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Posts posted by HisBride

  1. If there is someone who can enlighten me as to why I got a precinct card last week with all of 2007's election dates on it I would appreciate it. Seems like it would make much more sense to print what the 2008 dates would be but that is just me. Maybe I am missing something here.


  2. I have a Lexmark and I go to Office Max. They take care of it right then. I have done it a few times. I took it once to Walgreens and they told me it failed the test (they do some sort of current test) so I took it to Office Max and they filled it with no problems. Lessons learned-I think there is too much of the "let's offer X,Y, and Z even though we specialize in A, B, and C."


    This goes without saying but it might help someone...for not to important print offs I use the quick print printing option which uses less ink.

  3. hmm organic...well they are probably not what is considered organic by the certifiers. We purchased day old chicks and raised them in a loving and clean environment. They do get unmedicated feed but go out a roam and scratch for goodies all day. Plus they get treats from me like black oil sunflower seeds and cherry tomatos off my volunteer plants. I do sell them up at the farmers market but since that is winding down I have a few customers who drop by my home and get them. At the market they are $3 and at my house it is 2.50. $3 sounds like a lot but that is what they go for if not more. With these eggs you know they are fresh and from happy hens.

  4. I've been saving mine to give to the recycling man (he gives them to a local guy that gives home eggs to the food banks) :D


    I'll put you on my 'save for' list. :D

    I have a friend who delivers to needy folks in this area and I want to hook him up with my extras-but I need cartons! LOL




    I'm not sure I can save cartons fast enough to help you, we don't go through that many eggs - but I'll try!

    But I can get this back to the top so someone else may get this great deal!


    Thanks! ;)

  5. I have some very happy hens who are laying more eggs than I can handle. If anyone has a good stash of egg cartons they'd like to donate I would be happy to give you some eggs for them.

    I was thinking for every 6 large or extra large cartons I will give you a dozen of my pullet eggs-great for scrambled eggs and such they are just a little smaller than your standard large egg. If you have a dozen large or extra large cartons I will give you a dozen large/jumbo eggs. I'll do this till I can't supply the free eggs anymore.

    These are brown eggs and very yummy.

    I know you can buy them online but I don't want to do that.

    PM me and I will give you my number to call.



  6. That would be Pack 735. We meet at West Ridge Church on Monday nights at 7PM. The Cub Master is Kevin McPherson. Feel free to PM me if you have more questions. I have a scout in Bears and Webelos 1 but I know all the leaders.


  7. I"m coming in on this topic very late, and only read this thread for curiosity. I don't know alot about masons, my husband has done some research on it. Our family strongly believes in one GOD and Jesus Christ as our personal savior, we personally object to this "cult" and I honestly do not care to battle back and forth about why because I know how touchy people on p.com can be. HOWEVER I did want to just comment because of the statement above and one other similar one. We have had two very unfortunate incidents occur with our children in regards to being burned. My youngest, when she was 2 had 2cd/3rd degree burns on her chin/neck/shoulder/arm/ It was horrible and difficult as a parent to see your baby in that much pain where there skin peels right off their body down to muscle.

    Our oldest also had an incident with 2cd/3rd degree burns on her hand. In both cases we stayed strong, relied on our faith, that God would heal them in HIS time, we relied on our friends and family and the fabulous doctors at the Grady burn unit.

    My faith was personally tested with my oldest because hers actually looked worse, took longer for the extremely large blisters to "bust" (which is the first step in healing in her case) and we were worried that she would need therapy to use her hand. the day before we were to go back to Grady for a follow up where they would scrape the blisters, they popped on their own during the night. God tested our faith but still prevailed. I would never claim superiority to anyone, but I do claim to know the TRUTH< THE WAY< JESUS< Thanks for letting me share.

    Thank you for posting this. I full agree with everything you said.

    Good works of the Shiners is not denied but if you look closer to who they are and compare that with Christianity you find that there is conflict.

    If AirTran kept Vick as a spokes person, all the animal lovers would be looking for a new airline as a way to demonstrate the conflict to which they feel in their hearts. Not the greatest analogy but I think you get what I am saying.

  8. just because I left doesn't mean I high tailed it out of there scared they were going to eat my brains. My children were little therefore we needed to carry them. I was shocked because it seemed like a Shiner sponsored parade which I was not prepared for. After spending time to help my husband to get out of the masons I didn't care to sit there and cheer them on and enjoy the show they were putting on to promote themselves to promote their charity work.

    I pray for those men and women. A great many are Christians, Pastors and such but they are deceived in the Christian standpoint.

  9. Right, I saw a bunch of shriners driving their little race cars at the Acworth Parade on Saturday.Caption: "we ride so kids can walk..." B)If you can "bring your own god" to a mason lodge, then it cannot compatible with Christianity, which only believes in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

    We went to that parade once. When they came out I was shocked. We scooped up the 3 kids and left. For a long time DH would use the excuse the Shiners do lots of charity work.

  10. I agree that freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity. First time I've ever heard of one trying to get "off the rolls."

    Well we never expected the letter we got back. I guess we could have left it at us agreeing that he shouldn't take any part of it anymore but I think going the step further was an act of letting whoever received the letter that maybe were as deceived as he, was an opportunity to examine what they believe.

    DH has kin that were way on up in the Masons and have the symbols on their headstones.

  11. I didn't know at the time I married my husband that he was a mason. We did some research and decided it didn't fit with our Christian beliefs and he repented. He wrote a letter asking them to remove him from their roll and mailing list and they told him that they wouldn't.

    Butterfly Nanny~ the web site you posted was very helpful to us when we were seeking truth.

  12. yeah I would have loved it too since I just got a antibiotic script but it isn't for any that is listed. Figures <_< I have to get my scripts filled at Walgreens and the script wasn't covered by my insurance so they called and had the doc change it. Later today is when I saw the poster at Publix. Phooey! Don't think I can bother the doc to change it again.

  13. so I take it the guy who bought the truck is being charged with theft by receiving? Glad you are getting your truck back. Stuff like that would turn our life upside down as we wouldn't have the money to replace a vehicle and then be able to pay to get it back.

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