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Everything posted by raidernationdad

  1. Some of you may have seen this from my FB post: Backbround: I have 3 children. One of my oldest's friends and teammates didn't have anywhere else to live, so he moved in with us back in November 2010. Tay is part of our family and we love him dearly, but he is not related to us at all. My four year old daughter brought Andrej and Tay's Senior pictures to school for show and tell: She held up Andrej's picture and said, "This is my brother Andrej, he is my Mommy and my Daddy's son." Then held up Tay's picture and said, "This is my brother Tay, and he is only my Daddy's son."
  2. Okay .... don't laugh at us! LOL You know, we have 3 teenagers (16, 17 and 18) .... they all play football, run track and one plays basketball too. The "rule" is that they are not allowed to text or talk on the phone after 9:30 on school nights. They are allowed to keep their phone with them for now ... but once my husband check's their usage online and see's that they have not followed that rule ... the rule then becomes "put your phone on the charger in the kitchen" at 9:30. Yes, I agree that's really early for juniors and seniors in high school, but my kids get up at 7:30(i
  3. I know it's a major pain for you ... but I know for a fact that all the insurance companies are cracking down on making sure someone is truly your dependent. I work in the HR dept of our firm and we have received several letters from our insurance companies stating the same things. We actually have a child living with us that is not our legal child, but that we SOLELY support ... and we cannot get insurance for him at all because of the crack down. -- but I CAN claim him on my taxes! Sorry!
  4. ha ha ha ... we must have been typing at the time!
  5. I apologize in advance for the BOOK..... I was told the same thing by my son's K teacher. I didn't see any problems at home or elsewhere either -- other than normal boy behavior. He had the exact same symptoms. I was told he was "very" fidgety, wouldn't sit still, couldn't "focus" for very long, couldn't remember to raise his hand, etc. I met with his ped at the time and was told that yes, he was "borderline" add/adhd. I refused to put him on medication. This did not sit well with many people, including his teacher. I didn't care -- he was not a problem child and it wasn't
  6. Praying for you and your family today. Even in his last days, he was an inspiration and positive influence to my son. Lorenz was heart broken last night when he got the call. May God wrap his arms around you and your family and give you strength and comfort to get you all through this. Slim touched more lives than he knew, our family included ... he will be deeply missed. He may not be here physically, but I know in my heart that he will be watching you all forever!
  7. praying for you and Slim. Sending love, hugs and prayers to you always! We are here if you need anything! hugs
  8. I understand this statement if used when talking to our teenage kids ... but realistically, if you wait until you are "financially ready" to have children, that time will never come.
  9. AMEN!!! I'd MUCH rather see a woman getting "government handouts" while she is home taking care of her newborn than someone who is perfectly capable of working! She's not saying she is staying home forever .... just while on maternity leave!
  10. Wow ... she came on here asking for help/advice.... chill out for a minute. If you don't have any helpful advice, just move on. Yes it was her "choice" or "fault" she was pregnant but seriously???? I know it is very scary to think of yourself staying home with a newborn and not getting income. But it's much easier than it sounds when you are pregnant to become thrifty -- especially if this is your first child. Over paying your utilities right now to build up an overage is a great idea. Shop consignment stores and yard sales and start stashing as much money as you can. Every little bit
  11. Yep, as long as they weren't open, Walmart was AWESOME at letting me exchange them for a different size!
  12. I'm not sure when you are due, but I didn't get paid maternity leave with my kids either. So, from the time I found out I was pregnant, I started saving money. I also bought a jumbo pack of diapers and 2 packs of baby wipes with every check the entire time I was pregnant. So between that and my baby shower, I never had to buy diapers until she was in Pull Ups. You can't get unemployment, because you are still employed. You "might" qualify for food stamps and WIC since you are not getting an income for those 3 months. It would definitely be worth a phone call.
  13. No, I did see that post though. Our incident happened in a different area and she doesn't drive a gold car .... thankfully.
  14. The victim was my neighbor. She has my contact information and gave it to the officers. Awesome!!! Definitely not naughty!!! Love it!
  15. A neighbor and I sometimes leave for work around the same time. We both work near Perimeter Mall so we usually travel the same route. This morning, she was about 3 cars in front of me and we were actually talking to each other on the phone at the time. We were on East West Connector just passed Macedonia. She put her left signal on and changed lanes. There was more than enough room for her to get over, but apparently the man in the yellow Jeep Wrangler did like that she got in front of him. He rode her bumper from Powder Springs Road to Highland Ridge -- riding literally 2 inches from he
  16. He smells like what I would imagine syphilis smells like. shop-girl: Honestly, I dont want to have to touch it to put it back on the shelf Did you read the one about the Generic Roofies? ... or the whispered conversation between her and Victor during the previews of a movie? LOL. She really is hysterical!
  17. I can soooooo imagine these conversations with Victor .... "Just stop talking" HA HA HA .... Victor has to be constantly entertained! LOL She is hilarious!
  18. I sent this story to the girls at work too .... and they are seriously trying to figure out how to get a chicken like that to put in random offices here .... I work in an "uppity" law firm in Atlanta where most of the male attorneys are very .... how shall I say .... "superior" feeling. Gotta find me a nanny cam somewhere! Thank you!!! I'm going to read the GPS one now.
  19. saw this on a blog just now and it's hysterical. I could SOOO see myself doing it to my hubby! LOL And that’s why you should learn to pick your battles. This morning I had a fight with Victor about towels. I can’t tell you the details because it wasn’t interesting enough to document at the time, but it was basically me telling Victor I needed to buy new bath towels, and Victor insisting that I NOT buy towels because I “just bought new towels“. Then I pointed out that the last towels I’d bought were hot pink beach towels, and he was all “EXACTLY” and then I hit my head against th
  20. AMEN!!! He wants to be a pediatrician (for now atleast LOL) ... and when we met with the coaches, they really stressed education first -- and they aren't willing to cut the athletes any slack on getting accepted. All students -- athletes or not -- must have a certain GPA and SAT score to be accepted. That really impressed me! The campus is GORGEOUS and I love that once you are on campus, you really don't "need" to leave. (yes, I know ... they will go out to clubs, etc) LOL. Thanks to all the congrats!!!! We are very excited for this new chapter for him!!!!
  21. I'm so sorry! We will keep you all in our prayers! hugs
  22. yep....in the Boneyard! We still get to keep him for one more year Actually 2 more years .... next year will be a struggle to figure out. Friday nights in the Boneyard and Saturdays following the other one. LOL. I'm definitely not complaining though!!! Thank you!!!
  23. Furman University offered my son a full ride (for football) earlier this year .... and last night, he verbally committed to them!!! We visited the campus in early June and we all loved it!!! We are so very excited for him! He has worked his tail off (on and off the field) since Freshman year for this!!! So it looks like we will be buying lots of purple! YAY!!!! YAY!!!!
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