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Posts posted by HisBride

  1. I'm not an idiot...I know my children are not perfect but even they were shocked at the behavior of the boys! I kept telling my kids to stop starring yet I couldn't. It was a good lesson. I told them that even though they don't behave that way I feel like they are when they are doing the stuff that drive me crazy. I think they get it now.

  2. I have never posted anything like this before, I've never seen anything like this...I can't get over what I saw today. :wacko: My children and I love us some Pollo Loco and we were enjoying our lunch when suddenly two boys obviously had entered the restaurant. They ran in circles around the partition wall at the registers. Then they proceeded to the salsas. :o Both boys were dipping the ladles and enjoying themselves when suddenly the older boy thinks it would be great to make a new flavor and starts mixing the salsas. Finally mom enters the picture and is completely oblivious to what her son is doing and she is standing right there filling cups with salsa! Finaly she notices and says something. She snaps at one point and apparently thumps the younger son on the head! He is crying while the older one helps himself to some lemon sans tongs. The little one never did anything. Now that she is paying attention she is on them and something about the way they run from her makes me shudder. Whew! I think I will do the drive thru from now on.

    Have you ever found yourself a witness to something and you just couldn't believe what you were seeing?

  3. I am going to machine quilt it. I don't have time to hand quilt it. I have been really busy hemming pants and fixed 1 dress and then another that had to be himmed and taken in and straps put on. Maybe sometime I can do one by hand again. Quilts are so pretty. Hope you to can find the time to enjoy making your own.I also would like to embrodery some squares and then quilt. I think that would be something else.

    Wow you must have an awesome machine. I can't operate an electric machine- I know that sounds bizarre but I have to use a hand crank or treddle. I love the look of machine quilting. You can't make those beautiful whirls and swirls hand stichin' :)

  4. Oh I have been thinking about picking up quilting again. Looking at that beautiful top if definately encouraging the thoughts. I made each of my children a quilt and the youngest which was the last one I made had hexagons and trianges on it. I was proud of that one since it wasn't just squares and rectangles. Where did you get your fabric? Are you hand quilting it or going to machine stitch it?

  5. Girl like you need another problem! I would be flipping out. Just the thought of it makes me have the hebbie jebbies. I hope you find someone to treat it and stop it in it's tracks. D told me he called you. Must be nice to sit still for a min ;) He meant what he said. You need anyything give a holler!

  6. Besides the steamy bathroom with some eucalyptuc(sp?) saline drops helps too. For fever: tepid baths. This is a lot harder and more work than meds but safer as long as you monitor the fever and breathing. Plenty of fluids. It is actually what I did instead of meds for my kids. I hated to see them go through it (who doesn't) but I also knew that their bodies needed to do what it is able to do and fight off the viruses the best he can without being surpressed.

  7. I wish all the alerts were on the top portion instead of the bottom. If you are watching certain programs it will cover up the caption for example on Lost when the pop up comes up. Sometimes it is just nonsense like promoting another show later in the night or week. During a storm the message is important but it much larger than it needs to be but that might be part of the law. It is terribly hard to see the map with that banner across the bottom as big as it is.

    I was watching when Monica yelled to get the banner off. She sounded so testy (agreeably so) but then she had to swallow her pride some when she had to explain why it was back up.

  8. That is how we feel in this house neither Dem or Rep. I made the mistake of answer I'm Independent at a voting station and they wouldn't let me vote cause there wasn't an Independent on the ticket. I had to quickly say the party for which I had planned on voting for that day. I say look at the candidates and vote for who ever most follows with your conscience be it Dem or Rep or even Independent. I was also shocked at the Pastor's statements and if I read it right (it was 2 am) it sounds like the church supports what he said so that makes me question the whole church and anyone who would quietly stand by and support such statements. I believe in freedom of speach but I found it offensive to the highest degree and if I were a member there I would be out the door so fast.

  9. Yup I got a yard full of hail that size. I checked and our vehicles seem OK but morning will tell. I heard the hail the first time and it had that ping sound but the second time sounded like someone throwing rocks at the house. We just go into town tonight and DH was passed out on the couch and I had to scream to get hi awake to help me get three kids out of bed and downstairs. I've got a weather scanner but I never heard it before the the hail came. I heard the sirens outside a few mins after the hail stopped. I hope tomorrow is not as active as they are projecting.

  10. You can check out his book at the library. I think his audio book would be highly motivating. His passion really comes through when you hear him. We are also tripling our house payments. I love knowing we are not contributing to the pockets of the banking institutions and their high interests rates. We have three children and being debt free will mean that we can enjoy the latter years of our children's lives and help them through college.

