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Posts posted by HisBride

  1. I didn't see that another thread was started to answer the question about why homeschoolers decided to homeschool so I'll but in my two cents.

    We started kind of by accident. You know how when you kiddies are little and yo are teaching them their colors, numbers, and alphabet? Well it was an easy step to start teaching the sounds and before you know it my child was reading. I had always thought it would be hard to send my child of to school. In the end we homeschool because I want better for my children. My children are very bright and I want to help them in both their strengths and weaknesses and help meet their unique individual needs. I wanted to ensure that they stay children for as long as possible and yes shelter them from as much profanity and cruelty for as long as possible. I didn't want to burden them so early with so much. I wanted to be there when they learned something new and cultivate a relationship with them that was more than homework, eat dinner, wash up and go to bed 5 days a week. As parents we wanted to be our children's mentor, spiritual leader, role model, and teacher. We wanted to show our children learning is fun and to share in the everyday joys of life.

  2. 1 lb grd turkey

    1 lb lean grd beef

    1 c water

    2 eggs lightly beaten

    1 box stuffing mix( I personlly like the mushroom flavor but chicken works fine too)

    BBQ Sauce


    PREHEAT oven to 375°F. Mix all ingredients except 1/4 cup of the barbecue sauce.

    SHAPE meat mixture into oval loaf in 13x9-inch baking dish or pat into a loaf pan; top with remaining 1/4 cup barbecue sauce.

    BAKE 1 hour 15 min. or until cooked through (160ºF).

  3. I totally agree with you. Like I said,I need to be back in church with my family and my children and I know that. I know that not everyone is perfect and God knows I'm not and that we all fall short and have faults. I guess that's why Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven. I thank God everyday for what I have and for what I don't have because if I had it,I might not want it (Thank God for unanswered prayers). I thank him for what he has brought me thru and what he will bring me to. I could not ask for nothing else. I have a healthy family, a roof over my head, food on my table, a vehicle to get me where I want to go, 3 beautiful children and clothes on our backs. Can't ask for more than that.


    I do have my faults and get angry but I quickly realize that it is not how I am supposed to act. Is it wrong just to dislike someone? I mean dislike to where there is nothing they can do or say that would ever make things better. I know we should forgive just as Christ forgave us but I think the Bible also says- "If any among you cause you grief, mark them and avoid them". I can forgive them but I may not ever like them or want to have anything to do with them again. Or, am I doing this wrong?

    God is the only who who can forgive and truely forget. The are people that we need to flee from because they will drag you into their bad habits or sin. If you have truely forgiven someone then move on. I don't recall God saying you had to like the person you needed to forgive 70 times 7. Love your enemy yes. Allow yourself to reflect Christ if you are in their presence and don't allow yourself to be hateful because that is the enemy trying to divide you.

  4. I think when someone knows you're a Christian, they hold you to a higher standard. Therefore, when you do make a mistake, they are right there to point it out.

    perfectly stated. the sad thing is that somewhere someone got the idea that we are supposed to be perfect so when we do make a mistake we are are called hypocrites. Speaking for myself I never said I was perfect. If you want to observe someone perfect please look at Jesus not at me because I will let you down. (not that I don't strive daily to live according to the purposes and will of God)

  5. I believe the Bible also says "Be angry and sin not". Meaning, you can be angry or get angry but do not sin in the midst of getting angry.


    I don't know about the rest of you but I watch people's actions moreso than what they say. People can say they are a Christian all they want to but there is a difference, I believe, in "going to church" and being a true Christian. I've seen folks in church on Sundays praising God but Monday-Saturday, they live like the devil. I ask myelf why should I go to church because the people who do go to church do not act any different. I know I'll have to answer to myself but I personally know of some people who "attend church" or once did but they've also cursed me out real quick. My question to them was "and you go to church"?


    Anyway, this is a big issue I am dealing with right now. I once went to church every Sunday and I know I need to be in church but do you actually have to go to church to be close to God?

    I wanted to reply to the OP but your question got my attention. Being close to God is a heart thing. Some people connect to God by looking at His creation and deeply appreciating it. Some people connect to God through reading His Word and getting a deeper insight to His character or principles. Which ever way gets you there as long as you understand that we are encouraged in His Word to gather together and be in the body for your own good that you may be shephered and be of service to others. Now based on your current of past experiances be them positive or negative this will lead you to or away from Church. The problem with looking at the Sunday Christian is just that. Your focus is on them and not the Lord. We all will get discouraged if we look at each other because we call fall short of His glory to put it in Bible terms. Those who are Sunday Christians will have to answer for that but that doesn't mean God is done with them.

  6. My daffodils have already bloomed! but I wouldn't say snow is out of the question. It seems liek every Feb we get a little snow but maybe we already got that on the 1st with that major sleet storm member that!? :)

    I hope we have a very mild tornado season. I had a horrible nightmare the other night. I looked out the window and saw a twister yelled tornado and for everyone to get to the bathroom. Suddenly I was in the shower and the top floor was riped off and I was in the air. Heard nasty screams in the midst of the wind and then I was falling. I could not sleep after that. I am looking for a weather radio now. Anybody recommend a good one? :)

  7. Eph 4:29 is my hubby's fav but mine is Zeph 3:17 The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

    and also Isaiah 61:1-3 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion - to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. NIV

  8. My hubby has been telling me about Dave Ramsey and I finally got to listen to him today. Stupid is a strong word in our home but I couldn't help cracking up listening to him. Is he always this blunt?

  9. Well I am sorry to hear that she has not found it worthwhile to put a deputy there. Better have one there need one there because of an accident. I wonder if she has ever sat and watched the buses trying to leave or the car riders. Surely she has to leave out that same driveway and experiance all this herself. Personally I have not found her to have the children's best interest based on her lack of action on other matters in the past. Maybe if some parents stepped up and requested it after this accident and raise enough noise she might be inclined to listen.

  10. I hope nothing too serious. JBFAN1 I am right down the road from Saddle Brooke. I was thinking the same thing you are.


    I hope everyone is ok. Cars fly up and down 61 it is so hard for people to turn out of Northside and the two subdivisions there.

    The year my child was at Northside I always felt like that game Frogger. You had to fly out of the school drive and gun it if you ever wanted to get out of there.

  11. we've been to a party there. the kids all had fun. We haven't been in a long time so don't know how the smoking laws affected places like that but that's our one beef and why we won't do a party there. but it's done well, and the kids love signing the pin!!

    I'm not sure which side of the fence you are on on this subject but I do know that there is no smoking at the bowling alley.

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