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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. Hmmm. Deep thoughts :)

      I've often wondered about this very same thing.

    I know with some words, they just SOUND bad. You know, like the "F" word. I cringe everytime I hear that one. But someone, years and years ago, made that word up. Was it made up as a bad word? Or did it just sound bad right from the start, therefore delegating it to that list of no-no words?


      I had a friend once who wouldn't say a bad word if you stuck her feet in a fire. So, when she would get mad, she would say "FISH"!

    Hard to believe that word could ever sound like profanity, but believe me, it can  :lol:

      Good topic Happyme!




    My grandmother always felt that if a word is meant to substitute for profanity, it IS profanity. It's the attitude behind the word, I think. I agree with her view of it.


    The reason it sounds profane is because the word she isn't saying is what comes to the mind of anyone who hears her.

  2. I blame the American Advertisers for the demise of the middle class because all you see on T.V and hear on radio is you aren't worth a flip if you don't have all these things and there are several generations of people who have grown up believing them!


    Shouldn't the blame in that situation lie squarely with the poor 'victims' of these advertisers who display no self-control and who, with every purchase, are telling them their strategy works wonderfully? As long as people buy things just because they see them advertised, those buying the ads are going to continue to do so. How stupid would they be if they didn't?


    Herd mentality....it's everywhere you go these days. Gotta have, do or try to be what everyone else has, does or is. You'd be surprised what you can live without once you decide to just be yourself and turn off the tv. I stay way behind on whatever's trendy or fashionable, but if I don't know it's there, that means I'm not looking for it, which must mean I don't need it. If I do need something, I know how to go about finding it. ;)

  3. She has no plans to pay for what I am gathering......I almost feel like I should go by and pay....I used to waitress and HATED being stiffed......


    I understand your feelings about it but why would you do that? You didn't take the food, or promise to pay. If she doesn't pay, hopefully they'll remember her when she goes back the next time. Not smart, pi$$ing off the people who prepare your food :unsure:


    Besides, someone who wouldn't keep their word in that situation probably isn't gracious enough to appreciate such a gesture, if she found out somehow that you did pay, and if she would do that, why would she not take advantage of your generosity whenever the opportunity arose in the future?


    Sorry, I shouldn't say things like that about someone I don't know but she does owe for the food. Life is inconvenient sometimes, that doesn't entitle us to steal. She could have always left and gone somewhere else.....or taught her child a different lesson: that sometimes we just can't have what we want due to circumstances beyond our control.


    It's McDonalds. They'll get over it.


    Two wrongs don't make a right.

  4. That's how my week's been going...day late, dollar short.


    HA! I hold the lifetime 'achievement' award in that category...


    ...nice to have some company, even if it is only for a week.



    I do not place "celebrity" in a position of over importance.
    Me either. I don't get why people are so fascinated by it, or the reason for all the hype.


    QUOTE]Raise you hand if you really care what a celebrity thinks anyway.....



    The ones making headlines today don't strike me as people who could be accused of doing much thinking at all, honestly.

  5. What is up with this recent proliferation of brown recluse bites? I never heard of so many people being bitten by these things in my life!


    Do you think they're plotting an uprising or something? :blink:

  6. If the Teacher's parked across the street in the Publix Shopping Center parking area and then walked over to the school, wouldn't that free up black top space for the car line


    So would putting kids on school buses who don't have a compelling reason not to ride. To me, it seems safer for everyone involved in the long run.


    Somehow I don't think the merchants at the shopping center would be agreeable to this arrangement......

  7. According to a special report released by the CDC in 2000, during the time span of 12 years, 30% of the people killed by dogs, were killed by pit bulls, and most were children.



    Wow. Incomplete information. And from the CDC no less. Sadly, people rely on this kind of statistical bullcrap to make important decisions and form sweeping judgements about all sorts of people, places and things every single day.


    To know what that statement represents, you need to know: Which 12 years are we referring to? How many people were killed during those 12 years? What

    breed(s) were responsible for the other 70% of the killing? To me, that's a more important question....which dogs are responsible for the other TWO-THIRDS? I would venture to say that children are less likely to survive a dog attack, making that last sentence redundant; nothing more than a play on the emotions and a further attempt to influence public opinion rather than inform.


    If you don't know the value of the whole, information presented in this manner is unreliable and misleading. 30% of 3 is <1. Oops. Not quite as ominous when you put it that way....


    If you want some useful information pertaining to the prevention of dog attacks against young children, you'd be better off to read today's Dear Abby column in the newspaper. :wacko:


    The size of a dog has no bearing on it's tendency toward aggression or its temperament. That's human logic.

