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Posts posted by HisBride

  1. It can be pretty much a crap-shoot either way....... vacc or no-vacc.

    That is pretty much the truth. Let's face it if we could know 100% what the out come of each vaccination would be we wouldn't be having this discussion. There is no way to know how each person will react to the compounds and even combination of them when several are administered at one time.

    I know that I was vaccinated and have no known reactions but I have chosen not to vaccinate. For me not having a problems stemming from vaccinations doesn't equate with safe. When I process that there is no safe level of amount formaldehyde which is used as a tissue fxative or mercury used as a preservative (and there is still a few shots out there that contain mercury) I can't reason that it is OK to inject that into their bodies. There are things like aluminium which has been linked to Alzheimer's Disease. Traces of this is not toxic but in vaccinations the level is much higher. Other toxins are methanol, Phenol, Antifreeze (in the polio vaccine) Borax, MSG and many more. Then there is the animal organ tissue from animals such as monkey, cow, horse, pig, rabbit, guinea pig and more which are used to cultivate the viruses.

    Many people are allergic to latex and a possible link could be the latex in the vaccine Hep B.

    I say do your research and make an informed decision and if your child is OK with or without the shots and even if they are not - you know you did the best that you could.

  2. My daughter got them in the beginning when I didn't know any better and my middle son got some but my youngest has never had a vaccine. We get harrassed about it but any time it comes up we sign the waver. Even if your church as a school you can still say it is for religious reasons. Your church doesn't govern everything you believe I am sure so this is no different.

    BTW, if anyone gets the chicken pox please let me know. I would rather my children get it now when they are young than as adults. BTW, I remember having the chicken pox and either I gave it so my sister or she gave it to me. I like to think I'm a sharer and I gave it to her ;) . Yes it was not fun and I have a like scar or two but it sure beats complications from the vaccine.

  3. I appreciate everyone sharing their personal experiances.. It doesn't look any better or any worse except that the swelling has gone down some. The center where the bite is looks kinda yellowish and kinda sunk in but it is very very small. The area around that is white and then it gets red and steaky all the way around it. The purplish bluish brusing is gone. He still hasn't any other symptoms and it hasn't been itchy. I did set a bag of peas and carrots on it yesterday which he said made it feel better.

    Thanks again

  4. Well I don 't know what happened to the picture. I loaded it from Kodak.

    He says it doesn't really bother him too much. He is not having any other symptoms besides the swelling. It does itch some and I have applied Benedryl. The swelling feels hard not soft like with other swellings I have experianced. Is it possible to have a Brown Recluse bit and not get all those symptoms?927952578206_0_ALB.jpg

    well I tried again to put a picture in but it is not showing. Am I being blocked from doing so?

  5. I have never been bit by a spider so I don't know if this is what it looks like or not. I Googled spider bites and got pictures of brown recluse which was repulsive. It does not have a raised center like a pimple when you get bit by an ant. There is no stinger. So what do you think??It looks worse in person. 927952578206_0_ALB.jpg

  6. You and I are living the same life! I don't have any relatives to help out either. All of my family is on the west coast and hubby's mom is unable to assist. And like you, I dont leave my kids with anyone! So this is just the way its got to be for at least 10 more years...

    We don't go on vacation or dates without the kiddos. My parents live in NJ and I don't trust my inlaws to watch them. It is a sore spot in our family because my husband spent a lot of time at his grandma's house growing up. He also lived close to her and she could handle just him. I have 3 and they are a handful and the inlaws live 2 hours away. We don't do the babysitter thing becuse if we did we would be paying to sit it in the drive way.

    We make time after the kids go to bed. Watch a movie from the Kroger $1 thing and pop some popcorn. It will have to do til they children get old enough where we can leave them at home for a few hours.

  7. I have canned for years and I also have a glass/ceramic top stove. Check all pots before you buy them and make sure the are flat on the bottom. Some pots have raised centers in which case you won't get direct heat. I have a canner but have often used large stock pots. You just need to make sure you lay down a wash cloth or some such on te bottom of the pot so that there is some protection for the jars from the direct heat. The canner is fine since it has that insert on the bottom. You also want to consider that the pot be tall enough that your largest jars wil be covered with at least 1 inch of water.

