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Posts posted by HisBride


    I hope if you don't have a project (or a makeover t-shirt for that matter) that you won't just sleep in on Saturday or Sunday. Go down to that single mom's home or widow and knock on her door and ask what she needs doing. Go visit that widower and find out what has been neglected or just bring over some dinners to put in his freezer. Grab some tools or a mower and help out that deployed soldier's wife.


    WR's projects are pretty neary fully. There are just a few that if you have certain vocations and tools you could find a spot to fill. PM me if you are interested.

  2. My family went to Penny for about a year. Things were good, great guy and all but then it got to a point where it just hurt horribly after I was adjusted. We all stopped going. I saw Moyher after a case of whip lash from a fender bender. I didn't care for some of her therapy but her adjustments were not painful and before I knew it I was without pain.

  3. I have lived in Paulding about 12 years and have always respected our PCSOs. When ever I pass one I give a little wave. Once one officer had pity on me and helped me with a flat tire til the friend I called before he arrived came. Recently I have been through two check points. One was just down the road from where I live and I was delighted to see the "paddy wagon". A week ago my family was driving me home from a flight I got in on in Birmingham and we went through another check point and my kids got an eyefull of folks being handcuffed and submitting to breathalizer tests. I think it is good for them to see law enforcement here in there community working to keep them safe.

    I don't know what changes are taking place in the department but from what I can see I am pretty pleased.


    Whenever a new boss comes in there are always changes which causes lots of feathers to be ruffled. Change can be hard. No matter who becomes our next Sheriff there will be those who are unhappy.

  4. Apparently Moe's. Not my choice but when we went in we found that a kids meal is free with the purchase of an adult combo.

    I miss the days of O'Charlie's kids eat free on Tuesday.

  5. You know what kills me is that Shearin is using the same tacics he used against Van Westbrook when he ran against him. He was pretty dirty then too. Van also said he would put his real estate license on hold while in office but Shearin ran it into the ground that he was in real estate. It was a close race back then, I hope people don't fall for his lies again.

  6. With the cost of gas I am not going far. Did I mention that I need to get this out ASAP because dear darling children didn't read the letter to me where is says Flat Stanley can only stay a few days...that was 2 weeks ago! Pickett's Mill isn't far from me so I can do that.

  7. I was sent a Flat Stanley from the son of a friend of mine in AZ. I have letter but I need some postcards. Where can I get postcards of our local area? I checked Walmart and Kmart for GA postcards but they didn't have any. I'd love some that were the Paulding or NW GA area.


  8. I completely forgot! I asked him the other day if he was going to be having a fundraiser, and he told me it was going to be today....but my husband is fishing, and the kids don't behave well enough to take them to something like that. Ugh.


    I'd really like to have a window sticker and a t-shirt, though. Wonder if there will be any left to try to get with him to pick one up. :o)

    You shoulda brought the boys over here and let them drive D crazy for a few hours LOL I would have liked to have gone too but I had other plans already.

  9. oh yes they are ready! FYI there isn't much shelf life so I picked mine under ripe so they would last a little longer but they were still de-lish! Sure beat being shipped in from FL or CA.

    I made 2 batches of jam, ate plenty in cereal and as a snack, and DD made a strawberry cake last night. I need to go back :)

  10. wow that would burn me up! It's nice to show concern but was there any reason she couldn't just come to you? I would be calling her for a sit down and let her know her "concerns" have caused your son undue worry and from now on to come to you with any concerns.

    My oldest son is about the same weight and he is 10 and pretty tall. He has a good appitite like your son. Tonight he ate a footlong sub sandwhich and was extatic! It's a pain trying to find pants to fit him though. Finally found George Strait Cowboy jeans. PTL!

  11. I think his radio program is the way to go. It is informational and motivational. When you hear folks calling in shouting that they are debt free you get fired up! DH has been listening to DR for years and had been implementing his ideas without much impact on me but kept pushing for me to to follow a budget. I finally caved and it was very hard but it is very doable. I got his book the library but DH said he didn't need it because basicly he had heard all of it on the radio.

    Our church has gone through this course once and I think I heard the number 6 million in debt with the families taking the course but by the end 5 families were debt free. A second course has just begun. We are on a course to be debt free in 1 1/2 years. Yeah you'll be hearing us call in to DR and yelling at the top of our lungs ~Whoo hooooo debt free baby!

  12. drat! 5:30 am is an unholy hour I don't aquiant myself with. Not that I really want to expeciance one but since it did happen it would be kinda cool to have felt it. The last one must have been 4-5 years ago and we were not home. My sister who was living with us at the time was here. I called her from TN where we were camping and she told me and I was like :blink: I didn't even know there had been one so I thought she was just messing with me.

  13. Ya know, I just feel like so many people liked him and if his money situation was that bad, I know many people would have help instead

    of this outcome.......

    This is why I posted my previous post. The burden of medical bills is not in question..... I too wish he would have reached out and saved all those who loved him the agony of the loss. There will be a lot of hurting children. Our prayers to those children and his wife.

  14. Brooke looked like she lost her best friend. I think it came as a shock to everybody. I didn't even see his performance but I was certain he wasn't going. I think when they do good and the judges tell them so then voters think they are safe so they are busy voting for others. I think it stunk how Ryan talked about how they let a contestant slide to the next week last year after Idol Gives Back and then said it is the end of road for Michael Johns.

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