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Posts posted by HisBride

  1. At this point my son needs a spacer thingie put in to correct his cross bite. If after his adult teeth all come in and the spaces haven't gone away then we'll think about braces. Thanks everyone for the advice. I really appreciate it.

  2. Cheaper (he was when I used him about 4 years ago), great staff, fair scheduling.

    Well now you're talking my Hubby's language. Since Justice is out of network he seems to think that someone in network would be cheaper.

  3. We went and saw Justice today but I was thinking Pickron. McLendon isn't in our network and i have never heard of him but we could still see him. So why do you like these orthodontists?

  4. Well my son needs ortho work. Known it for a long time. What I need right now is a second opinion and I need a good orthodontist asap so if you have a good one please share!!


  5. I have one too called Thinking Out Loud. I was at a taping she did at West Metro Church (I think that was the church off Barrett Pkwy) Very funny lady.

    I haven't been through menopause but I laugh anyway because my mom has. :lol: I know my time it coming. <_<

  6. Anita cracks me up! I figured I know I needed it with it being summer and my trio running me ragged. I thought some other moms might enjoy it too. If you ever get a chance to see her in concert go! Just make sure you wear Depends whether or not you need them normally. :lol: ;)

  7. Thanks for the links. I had already done that before asking but they didn't really turn out to be very helpful other than to identify what the bites were.

    Right now they are big ole' welps but you can see the blister starting. I will try the clear nail polish. He took a hot bath when we came home last night but I just sat him in a hot bath for about 20 mins then handed him a tube of Benedryl and told him to take care of himself. Bless his heart.

  8. Well my son has a great case of chiggers after berry picking. Anybody know any how remedies? I remember there being something called Red Ruby gel or something that you are supposed to apply to suffocate them. Any helpful advise is welcomed.

  9. Count me in for being envious of your new vacuum. I could never afford a Dyson. I have bought several vacuums over the years in my desperate search for one that cleaned really good. Dust and hair are my enemy. I bought a Eureka Boss recently. I have had it with having to dump out the canister everytime in order for my vacuum to work so back to the bags I went.

    Have fun with your new toy.

  10. We went. It was a big hassle. The guy tried to charge me for cups of water when I gave him 3 cans for popcorn and asked for cups of water! There were not enough theaters opened. We didn't have video at first. Then a daycare came in 30 mins late and sat down on the stairs leading to the exit. Ushers came in a looked around but never said a word to the group. They should never have been let in. Movies are a special treat but I will get the movie from the Kroger thingie for $1.08 and pop some popcorn at home!


    when are the free movies and what are they showing?


  11. no offense but did you talk to anyone? If you have been sitting there that long then you have heard Pastor Brian say you have to reach out. Did you get signed up in a Journey Group? or get involved in a ministry? That is how you make connections with others. I can say this because after going for a year I nearly left myself because I felt alone. I walked out one day and God put the one person I did know in my path on my way out. I decided that day to join the Women's Bible study. The following week I saw faces of people I knew. I then joined the pre-school ministry and got to know more people. We joined a small group and we found friendship and accountablility and life change.

    If this only thing you had a problem with try it again and get plugged in! Matter of fact we can make plans to meet and you can sit next to me! :D

  12. Hey why don't you come Friday night? They are wrapping up Powercamp by having KidzBlitz. It is a fun show kinda like Nickelodeon. I would get there early because it starts at 6PM

    This just came in my email


    Dallas, Georgia - June 15, 2007 - A group called KidzBlitz

    will be at West Ridge tomorrow night to put on a high energy show for parents and

    kids. This is a shared family experience. There is no registration or cost required

    to attend. Two Nintendo Wii's will be given away. The event starts at 6 pm and will

    end at 8 pm. Click here

    to watch a short promotional video.

  13. Don't let the largeness scare you away. Some people can never get over that and it is a shame because they miss out on relationships and meaningful messages. What I love is the cotton-tops that sit in the front. They are probably used to sitting up front and they don't let the loudness of the music scare them away!


    i used to go to milford baptist church, years & years ago. :)


    where is westridge church?


    Right off Hwy 92 and East Paulding Dr.

  14. My daughter will be going to Kindergarten this year. I and my husband had her vaccinated up until this point, but are seriously leaning toward stopping. I haven't made my recently-turned-2-year-old his check-up appointment because we don't think we want to continue his vaccination schedule either (and I know if I take him, they'll be pushing the vaccinations). My husband always questioned getting them vaccinated, but I kept saying that they're safe, nothing happened to me or my sisters as children, etc. Now I'm not so sure. Are there any good links to sites that support not getting vaccinations??

    This is the site I have used. Vaccination Information Service

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