    Big Lots and Fred's have lots of canning supplies. You don't have to have a rack. I personally use tongs that have a rubber coating to get a good grip. to lift my jars.

    Please be careful! I do not recommend hot water bathing salsas and tomato products. You will read alot of short cuts if you do searches online. Some folks that do it the old way which isn't the known safe way today like turning jars usside down to seal instead of hot water bathing.

    PM me if you have any questions.

  8. My husband loves Pataks. He usually gets pastrami and I have to agree it's great stuff. I never heard him mention about htme being unfriendly. He asked them all kinds of questions about preservatives and stuff for me because we avoid sodium nitrate as much as possible.

    Now my mouth is watering.

  9. This is an annoynace of mine as well. When I take my child to a birthday party we don't expect anything but usually end up with a "goodie" bag of a concoction of dollar store toys and a bunch of candy. We don't do birthday parties except for certain birthdays (5, 10, 13, 16, 18) so far it has been the 5 year birthday that I felt suckered into doing the goodie bag. I think I did good stuff though, stuff I wouldn't mind my kiddos bringing home. It costs alot of money to do those bags.

  10. Filed and recieved both returns already. Paid off a cc and part of another bill. A chunk is going toward homeschool supplies. We used to get huge returns and we would use it to go on a vacation and do something big needed on the house. We adjusted our witholdings so now we don't get so much which is kind of a bummer. But I would rather have our money rather than giving Uncle Sam and interest free loan ya know!

  11. Hubby has never heard of Youtube.com :huh: I have seen some funny stuff but I don't know what to look up to show him. Post your favs but please keep it clean.


    Edited because the above statement is incorrect. I thought he said he never heard of YouTube. I heard him incorrectly because apparently he actually he said he had never been to the site. Firewalls at work prevent him plus he shouldn't be viewing those materials during company time eh-hem anyway... I wanted to correct my post just incase a certain person is to come across it and think they caught me in a lie! ;) I love you baby!


    PS I have stopped checking these out after several were pretty crude. My kids where in ear-shot and I could not close the window fast enough!

  12. My boys meet there too. I don't think you will find a nicer group of Boy Scout leaders who are very knowledgable and are very represenative of what a Boy Scout is. Boys are a wonderful bunch from what I have seen. They have really done a lot to show support to the Cubs Scouts.

    I believe another Boy Scout Troop has joined with the WRC charter but they may not have changed their numbers officially.

  13. 1 lb lean ground beef

    1 lb ground turkey

    1 pkg. (6 oz.) STOVE TOP Stuffing Mix for Chicken (savory mushroom is great too)

    1 cup water

    2 eggs, beaten

    1/2 cup KRAFT Original Barbecue Sauce, divided


    PREHEAT oven to 375°F. Mix all ingredients except 1/4 cup of the barbecue sauce.

    SHAPE meat mixture into oval loaf in 13x9-inch baking dish; top with remaining 1/4 cup barbecue sauce.

    BAKE 1 hour 15 min. or until cooked through (160ºF).


    Meatloaf was always good but now it is great! We use leftovers sometimes for the meat for spaghetti but man those meatloaf sammies are killer good!

  14. The way he acted, he came in here with his mind made up. I almost wish they would have let me speak, because it just pissed my boss off. If he had know they were coming, he could have had all the documentation and pictures ready and given all the details. They just came barging in the office.

    sounds like he got ambushed which all the better for the news to make the company look like the bad guys they are being portrayed as. Sorry you and you compay are being put through this. Our church has some of those PODS for a long time now. Been very useful.

  15. 24


    Alias reruns



    Last night we watched Thank God You'e Here. I thought it was going to be my new fav show. I was so disappointed. Who's Line was my dirty little secret fav show. I miss that show.


    We don't have cable <_<

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