    Don't give up when it gets hard folks!! I can't say it enough.

  11. Chimming in late here but I thought I would add...there is no time like now to start getting control of your finances. Getting rid of debt relieves so much stress. My husband has been listening to Dave on the radio for years and has been implemented his stratigies. Last year I got on board with the cash envelopes. It was hard and took time to get adjusted to but it is so worth it. I think the cash envelope is where most people give up. In a world of instant gratification it is hard not to whip out the plastic and get what we want. Stick with it!

    Our van is paid off and we rolled those payments towards our house. We will have our house paid off in 2 years. Whoohooo!

  12. our house got cold fast

    lost the power at 1:33 {i was recording w/ tivo}

    got ours back on round 4:30 this am


    put kids in bed w/ hubby and i called every 30 min. to complain

    they never told me what happened.

    Did you talk to an actual person? All I was able to accomplish was to follow directions according to the message system.




    This reminds me of a time back in 2002 or 2003. We lived in a subdivision off of Friendship Church Rd and the power went off. All I can tell you is....it was WEIRD! Maybe it's because there were no lights anywhere, but I can tell you it just felt strange. My husband & I went outside to look (and listen) around. Others from the neighborhood began to emerge as well. It would have been completely quiet, except that the only flashlight that we could find was the little "lion" flashlight that belonged to my toddler. I turned it on to look around, and every few seconds you could hear, "ROOOAAARRRR!"


    We eventually drove around trying to find how big the outage was. It went past New Georgia, and down Ridge Rd past Cohran Store Rd. Along the way, we passed no less than a dozen deputies driving around. They were obviously looking for something/someone. They had their flashlights and spotlights shining all around. They were especially concentrated around the intersection at Cohran Store Rd & Winn Rd.


    After returning home, we called the power company (only to hear the lovely recording that they were experiencing some outages in the area.) I also called the Sheriff's Dept (to see if there was more to the story since we had seen so much police activity.) The dispatcher told me they were the Sheriff's Dept, not the power company (Duh!) even after I explained our reason for concern.


    Anyway, I never did find out what happened. (And I didn't know about P.Com back then!)


    Glad your power's back on. Do what I did - buy a GOOD flashlight to keep on hand all the time (one that doesn't roar!) :)

    LOL that's so funny. I had DH's Maglite that I just got him for Christmas and I was complainig how cold that sucker was.

  13. Same issue date here. My first thought too was what a waste of ink to print 2007's dates. If they needed to send us our new polling places fine but don't print the 2007 schedule even if you don't have 2008 figured out yet. I know it is a small thing but I hate waste plus it looks incompetent which I despise even more.

    Thanks for the replies y'all.

  14. Hubby and I each got one. Our voting place has changed first time in 21 years.


    BTW Hello Hisbride! Still loving my room! I wouldn't be able to if you didn't recomend a wonderful person!

    Hello! I am so glad you are happy with it. Oh please PM me pictures! I didn't hesitate to recommend him because he did such a great job here. He always communicated with us at each stage. Oh and his mitered corners were beautiful! I hate that he did move cause I had plenty of other things for him to do.


    Back to the topic -I think we have voted at the library ever since we moved here 12 years ago. It will be strange going to the church to vote. I'm surprised someone hasn't raised a rucous about that. LOL

  15. I'd love to know how you did that. I have only had this laptop for 2 months and have issue after issue. Printer driver wouldn't work, my Microsoft mail won't send out email, my son's PC game he got for Christmas isn't compatable, my Christmas present of a wireless card and router isn't compatible and I constantly have issues with Explorer. Office XP isn't compatible...grrrr I am ready to down grade to XP as soon as hubby's work share XP gets here. I hope you figure out your issues.

  16. I live near mommywatts but not in a S/D and I was up when the electric went out. Wasn't it around 1 am? I found the flash light and a phonebook and called Greystone. One of these days I'm gonna program thier number in my cell phone. I went and put socks on some sleeping kiddos and tossed on some more blankets. I wasn't too hopeful that we would get power before morning but when it came on just before 5 I was relieved.

  17. My hubby spoke to Nathan I think it was right before Chirstmas when he was showing someone where they lived to deliver firewood. (The last 2 weeks are a blur.) Anyway he said Nathan showed him how he was healing and so forth. He seemed to be in good spirits. I think he is supposed to be getting a prosthesis soon.

    edit for typo

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