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Posts posted by HisBride

  1. I live in Cobb, but only live about a mile and a half from Douglas County and only about two miles from Paulding. We have a joke in the neighborhood that when our siren goes off it means the storm has already passed by us but about to hit the East Cobb area. :unsure:


    I bought a weather radio last week and programmed it for Douglas County as well as Cobb and Paulding. Our weather comes either from the Paulding area or through Douglasville.

    That is exacty what we experiance except it is hitting Marrietta and we feel like the redheaded step child and nobody cares if we get hit.

    OK so I need to go get me one of those weather radios.

  2. You are absolutely right, If someone tells you they can make it the same as before 3 or 4 kids as I have had.

    They need to have a scapel in hand.

    Some people are geneticly gifted about 5% of the population.

    I never lie to clients it is about being the best you can be.

    And also about the health of your back and spine.

    I train for pulling the tummy in and tightening.

    I never promise anyone a six pack.

    Especially after 3 or 4 children.

    But I can help you make it appear flatter.

    I found the cheapest way to make the baby pooch appear flatter without breaking a sweat-suck it in LOL

  3. I really believe that since the start of Girl Scout Cookies they have singled handedly caused the failure of so many New Year's Resolutions. People are weak when it comes to diets and dangling a yummy cookie that comes once a year and well what do expect to happen? I offer my personal apologies since my daughter is a GS. :D


    As for me I weight as much as I did in HS even after 3 children. Sure I could use some tightening up but it is the baby pooch that bothers me. I don't think there is an excersise that exists to get rid of that even though I have seen them and tried them nothing works. It is a badge of honor I have learned to accept. ^_^

  4. They were talking about the sirens in general last week on the radio. Did y'all know they are only intended to warn people who are outside?

    Shoot. If you are silly enough to be outside during that kind of weather well seems to me you need more than a siren. Duh!

    My problem is that when bad weather moves in 90% of the time the news doesn't talk about till it is about to hit Cobb Co. By then we are already engulfed in the bad weather. I haven't bought a weather radio because I figured it would be the same as the Peachtree Radar and not signal till it's almost too late. Can anybody enlighten me?

  5. someone said they thought it was fake since no one reacted. My take is the guy was probably a jerk. Looked like he was throwing something at the guy who attacked so maybe the rest of the office as thinking FINALLY!

    I like the other one where the guy tries to copy the monitor when he can't get the printer to print what he wants.

  6. Last year when we went we ended up stopping at a Kmart after about two days of freezing in the am and pm. So much more enjoyable when you start your day comfortable rather than being comsumed about how cold you are :) I hope you have plenty of clothes that still fit from last year. I had a heck of a time find summer clothes this time of the year.

  7. You know comparison is a trap but I couldn't help feeling so much better about our circumstances after listening to those callers. My husband has been implementing much of what he has said and we hope to be one of the callers who get to yell "I'm debt free!" in about 3 years! He is even picking up a part time job to get us out of debt even quicker.

    My husband and I are pouring over his book that I got from the library. The one thing that kinda bothers me is how much he markets himself at the cost of folks who are trying to get out of debt. But I guess the guy has to make a buck.

  8. It all boils down to having parental choice and say-so over our children. There are those of us for a variety of reasons, usually quite educated ones, choose to not vaccinate our children. That is our choice, and should remain our choice. Period.


    Those parents who wish to vaccinate, my only hope there is that they will do so from an educated stand point of view. Not because their "wonderful doctor" told them it was a good plan, not because family placed pressure on them, not because a huge drug manufacturer is pushing the big-law-dogs to mandate it, not because of fear tactics, simply because they as a parent have made an educated decision that this is best for their child(ren).


    This thread all in all has been a very good one, and I've enjoyed reading all the responses and hearing what others have to say. Thanks for keeping this mostly civil, and an open conversation.

    great post!

  9. We do not vaccinate, and we homeschool. However even if our child was in public school we would not vaccinate. "Herd" immunity doesn't play a facet in our decision at all.

    Never heard or even thought of the herd immunity till a few months ago. It never entered my mind when we were making the decision whether or not to vaccinate. I love my children and I am concerned about diseases. Like any other mom I don't want to see my children contract a deadly disease but we have a different view about vaccinations.

  10. not that it matters much but do you know what the surgery is for? My daughter is very concerned. While we were on a mission trip to Cuba her father told me about the condition and all I could think was how difficult it would be for a child to have this but what a sweet spirit she has.

  11. she is a darling little girl with a big heart. Her family used to go to our church and she was super sweet to my daughter her first year at public school. We were in a Bible study group with her Aunt and Uncle.

    We will be praying for her for sure and please anyone that has an update please share. My daughter is so concerned.

  12. Tilapia stuffed with crab meat, salad, and corn on the cob

    Where do you get your tilpia? I want fresh from the sea (not farm raised which have antibiotics and mercury) and the only place I have found it is at Harry's.

  13. I am not totally schooled on this subject but just from the little I do know we decided not to vaccinate until I an convinced otherwise. My oldest has all hers up until she was about 4 or 5, she is now almost 11. I prefer my child not be injected with mercury(some still have small amount which the CDC considers OK but no amount of mercury is OK) or animals cells. I don't want the risk of death, possible autism, or other side effects. With the medicines they have today if my child were to come down with any of them they are much likely to be treated and recover. Yes I know they can also die but I pay very close attention to my children, emotionally, spiritually, and physically and believe I would seek medical attention immediately if I suspected anything.

  14. I was exiting my neighborhood and saw the fire rescue fly by and I new instantly it was something at the school. The guy must have been going 90 mph no joke. I hope the child or whoever is injured is OK. I will be praying the rest of the day. My daughhter if she was in public school would be at Northside and she did attend for one year. I know she would hate to hear it was one of her friends.

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