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Posts posted by HisBride

  1. I would have liked to have known what our roles were in marriage before we got married. It would have saved us so much grief. We hung in there and I think we are stronger because of that rough patch. I love my husband more today than when I said I do.

  2. Yes!!! It is driving me nuts. The kids feel the need to announce it to me as if I don't know which just frustrates me more.

    I have about given up resetting the clocks. What gets me is my tv channel. I only have one remote that can do the tunning so I don't have to look at a blue screen. I can't find that sucker anywhere! I don't live in SBF but very close to it.

    You know if they needed to work on it just let it be out for an hour or two and be done with it already. I guess it doesn't work that way. It would have been nice to have a heads up though.

  3. I am so speachless with all these offers! I don't know what to say. Y'all don't even know me. Up until this thread I don't think I have had very many people personally respond to my posts so I am just a little suprised but in a very good way.

    In thinking of the Bride and Groom, they are very laid back but it is their special day. Thinking back to mine and all my hopes for a beautiful wedding and then having anything but I really want to respect them. I just didn't know it would be this much of a hassle trying to be part of their special day.

    My mind is starting to think the kids are not the ones that really need to be dressed in the semi formal attire unless they are in the wedding. As long as they don't come wearing their pjs I think we'll be presentable :)

  4. I'm looking for nice shoes for my boys for church prefer brown size 3-4. Dress shirts size 8/10 the pants forget about it! One has to have 10 slims with and adjsutable waist and the other just a 10 still with adjustable waist. My daughter needs a nice dress for a wedding and shorts for the summer which is impossible. (fits around the waist but then her hiney hangs out!) Think Olive Oyl. Couse she is her mother's daughter!

  5. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this! Thank you! I was feeling so bummed out! I was so looking forward to enjoying sometime with my hubby with other adults that is not a playday, homeschool event, or Scouts. I know my children will enjoy going to thier first wedding and hanging out with the other children. The Groom's mom knows our family and said yes our children were invited to come.

    I have already been to 2 thrift stores. I am not above used clothing but I could not find anything suitable for them. There is still time so maybe I will find something at these consignment sales coming up.

  6. Well the invitation said & Family and I asked the Groom's mom about it. My children would actually enjoy the wedding. The thing is I can't afford the cost of the clothes and I can't afford the cost of a sitter either. Actually I don't own anything that fancy either and I am not going to buy something I will wear once. My husband has two very nice suits we purchased a few years ago when he kept having funerals to go to and her was the pall bearer. (older family members passing away)

    Thank you to everyone for your suggestions.

  7. Semi-formal is at least jacket and tie, usually business attire, but not black tie/long dress. "You can never be overdressed, only underdressed!" :D

    aww man that was what I was afraid of. I guess we will wish the happy couple well and send a card in the mail. I was really looking forward to this.

  8. I should have mentioned that my boys ar 7 and 9. My daughter has a dress from last Easter that she can probably get away with if I can find her some shoes. Oh shoes I need to get the boys some shoes! I don't think their sneakers will do at all! I was leaning towards khakis and a button down shirt but I thought was dress casual.

  9. So what does semi-formal entail? I have not been to a wedding besides my own and I never gave thought to what other people were wearing. I don't want to disrespect the happy couple by coming to the wedding looking like we didn't read the invitation. Do my boys need to wear dressy slacks, button up shirt and tie? If so I guess we'll stay home because I am not spending money on something they will wear once and out grow before they ever need to wear it again.

    Any suggestions?

  10. thank you! I went out to Woodstock today to a "good thirft store" and I was very disappointed. I am hoping to have a better time with these sales. We are really buckling down so we can be debt free in three years but the kiddos need clothes!

  11. my grandma always said "don't believe any of what you hear and only half of what you read". She was right. I was in the paper a few years ago and the reporter messed up everything I said. I sounded like a moron. I was so embarrassed anytime someone said I saw you in the paper.

    sorry for the brief hijack.

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