  8. What is the point of discussing an issue that everyone already shares an opinion on?


    Sounds more like cheerleading to me.... :blink:


    Of course, I tend to fall into the 'invisible/fussed at' group, but it's worked in real life for a number of years, so I figure why not? :lol:


    edited to add: Maybe those who aren't posting simply don't have anything to say about the current topics of discussion?

  9. No, what I understood you to say based on what you typed was this: 'If you aren't trying to stir the pot with these questions, then any number of us Christians will be glad to help in any way possible.' Hence, my reply. I said it was AKIN to the attitude that sinners don't belong in church. I wasn't attributing that part of it to you at all. I was simply saying that to pass up an opportunity to be a witness for Christ by questioning Arcaidy's reasons for seeking information is as unproductive as making an unsaved person feel unwelcome in church. Maybe I was unclear in my wording? If so, I apologize.

  10. Maybe after his initial grief passes, he will come to see that he was spared the pain of having to have the dog put down at the vet's. This is one kindness that nature affords us with regard to our pets, giving them this instinct.


    I am sorry for his loss; it does hurt. Very much.

  11. Maybe it started out that way, but it got him to searching and studying the

    Bible, and that is what's important.




    I noticed Arcaidy was being criticized and his motives questioned within the first half dozen or so posts. I didn't really see where that was justified, but I can see where it would have put him on the defensive and changed the tone of his posts.


    A negative response here, whether (seemingly) justified or not, wasn't only seen by Arcaidy, it was seen by everyone who read this thread, both Christians and non-Christians alike. Sort of sad that his questions would be considered badgering. I was taught that any opportunity to talk with a non-believer was an opportunity to witness for Christ, if approached in the right spirit, and that when people take notice of the life a Christian leads, it will be the one word or act that they deem un-Christian-like that will stick in their mind. There are times when the most constructive thing we can say is nothing at all.


    Prove me wrong Arcaidy (and I truly hope I am) and any of the Christians on this board will be more than happy to help you search the scriptures for any answers you seek.


    This statement is akin to the attitude that sinners don't belong in church. Both are a disservice to God, not to mention a display of uncertainty in His power to change a person's heart.


    By the way, you can only be baited to the degree that you allow it.

  12. This is why in these forums i say little and if I do it is somewhat nuetral. When it come to religous dicussion they are beliefs that are deeply seeded. My redneck Dad(in NY we were called hicks) had a saying, you may as well piss into the fan then argue with them. My ex is Jewish and her sister used to always tell us we could not raise the kids Catholic and Jewish as the religion follows the mother. I would simply say that is a belief and let it go at that. Here is a women who is highly educated, breezed through her bach,. and masters with honors yet her beliefs were so strong she could not seperate it from being a belief.


    I belive strongly in Christianity but love to learn the traditions of other relgions and respect them. Over time I have come to the conclusion that all these religions is God's challenge for us all to get along and love evryone as his son did. If your religion does not belive he is the son then chance are he was a prophet in your religion sent by God so to me we should all consider his love of everyone and rethink everday asking did I treat others as i would wish to be treated regardles of race, creed, religion or lack there of.


    Now THAT is a good answer.


    The one truth (and fact, for that matter) that cannot be argued in all this discussion of various religions/beliefs is that the world would be a much better place if we were less self-centered, more tolerant and treated others with kindness and respect. Maybe that should be the starting place for everyone, regardless of what religion we choose to practice (or not, as the case may be)?

  13. I think Charles Butler is the man who lived on West Memorial Drive across from the Dixie Cleaners & Gro Mart you were talking about. Didn't know he was in the nursing home, though.


    J Robert, to my knowledge, is still around, but it's been awhile since I saw him in town. Used to see him several times a week, don't see him nearly as often anymore.


    The lady you were asking about is still around, too. I usually see her at least once a week walking home from the store with a couple bags of groceries when I'm on my way to work. She's probably used to walking to get where she needs to go around town, people who have lived here in town much of their lives have done it for so long they think nothing of it.


    Recently, I was going to ask about the Baxter guy who used to walk all over the county hitchhiking because it had been a long time since I had seen him, but it was just a day or so later I saw him somewhere. I figure he has to have walked this entire county more than a few times, because to my knowledge he's been walking like that for well over 25 years.


    I've often wondered how often people actually stopped and gave him a ride.

  14. Is that the case for a vehicle that's disabled in the roadway? My timing belt broke several years ago, and I can tell you that once that happens, the car is not going any further under it's own power. It was still in the lane of traffic, in front of the junkyard on Bobo Rd, and I had to practically walk out in front of a deputy sheriff's car to get him to stop and help me push it out of the road so it wasn't a hazard to other vehicles.

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