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Everything posted by raidernationdad

  1. It was a GREAT game and I have very close friends with kids at North. Congrats to the North players! They played a hellava game! I definitely got my money's worth last night and I thank both sides for that! However, kids from both sides were talking A LOT OF JUNK. The game was PACKED and the North kids were just as rowdy as the EP kids (if not more so). As a matter of fact, there were North parents and North kids sitting in front of me, behind me and right next to me -- on the East side -- purposely screaming in my ear and being very obnoxious! Amazing how none of that is mentioned
  2. Seriously??? Isn't the Red Mustang driven by a young kid????????
  3. I'm not sure if other residents hear this but EVERY night between the hours of about 2:00 a.m. and about 4:30 a.m. .... a car (or two) FLIES down the street doing at least 70+ MPH. They are going so fast that it literally wakes me up. I have no idea who this is, but it's getting really old REALLY quick. I try to look to see what type of car it is, but it's always going to dang fast that I can't see a thing. I'm really tempted to stay up intentionally just to see what kind of car it is. I have not slept through the night in over a month .... NOT happy bout that!!!!
  4. oooohhhh.... I need to pick up my rally towels.. and if you still have the earrings, pony tail ribbon holder, ear warmer thing and cinch bag..... hopefully i'm not too late. I can come by today after work, if that's okay?
  5. I definitely want 4 Raiders towels! Let me know if you need payment prior to ordering! Very Cool! Thank you!
  6. for the love ... yes, my friend called 911 immediately (and gave her name, number, and address) and stopped to ask the person that was already stopped with their hazards on if they needed help.
  7. my experience: I woke up to go to work. I had a really bad stomach ache, but thought it was from the Mexican food I ate the night before. The pain started right under my belly button. It felt like a really bad "catch" in your side -- times 10. I got up and still got ready for work. Once I got to work, the pain was worse, but it had moved down to my lower right abdomen. It hurt to bend over and tie my shoe, to sit in my car, to do anything. Once I got to work, the violent vomiting started. I stayed at work for about 2 hours, then decided I needed to go to ER. They did emergency surgery
  8. Agreed! Thankfully my boys don't have that and it's a joke to them.... but I think it would be totally different if it were my 3 year old daughter -- or me!
  9. I took my two teenagers to get physicals yesterday (to their primary care physician) for football. Everything goes fine .... then the doctor starts to chuckle and tells my oldest that according to the charts they have to use, he is obese. SERIOUSLY???? For those of you that do not know my son, he doesn't have an ounce of fat on his body. He plays 3 sports and he is seriously cut like a grown man. I actually just downloaded some pictures from track and was in utter shock at some of the pictures. LOL. His PCP showed me my son's medical chart (which is a form) and it literally says (un
  10. Does anyone know what happened last night just after midnight at Reece Road and East Paulding Drive. A friend of mine was driving home from work and there was a car pulled over on the side of the road at Reece Road and East Paulding ... and there was a body laying on the side of the road. I live right there at Sunset Peak and wanted to see if anyone heard anything on the scanner. I'm hoping everything is okay.
  11. Sorry guys -- one more questions. Does anyone know of a business that will allow me to have a car wash at their establishment on a Saturday or Sunday? I have already asked Stars ... (not sure if I can post the full name?) and they aren't allowing any this year. Just wondering if anyone knows of another business that would allow it. Thanks so much for all of your suggestions!
  12. WOW... that's a GREAT car wash! I will definitely call on that. Thank you!
  13. Thanks so much. The team I joined is great about the training walks. We do hills (that almost kill me) and once a month we walk Kennesaw Mountain 4 times. I'm actually going to put up boxes today, but like you said, I'm afraid I won't do very well with that. I sent out tons of letters, but haven't had the best feed back from those yet. I guess I'm just freaking out a bit. LOL Thanks again for your suggestions. If you decide to walk again, we have a great team you can join. They are a wonderful group of ladies.
  14. I signed up to do the Susan G. Komen 3 Day For the Cure. I will walk 60 miles in 3 days --- from Lake Lanier to Atlantic Station. Wasn't really sure what I signed up for ... but I'm totally sure now! LOL. I walked 9 miles on Saturday and 7 miles on Sunday as part of my "training". We walk every Saturday to get used to it .... and let me tell ya ... It's MUCH harder than I thought it would be. A very dear friend passed away in February from breast cancer and we had discussed doing the walk together for the past 3 years but we never really got our act together to do so. So ... at h
  15. Dr. Daniel Saade. Hands down the best pediatrician my kids have ever been to. He is behind the Dairy Queen by the Avenues. It's a WellStar building. 678-587-5690.
  16. follow the lovely green fumes trailing in the air --- that's what I did. UGH.... How can something that cute ... STINK THAT BAD???????????? Holy Cow .... I had to roll the windows down and hang my head out the window on the way home. My youngest was RIPE last night. WOW!
  17. yep, the same burglars used to visit my house regularly. They visited so regularly that it made the cook, the maid and the banker quit without giving notice!!! Can you imagine????
  18. Get a large brown paper bag from grocery store. put a nice coat of butter on the entire inside of the bag (top, botton, ends, sides, etc). Stuff and season the turkey and place inside the bag. Fold the end of the bag several times and seal (I use new bobby pins cause they are cheap). Bake in oven at 350 -- 10 minutes per pound. Or bake at 325 for 15 minutes per pound. If it's 20 pounds or over, then I usually take off about 30 minutes or so. Take the bag off immediately after cooking and let it stand for about 20 minutes before cutting. Then I drain the drippings int
  19. I do!! My mother taught me! It's the BEST and easiest way to cook a turkey. No basting -- nothing. My turkeys are never dry and they always come out evenly browned and scrumptious!!!!
  20. According to the sister, Marlow has internal bleeding and he may not make it through the night. Marlow is not conscious -- so I guess that's why no suspects, no arrests. Very sad. He graduated from EPHS. Very sad indeed.
  21. My kids tell me the same thing. I have a freshman and sophomore -- both boys -- and I'm told constantly that we are "too strict". Here we go: bedtime no later than 9:30 on school nights -- at least in their room "relaxing" by 9:30... yes, I know -- they do not fall asleep most nights by then. curfew -- really depends on where they are going and what they are doing. Majority of the time, they are home NO LATER than 11:00 - 11:30. cell phones -- AWWWW..... this is the source of a lot of arguments.... on school nights their cell phones come into my room when I go to
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