitles you to lecture anyone about having respect for others? Understand what it is you're recommending....


    Privacy laws are not written to allow people to live anonymously amongst society. A little research into the reason these laws are continually written might surprise you...they are less about protecting our privacy than they are about protecting the government's right to collect information.


    There is no privacy on the side of the road. Hell, since the Patriot Act, there's really no longer such a thing as "the privacy of your own home".

  12. My cat's been sneezing a good bit lately, too. He's hardly ever done that before. He doesn't go outdoors at all, and doesn't seem to have any other symptoms of illness, just sneezing. He acts weird, but only slightly weirder than usual :mellow:

  13. People are too rushed and I'd almost be willing to bet that one in every three drivers you see doing something dangerous or downright stupid is distracted trying to do other things while they drive. Come on, it's dangerous enough on the highways when you're paying attention to what's going on around you.


    Nothing makes me any angrier or frustrates me more than to be trapped behind or almost involved in an accident with someone who is steadily chatting away on a cell phone. They can defend it all they like, those things are a MENACE to drivers everywhere. Likewise for eating, grooming, trying to interact with children in the seat behind you, smoking, reading fiddling with the radio, and other activities not related to driving an automobile. I know sometimes it becomes necessary to turn our attention momentarily to something else but it should be the exception, not the rule.


    In my opinion, these people are more dangerous than those who just lack experience or knowledge. At least they tend to approach driving with some degree of caution.

  14. Wow. What a strange coincidence, the similarities in these two instances. No, I'd say it's not just you.


    Almost leads you to think they operate this way intentionally to cause people as much trouble and grief as they possibly can. Maybe she'll forget to lock that door one day and someone will give her exactly what she deserves.


    An arrogant, ego-maniacal coward power-tripping at the water department billing office.



  15. Years ago I got a ticket for (what was assumed to be) a similar offense at the intersection of Gordon Rd and Bankhead...(that tells you how long ago it was, it isn't even called Gordon Road anymore, I believe). There was a two-way turn lane, then at the intersection it changed to the left turn lane onto Bankhead. I got over into the two-way lane to turn left at the entrance to Ga State Bank-also now defunct-this is making me feel WAY old :mellow: -- a little ways back from the intersection and the cop assumes that I'm trying to elbow over into the left turn lane early because as always, there was a long line of cars going straight through the light. Naturally, when he hit his lights, I went ahead and turned at the bank. He ticketed me anyway; I assume he didn't believe me, even though I used the ATM as I had intended as soon as he was finished writing the ticket. First time I ever got stopped like that. Freaked me out, especially considering I had done nothing wrong. I wasn't going all the way to the intersection at all, my apartment was between the bank and Fulton Industrial, back in the direction from which I had come :(


    I guess I could have fought it, but the fine wasn't significant enough to spend the time and trouble when it was my word against his, I was very young and new to that area-and too ashamed that I had gotten a ticket to mention it to anyone who might have given me some decent advice.


    Doesn't matter how many drivers break the law, it only matters who gets caught breaking it....not fair, I guess you might say, but that's the way it is.

  16. Fortunately I have a well, also. A very, very deep well. :)


    I've heard some pretty bad things about the folks at the water department, though. I know they disconnected someone's water a few months ago who had a baby that was only a couple days old, as well as a toddler, and she said she had not received a bill, nor did they even give her the courtesy of knocking on the door to let her know they were turning off the water . When she realized it was off, she got in the car, drove from Yorkville all the way down to their office, and was there AT 5:00. Even though they were still inside the office, they left her standing outside the locked door and refused to do anything until the next business day, despite the fact that she had not received a bill, was prepared to pay then and there, and she made them aware that the water was disconnected very late in the day and that she had a newborn AND a toddler at home.


    She said some not very nice things to them. I can't say that I blame her. In fact, I found it pretty amusing and felt that they totally deserved every word.


    If they're going to be stupid and incompetent, they could at least do it in a way that allows for customers to correct their screw-ups before they close at the end of the day. I don't understand the reason they wouldn't notify you and/or give you the chance to pay before they disconnected your water. Sounds more like arrogance and just plain beating their employer out of their salaries, to me.


    But I think it's ridiculous having to spend all that money just to be able to drink the water


    Thank you. I was beginning to think that the spelling of the word 'ridiculous' had been officially changed and I was the only one who didn't get the memo. ;)

  17. I can't wait either!! :D

    Amen! :D  I was just glad to see my children interested in watching something not jam-packed with the F**** word or women's breasts and chipmunks all over the screen.

    I am a big reader, always enjoyed reading. I used to read to my little ones at night, but they were never interested in curling up in their room and reading a good book. My youngest son borrowed the 1st harry Potter book and read it in a day and a half! :blink: I was amazed and tickled to death. he has since read all of them, except the newest one.  I know how very important reading is not only for education or entertainment, but it also helps my sanity sometimes ^_^ It also keeps them out from the front of the t.v. ^_^


    I grew up reading Stephen King, read most of his books. Most were pretty creepy, but I didn't have nightmares and it didn't warp my mind. :wacko:  I knew the difference between what is real and what is fantasy. :blink:  That is what you have to teach your kids these days. There are far worse things that should be kept from your children than this book :blink:


    women's breasts and chipmunks?


    I have been away from television for too long to understand the correlation. :unsure:


    Maybe that's a good thing.

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