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Everything posted by copschick

  1. why does it make you sad???
  2. LOL I feel that way about Swamp Men, Axe Men, anything UFC related...
  3. noone said he was the only...he wasn't. He was the only one I wanted to look at for the rest of my life And I'm not the church bake off spelling bee type...tried that was really bad at it LOL Really, its not anything to do with Tow or the boys...It's more me. I look in the mirror and I'm bored. If I could have plastic surgery from head to toe, I would...
  4. I just sort of wonder if it is because I didn't get all my wild child partying done when I was young! Tow and I got married when I was 17 and had 2 lil tows by the time I was 20. DO NOT MISTAKE WHAT I AM SAYING...I wouldn't have it any other way...don't regret one thing about it. I just wonder if this is all coming from that dated a good bit...nothing serious till Tow...everyone else made me nauseous...he didn't lol That's how I knew he was the one
  5. 33...approaching 34 (and too quickly, I might add)
  6. Bless them...I can't imagine losing one of my babies
  7. idk, I like booze and sometimes abusing tow is fun Seriously though, I don't really know what is going on with me...
  8. OH dear lord!!!! Well, I got married at 17...I know the feeling lol I had to be home at my usualy 10 the night before...
  9. did you live at my house???? My parents were VERY similar to that. I was controlled COMPLETELY. Thats probably why I was so horrible...
  10. noone is a nobody...you may not realize it but you were special to someone
  11. I can't tell you the number of times I get THIS phone call in a day Yes, Blondie...completely normal. Just ice and elevate to rest it and it should be better in a day or two. I've had patients say that day 3 wasn't fun either...everyone is different. I would suggest a good anti-inflammatory, like a double dose of Aleve (it won't hurt to take a double dose...if anyone remembers the prescription Anaprox, it was only a double dose of Aleve) to see if that helps as well
  12. You think yours are cute because they are!!! Well, the baby is...Ive never seen the girl, but I imagine she probably looks like you, so she is cute....anyway hell yes there are such things as ugly babies. and no, I don't think parents know it...
  13. Thanks! I have an appt Thurs for my nose and Fri for my hair
  14. ROFL...yeah..Tow wears em too (after I pick them out and he irons them)!
  15. No Jet_Woman... like I said...THE BOSS
  16. amen...I don't think the 8 dollar beer tastes any better either...it ought to though...
  17. no but I'll get a message to the one who is
  18. Uh, hello? C Mark Willix??? LOl He RAWKS!
  19. I AM bored...told Tow that the other day...sick of looking at myself in the mirror day in and day out LOL
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