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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. I paid $3.39 a gallon for regular gas at the store that is on the corner of Charles Hardy Parkway and 92.  I can't remember the name of the store.  It is across the street from that used car lot and of course their receipt machine didn't work.  They didn't want us to have any proof of the purchase in case we did try to come back after them for price gouging!


    You guys, take your video cameras to that store.  I am sure they have upped it even more since then.  That was around 6pm.


    I certainly can't afford to keep paying those kind of prices.

    What are we going to do next week when no one has gas to get to work? 

    Geez!  When will the madness stop?!?   :angry2:


    As busy as these stations have been today, it's possible it simply ran out of paper. You can go inside and request a receipt. Some machines tell you to do just that, if a receipt doesn't print.


    At 8:00 p.m., I drove past several stations still selling gas for under $3/gallon. Not the case after the lines started to form.......unpleasant, but true: They can only do to you what you allow.


    Just goes to show that word-of-mouth continues to be the most effective form of advertising. Cheapest, too.


    Reckon it always will be.


    Not edited after all.

  2. No doubt there is some serious price gouging going on. Why would anyone pay that when there are still places that are selling gas for under $3.00?


    I'm paying close attention to businesses that seem to be exploiting this tragedy and its after-effects and have no intention of buying gas or anything else from any of them once things return to normal-whatever that is- :wacko:

  3. FLEAS!!!


    Would you like to get rid of them and not harm everyone else in your home??? I know the key!!!  MULE TEAM BORAX!


    Yep, that's right.  If you've got carpet, go buy the Borax, and sprinkle it all over the place, and leave it over-night.  Just wear socks to walk on it. It won't hurt you, or your belongings.... Then, vacuum it all up. If you have a bag vacuum --- throw out the bag. If you have a canister, then empty it immediately and get rid of the garbage bag.


    Borax will literally dry up any flea eggs, and also the fleas themselves. It works like a dehydrator.

    So there you go, you heard about using a soap-product to kill fleas from SoapMom!!!


    Stuff works pretty well in the laundry, too. :p

  4. NO! This will bring their enviroment into YOUR home, and your children do not need the added stress. Having a new baby to adjust to is enough. You did the right thing by suggesting counseling and telling them you don't need to be envolved. You are still vulnerable right now, with emotions and even physcially. Don't give yourself a setback.


    I'm sorry that this family is dealing with this poorly. Counseling seems to be the best way for them to go... :(


    Yes, I think they have problems that require the help of a professional. I wouldn't get involved, either, much less bring it into my own home. I doubt there's much that can take place over the period of a weekend that would put an end to their troubles.


    How old is the boy in question, anyway? Or was his age given and I simply overlooked it?

  5. Maggots serve a great purpose in eating away dead flesh...They are great! I should know..I had to eat a bunch of them druing E & E training, nuthin but protein.


    OMG. Definitely running amok again.


    I think that goes a little above and beyond the call of duty, yes?


    The maggots, I could probably handle (as a medical treatment, not a meal), but leeches? Not too sure on that. Wouldn't a large needle accomplish the same thing?

  6. I don't think it's difficult at all to understand, taken bit by bit. It's when you try to tie it all together that it becomes a bit confusing and/or seems to contradict itself. That's how it is for me, anyway. Problem with taking it bit by bit is the loss of context in many instances....so if you can't really consider it a collection of different works and you also can't really grasp it as a whole, what do you do? Bible study classes didn't solve the problem either, because I don't want someone else to tell me what it says. I can read. I want to understand it myself, as it relates to my life. Guess that sounds sort of stubborn, but I've resigned myself to the fact that it won't work any other way for me.


    Just my thoughts on the matter, I'm certainly not trying to speak for anyone else.


    For me it's John 10:1-18. :)

  7. well said and I agree...no sense in tearing down or attacking someone. Nothing is gained and too much is lost...


    Exactly my point.

    By the way, Soapmom, I wasn't so much trying to be all-inclusive with my use of 'we' as I was acknowledging that I'm as guilty as anyone of inappropriate comments in some of these threads. Sorry if I came across as implying that everyone enjoys arguing constantly. The difference between those who do and those who are open-minded and take a geniune interest in others is apparent. Or at least it is to me.

  8. Check out my message to the masses. This is what I live by, and the above mentioned, Live and Let Live!





    Perhaps if people were more secure and satisfied with themselves emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually, they would be less inclined to depend on possessions to define who they are as a person.


    I really like that ^^^and I wholeheartedly agree.

  9. 1) Gardening - this was the first year in the past 10 that I've not had a vegetable garden :( (and working in the yard in most any capacity)


    2) Music-practically anything to do with music, I love.


    3) Dogs and cats! Absolutely love 'em---especially my own :wub: I also enjoy other animals, but I'm especially partial to dogs and cats.

    4) Reading


    5) Calligraphy & piano I mess around with some, but wouldn't be considered good at either by any stretch of the imagination.

  10. I think that's ridiculous. I think people need to act like adults and grown-ups, and need to realize that we're all human beings first, and then whatever other label next
    I am interested in what others believe, and why they believe that. I am interested in learning from ALL of you about your faiths, etc.


    .... and it all leaves me sad. That is the emotion I'm left with. Sadness.



    I truly don't know what the answer is. I truly don't. It all seems bleak no matter what course is taken.




    Thoughtful and intelligent post, Soapmom.


    I couldn't agree more.

  11. Shoot, I love my wireless keyboard & mouse, batteries or no batteries. I did have a problem with the mouse not responding at first, but that seems to have corrected itself.


    That is neat, though, one that charges off the USB port.

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