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Posts posted by HisBride

  1. is it too late for weed preventer? we had beautiful centipede but something happened, maybe grubs and we have a huge brown spot on the lawn. now the weeds are growing where the centipede died.

    where do they hold the sale at?

  2. I have been using it and I really like it. The only time I felt some stinging is in the summer if I sweat. I like that it doesn;t look like I am made up. I bought what I have off ebay.

  3. I serously don't know how you maintained your composure. Were they that clueless or where you that good at hiding how upset you were? Sorry to hear your children are sick. That just sinks!

  4. awww that is terrible. There is nothing worse than that helpless feeling when your child is hurting and especially when the pain comes from trying to help them.

    Myhusband had something go in to his eye once on vacation. He had to spend about 4 hours in the ER while they put drops in his eyes and then removed whatever the object was. He had to wear guaze over his eye for a few days. I am praying your sweetie be in the best caring hands.

  5. I took this into account when we used car shopped. I hated the thought of the bells and whistles becoming a burden in the future. We don't have dvds or seat warmers or anything but what we do have is a comfortable ride where my kiddos have space and vehicle I have more confidence in than the previoius van we owned. I would add a great peice of mind we have is from our warranty. We picked it up through my hubby's credit union. Covers bumper to bumper. We struggled whether we should spend that money because I kept thinking Murphey's Law. Don't get it and wished that we did or get it and never need it.

  6. I love our Kodak Easy Share. I don't share per say but it is a great point and shoot camera. It has other features as well and compared to other cameras friends and family have it is very easy to use. My girlfriend was all excited when she bought her digi cam and then she left it in the box when it was too complicated to use. I tried to help her but dang that thing was ridiculous! My FIL finally took the leap to the digi side at Christmas but when I picked up the camera to help him figure out his new toy it was too complicated.

  7. :lol: yeah, I'm seeing a pattern here..


    This one we looked at today was a Windstar, it's all pimped out leather, burgundy, seat warmers (i :wub: a warm butt) DVD player, and electric slidey doors,.. i mean, pimped out for whoever paid full price for it.

    My Saturn Vue is nice and all, its a good size, gets decent gas for an SUV, but the seats are so close together that Molly was literally putting her foot on the shoulder rest of MY seat.. and she's just three.. :blink: having another one on the way would make a miserable "get out of my space" trip and another shoulder to have a foot on later on. I'd like the third row, for later on down the line when other peoples' children are involved, or the rest of my family decides to tag along for any reason.

    beware of leather seats! Have you had them before? I think it is a matter of preference. In the summer you'll get a pretty good burn on the back of your legs and in the winter from my experiance it takes a while for the seats to warm up and even then it feels like your peeing you pants as it gets warm. :unsure: I do not like that feeling. :glare: Also you have to condition the leather or they will crack. I have seen lots of leather seats duct taped or have seat covers over them because they were not cared for and frankly who has time to lotion up your seats? I barely have time to dry off after a shower with three kiddos!

  8. I love my mini van and I said I would never drive one. I ate my words the first time I drove one. I love that I didn't have to strain my back getting little ones in and out of their car seats. I loved all the room in the back. Now that my hcildren are older I like that they have their own space and I still have plenty of room to haul whatever. I like that it is easy to clean too.

    I had a Dodge. Don't get a Dodge unless you buying it brand new and plan to be rid of it when the warrenty goes out. Lots of problems mainly the transmission. If you are buying new I think the Honda and the Mazda are your best bets. I think they have better resale value and had good crash test ratings.

    We bought a used Honda recently. If I could of afforded one a little newer I would have purchased it because the side windows go down. Just a preference I have but not big enough to get me to buy a Mazda. I like my Honda minivan and I hope we drive it into the ground before we get another minivan.

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