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Posts posted by HisBride

  1. I envy those of you that have had good experiences with GS. I was really looking forward to my daughter being a GS and tried to sign her up when she was in 3rd grade they told me I had to wait til another troop started up. So the next year I called again and there wasn't a troop opening. The following year I get a call and we join and we spent the whole year and achieved nothing other than selling alot of cookies for which my daughter didn't get to benefit from the fund raising besides the prizes. After a whole year she didn't earn a single badge meanwhile my sons are Cub Scouts and are doing all kinds of activities and earning all kinds of achievements. We made a call and stated we wanted to be placed with another troop and they said when one opened up they would call us and we pretty much said no to that and they needed to find us a active troop. Haven't gotten a call back in months.

    As far as being a leader, I have no problem doing that but I am already committed to several things and if I took that on I would just be letting the girls down. In order to be a good leader you have to be able to devote time to be prepared before a meeting as well as devote time to the girls. I just don't have that.

    I hope you ladies have a better experience than we have had.

  2. The doctor I went to where I waited and never saw anyone was a Wellstar facility but so was the urgent care I went to today.

    I truly believe that the success and efficiency of a doctor's office lies in the office management. If the office manager knows how the doctor works as far if he give lots of time to each patient or if he is speedy gonzolas then they can schedule appropriately. Yes occasionally there will be emergencies but if that is the case the staff would know about it. I have scheduled a first appointment of the day only to have the doctor not show up till 25 mins after the office opened.

  3. in situations where I feel I've been waiting too long I like to let the staff know how long I've been waiting. If I'm in the main room I'm like "scuse me, I've been waiting X minutes. When will the doctor be able to see me?" and then if more time passes I do the same thing.................


    and don't let them get me in the back and make me wait longer than 20-ish minutes! I'll leave the room and find someone to let them know I'm still waiting.....sometimes I even find the doc!

    I think the waiting is rediculous and so I let them know that I'm waiting----I shant be forgotten! :D

    This is me! It takes a little guts because you know you are going to annoy them and put them on the spot. When I did this yesterday the lady took my name and said she would go and find out. I sat down and watched her, she never picked up the phone or got up to check instead she went directly to the files and started filing charts. I think what annoyed me is that I already don't go to the doctor when I probably should but I also had three children with me. It didn't help hearing over and over "how much longer are we going to have to wait?"


    I went to an urgent care place this morning in Kennesaw. I got there at 9:15 with a handful of folks in the lobby waiting. (the same amount that was in the lobby at the doctors office the day before) I planned on being there when they opened but when I woke up I was feeling like garbage and opted for a little more sleep. Anyway, I expected a long wait but I was walking out with scripts in hand in an hour. This place had one doctor and one nurse!! Turns out I do have something viral but that didn't stop this fella from giving me some scripts to help me out. I got Magic Mouthwash (yes that's what is called), Vicodin, a decongestant, an antibiotic to fill in two days if I don't get better, and a steroid!


    If there are doctors who can manage to get their patients in to be seen at their given appointment time and give them proper care then all these other doctors have bad office management and they should take responsibility for it. I have never had to wait more then 10 mins at my dentist's office. They are awesome and take 4 of us at one time! OBGYN, I don't remember because it has been a number of years since I have been.

  4. I have KP and I was happy a first that there was a local doctor that accepted that insurance. There is no way I am gonna be able to care my behind all the way to Towne Park or Cumberland when I am sick! As moms we tend not to take care of ourselves but it possibly being strep I wanted to protect my children and get seen asap. The insurances answer to my issue is to go to Cumberland tomorrow. On a Saturday! What?!


    Myrlin~I would definitely be giving someone a piece of my mind if that had been my experience.

  5. Normally I don't vent my problems to the world but I am just so sick right now that my better sense is not in gear.

    I made an appointment today to see a local doctor because I am 99.9% sure I have strep. Anyone who has had strep knows it ain't fun :angry: I arrived early for my appointment by about 10 mins as I was asked to fill out paper work. Ok- I fulfilled my end of the deal. 40 mins later I finally got called back. I waited another 40 mins when I got up and left. I had 3 children with me and felt sick as dog and all I wanted was someone to come in there and gag me with a swap and give me some meds!!


    Before I left I let them know I had been there over an hour without being seen. Didn't get much of a reaction. I hope you folks never have to go through that.

