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Posts posted by HisBride

  1. :D

    I understand about muscle mass and buring fat. I can't see how weights will help me get rid of the belly pooch I have. I can see it to help with the slight arm flap I've got though but that isn't my big issue. I have done crunches and pilates but don't see anything happening in the belly pooch area.

  2. In my yard that's where! :lol: We have RIR, a Leghorn, and a Black Rock and just got some new chicks: Dellies, RedStars, and Barred Rock. We been raising chickens for eggs for years and we love it. Our chicks have a nice yard they roam around in and in the colder months they roam the whole yard. I can tell the difference when they eat from the feeder and when they are totally free roaming. But hands down the fresh yard eggs are the best. By summer we'll have plenty to be selling. We live in Dallas just off 61 N.

    Did you know that some people think Araucana eggs have less cholesterol than other breeds? Not true. The Araucanas are often referred to as "The Easter Egg Chicken"

    Also the color of the egg is brown if the chicken has red ear lobes and a chicken with white ear lobes will lay white eggs with Araucanas being the exception.

    You can actually keep fresh eggs for about 6 months in the fridge by turning the container once a week. I have never tried to keep them that long. Heck they don't last that long around here.

  3. My family likes hiking, fishing and nature watching but I no a smattering of amusement would be a plus. My mom's best friend lives in St. Augustine and I remember her saying there is a Ripley's Believe it or Not there and the historic places.

    My husband remembers going to Jekyll Island for youth camps with his church. My FIL has been here a bunch of times for conventions. My MIL loves it there.

    What are Myrtle Beach's beaches like?

  4. I'm tuning in too get the scoop on St. Auggie. I haven't taken the kids to the beach since they were way little and that was to NJ. I don't want to go to some over priced place either...that is what I think of when I think of Hilton Head. I have heard of lots of people going to Destin and Panama City but I don't know what is down there.

  5. I'm thin just a little flabby so I figured I needed to sweet it off. Seriously I need some excercise. If I run 50 yeards I am dead tired and out of breath. I also think I need the cardio because I used to eat bad and I still kinda do and I can only imagine what my heart looks like. Do they make any of these machines storable? They are all so huge!

  6. I have been think about getting a treadmill or an eliptical. Which do you think gives you the best workout or is the best for a busy mom who is thin out the outside but is fat on the inside. I am the same weight I was in high school after three kids but I need to tone up. I have tried the gym membership thing and i wasted my money so I don't want to do that again. So what say you exercise folks?

  7. Easter season starts the Sunday before Easter for our family. Psalm sunday was the begining of the begining for Christians. Easter means that Jesus is alive and I have an advocate for those times that I need one. There are days even minutes that even as a Christian I need one. Only two defining forces ever gave their life for yours. Jesus Christ and the American G.I. Thank them both for your freedom.

    Same here. Passover is also something very significant to us as well as it ties in with Easter to give the big picture. Everything was fullfill in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    We go to Easter services and enjoy time together with our family with a celebration dinner of roast turkey at home.

  8. I haven't had a dog attack my kid, I think I would die of a heart attack if I did. But I have had dogs try to attack my dog several times. Now, she's terrified of other dogs. It drives me CRAZY when idiots don't keep their dogs on the leash! One time at Wild Horse Creek park there was a lady walking with her dog with no leash, and she got an attitude with me because I wouldn't let her dog go near my dog. She prolly thought I was the b-word. But you never know what dogs will do. After my dog has been attacked several times, I don't let any dogs come near her without a leash.

    This is my beef. My neighbors would not leash their dogs and they have a chain link fence that they don't use to pen up the dogs. I tried to take a walk around the neighborhood with my dog on a leash and I was charged at with barking and growling. They only stopped when I yelled with as much authority I could muster with 3 dogs, 2 of them being pretty big and me being scared to death. Yeah I called PCAC and they don't wave at use anymore. If I was out somewhere public with or without my kids and saw someone with a dog not on a leash I would not hesitate to remind them of the leash law. So many people are from other places and don't no so they are just plain ignorant to the law but to me it is common sense.

    BTW, I would have been freaking if a Rot was staring me down.

  9. We saw this movie in the theaters. It was okay. Good moral story. It was the last project Christopher reeves and his wife worked on together. Whoopi Goldberg is the Ball (I think)

    I think she was the bat. I think I remember that Forest Whitiker, William H. Macy and Rob Riner did voices too.

  10. I don' t blame you for calling. My son who does not suffer form allergies has been in pain today with irritation in his eyes. You are a mom and your momma instict is telling you to do something that airs on the side of protection. Good for you! So what if he misses some time outside or is seperated from the other kids for a day. Geesh it is not going to damage him emotionaly for life.

  11. I know I have no right to complain since I don't vote...but what the heck??? I am severely annoyed at vote for the worst or whatever the group is. People who have worked really hard and are much better than he is are going home because these people think it is funny. I don't even watch the show anymore but happened to be clicking through. I wish we could vote online. I can't afford to vote 'cause all my money is going to the bond :ph34r:

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