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Everything posted by copschick

  1. I read this article yesterday and I wish I could contact the author to give him KUDOS!!!! I can't stand to see little girls half naked and their parents thinking it is cute. As a matter of fact, my response to the person that posted it on FB was that these are the parents that are surprised when Snowflake comes home knocked up at 14 years old. It's sad. And from the my perspective (the mother of boys), it isn't appreciated, either. It's very difficult to teach my guys that girls aren't just to be looked at as sexual objects when their mothers let them run around with their hoohas hanging out
  2. It's through ATT (that's who the whole Tmobile thing is with...don't know if has gone through or not). Its very user friendly...if you wanna test drive one, we can get together and you can push all the buttons on mine LOL
  3. LOL I bother him too...I made him listen to me babble about getting plastic surgery LOL (as if he really cares about my boobs LOL ) Mark is the bestest
  4. I LOVE my samsung captivate..I can do everything through my phone!
  5. LOL well they didn't get away with it at our house either... Just think it is VERY unethical business practice...
  6. we(and by we, I mean Tow...I had no clue about any of this) had a lawn company come out and give an estimate..Tow gave them MY number because he didn't wanna be bothered with them. The next thing I know, the guy is calling me saying that he has me down for the first treatment and they would be out the next day. I asked who authorized this and they tell me Tow did! I called and he had NO clue! I guess if he would have asked they would have told him that I authorized it....sheesh!
  7. another thing you can try is taking a zyrtec nightly. I know it's not a home remedy, but if you take it at night, it still works the whole 24 hrs, but the sleepy part happens when you go to bed
  8. THIS garnered you a negative???? THIS??? LMAO
  9. well, kinda they do...there is S.T.E.P. and H.E.A.T. but just working for city of Atlanta (or any other municipality for that matter) they don't distinguish...
  10. Oh those are some of my favorites! Label is purple and it should be on the candy bar row!
  11. Cadbury DOES make those egg thingies...although, they aren't egg shaped! Go get him a Cadbury fruit and nut bar
  12. They don't distinguish between "cops" and "traffic cops" down here. not unless you are on some specialized task force. They are just as likely to pull you over for speeding as they are to show up if you get robbed or shot. They are police...they police. They don't HAVE to write tickets. They HAVE to answer calls.
  13. Dear Lord I You!!! Tow doesn't write tickets. He would rather not bother having to get up and go to court rather than sleeping because someone was speeding. He also states that he doesn't get any money from it, so why make the county rich... Like NC-17 said...don't speed and you won't have anything to worry about.
  14. AMEN! Just makes me mad Some people were genuinely worried about this woman and her feeling sorry for her children. Selfish Beotch!
  15. :yahoo: :drinks: If we could vote on all time favorite posts...this one be one I voted for!
  16. hmm, funny...Tow doesn't write tickets...hates them. There is no "average".
  17. Probably woud help to know that police officers sure don't get any of that money...in fact, mine got furloughs LOL
  18. I'm soooooo digging out pictures this weekend! LOL I think I have one of your and your mom together in there, too!
  19. Vista Print...quick and CHEAP!
  20. LOL I know what she looks like now...I was just saying I only have a pic of when she was little LOL
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