  6. We don't have cable so we had to wait a good while before HM came out on dvd before my kiddos could see it. Now that they are aware of HM2 my three are very anxious to see it. I know they will feel left out for awhile but I am looking at it like this ~ I can put off getting annoyed at the repeating viewing by about 6 months but it will come. My oldest went to go see it at someone's house and was so excited about being able to see it since like all the rest of the kids she had been looking forward to it. She came home crying because all the girls there talked all through the movie. I guess they must all have DC and didn't care very much knowing they could watch it another time. Great opportunity to talk about manners and not being spoiled.

  7. DH took me there for our 10th anniversary. We had to do lunch because of his schedule. The food was wonderful and you get a plate full. The dessert was awesome! That was probably a once in a lifetime thing for us because after the meal and a babysitter we were broke!


  8. If someone could get him to the Warehouse of Hope I am sure he could get some assistance there.


    And the King will answer and say to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.' Matthew 25:40

  9. Ok so where do you "sign up"?

    You are welcome to join us if we are local to you. We meet at West Ridge Church on Monday nights at 7 PM. Many of the Packs have recruitment at the Elementary schools. I know we have one at Roberts. You can find a local one by going through the BSA website. Click on How Do I Join.

  10. We are with Pack 735. It was supposed to be the thing my hubby did with the boys but find myself going to whatever scout event is going on. My boys are going to try to get their Hot Weather Patch this weekend. God bless them!! I hope it hits 100 so it will be worth it to them. This is one I won't attend!

    Day Camp is awesome. They earn tons of stuff like BB and Archery pins and beltloops, sports beltloops, have a lot of fun, and come home grubby and tired.

    Just thinking of things my boys have done in the last two years: build a birdhouse, bird feeder, tool box, mail keeper, go to museums, historical places, learn about being a good citizen, learn safety on a bike, check our home for hazards, learn about recycling, saving energy, how to pack and be prepared for a camp out, help plan a meal and cook it, learn the rules to playing different sports like bowling, softball, soccer, learned about maps and compasses, fishing, how to set up a tent, and tons more.


    Scouting has become a major part of our life and we really love it.



    Pack 735 ROCKS!

  11. I was 3 when Elvis died.


    I was home sick the day Challenger exploded. My sister and I were home alone sitting on the couch watching the launch. I was in disbelief and I think that was my earliest memory of something major happening and there being total news coverage.


    I was on 92 on my way to Bible study when 9/11 happened. I was listening to the radio when they came on saying that a plane had hit a building in NYC. My mind could not comprehend that. I was imaging a small plane. But my first thought was Osama Bin Ladan. I don't know why because I didn't follow middle east relations or anything. Anyway, when I arrived at the home where the Bible study took place I told them but no one seemed as upset as I was until the next person in the door said that two planes had crashed into buildings. I remeber praying for the safety of rescue personal even the dogs that they use.

  12. Hiking high in the Ötztal Alps in 1991, a German couple discovered a mummified body as it slowly appeared from a melting glacier. The Iceman, as he came to be known, has been identified as a possible shepherd from circa 3000 BC.


    Since his discovery, the scientific world has been working feverously to find out who he is and why he ended up encased in ice so high up in the Alps ... it was a recent X-ray that turned the case into something deeply mysterious and even sinister ...


    Where does the Iceman Evidence Lead?

  13. Personally I don't buy watermelons at a farmers market unless the person selling it grew it. Some of the vendors that come, get stuff from the market in Forest Park. Those are usually seconds unless you go yourself and scout it out. Those vendors are supposed to be in a different section. Now I am not saying all the stuff they sell is bad but it is not from local ( Paulding, Cobb, or Douglas Counties) farmers.

    I am sorry you had a bad experience and I hope you will come back and give it a second chance. We have alot of hardworking farmers that have lots of wonderful produce.

  14. Morning All~

    Just a reminder that the Dallas Farmers Market in the Square will be full of fresh veggies, honey, homemade bread, jams, plants, doggie treats, fresh brown eggs, and more!

    Y'all come out and see us!!

  15. Walmart, sometimes a gas station. I think Publix has them too.

    Publix is where I get mine but I guess I need to get it on the way to church rather than after church. I was thinking that maybe Publix only does it every so often since several times I went in and there wasn't any. I have seen the double bundles at Kroger too. Thanks.

  16. I'm not preggo but I have had a headache since Wednesday also. It's wearing me down. I going to pray that all of us with this headache will be released from it. I once had a migraine while preggo and I had to go to the hospital because I got dehydrated form the side effects of the migraine. They gave me a lovely little "don't give a care" shot and I have to say I never felt so good. I was ravenously hungry as soon as th pain went away. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

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