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Everything posted by raidernationdad

  1. My mother always said "I love you" to me and my sister. I say it to my children all the time ... even my teenagers. My oldest son will say it to me regardless of who is around, when he's getting off the phone, or leaving to go somewhere or just randomly in a text. He just doesn't care who hears him! However, my youngest son (16 yrs old) tells me all the time in text, but very rarely says it to me when others are around (outside of the family). LOL My husband's mother rarely said I love you and rarely showed affection for that matter. My husband doesn't understand my extremely go
  2. most yoga pants are spandex ... I think that's what he's talking about? I agree the statement that the clothing that is geared towards that. My 4 year old is in a size 6/7 ... and I have the hardest time finding shorts that are not booty shorts for her and shirts that are just as bad. For whatever reason, clothing designer's must think it's cute to dress little girls in that type of clothing ... but we do not! There are very few retailers that still offer LITTLE GIRL CLOTHING. OH ... and bathing suits! WHO PUTS THEIR 4 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IN A STRING BIKINI????? My husband and
  3. LMBO ... I soooooo wish I was there to witness that. I think I literally would have laughed out loud at her. I mean seriously laughed my head off -- which probably would have pissed her off more. LOL And what exactly did she think a Walmart employee was going to do? Did she think they were going to come to you and tell you to share? Um .... hello .... the world doesn't work like Pre-school dear! WOW ... can you imagine a Walmart employee coming to you and saying, "Excuse me ma'am, but it seems as though you are not sharing the $1.00 deals and this customer would like 1/2 of wha
  4. This is such an awesome story! An amazing example pure humanity at it's finest!!! I will be purchasing Rangers gear and wearing it proudly after seeing this!!!!!
  5. Yep! LOL. And Ben Paris was interviewed about Ragsdale installing their commercial vehicles with it!! Very cool.
  6. Oh no! I love Stabler! LOL. Although, I must admit... it took me a long time to get used to seeing him on that show when it first started because he was a TOTALLY different character on the HBO show OZ. But without Stabler & Olivia ... it's not gonna be nearly as good. Looks like lots of re-runs on TNT for me!!!
  7. We are season ticket holders for several years now to White Water. As far as the food, I pack a cooler and go to the car to eat ... then go back in for more fun. Also keep in mind that if you are a season ticket holder, you don't feel pressured to stay ALL DAY to get your money's worth like you would if you went for the day.
  8. My daughter was 14 weeks old. A lot of pediatricians do this - which is where I got mine pierced when I was a child. My daughter's pedi doesn't do it. I went to the Mall and asked for the manager at Claire's to do it. Never had a single problem at all.
  9. Do they sell kids clothing -- as in size 6 or 7 little girls? Sounds very cool! Gotta check it out!
  10. I agree that football is why my kids enjoy school -- but I have to say that Sports are also the reason my kids have always passed their classes/test. Extracurriculars are GREAT motivators -- if we stick to it. My kids knew from 1st grade that if they brought home anything lower than a B on their report cards .... no sports -- at all! But because I set that standard at a very young age -- that was the "norm" for them. I will have 2 seniors and junior next year ... and thankfully my rising seniors have passed their graduation tests already -- and have scored high enough on their SATs to
  11. We just stayed at Laketown Wharf and it was really nice. The staff was very pleasant and the condo's were gorgeous!
  12. I'm still at a total loss on why he would think that ordering a freeze on the gas tax is not a good idea. I understand there is a budget -- but seriously? Apparently, the DOT construction is much more important. Yes, let's continue to repave our roads instead of putting more money into our public transit system (or lack thereof) -- I mean, we are only the 6th largest city in the US, right? okay, sorry for the hijack --- I'll get off my soapbox now.
  13. That's funny cause my Nana taught it to me years ago too!! Much cheaper than any store bought cleaner and in my opinion it works much better! I keep a spray bottle with the mixture in the house as well ... it's GREAT for spot cleaning in between the major cleanings. I actually use vinegar to clean lots of stuff in my house -- washing machine, dish washer, coffee pot ... you name it! LOL
  14. I use 1/2 and 1/2. The first time I used this on my floors, I had to go back around and do my baseboards .... then the walls weren't clean enough. LOL. It really works well! My husband didn't think it would work, but now he recommends it to others.
  15. I got a shark too, but it leaves streaks .... any secrets you wanna share?
  16. vinegar & water works the best. Windex works wonders too!!
  17. only if we do it at 12:45 a.m. squealing like school girls and walking with aluminum shoes on!!!
  18. What in the world would make someone think it is okay to have your children outside sledding at midnight. I'm all about -- it's your house, you do what you want... but to hear SHRILLS of screaming by two teenage girls at 12:45 a.m. right outside your bedroom window is a bit ridiculous. When I heard it at 9:30 p.m., I just giggled and thought they were having a great time ... by 11:00 I was starting to get annoyed but was able to fall asleep! However, being woken up at 12:45 from full on SCREAMS of laughter I was pretty darn upset to say the least. My husband was actually getting dressed to
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