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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. My husband has been wanting to get another bike for quite awhile now :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    He is looking at an American Ironhorse :huh: :huh: Never heard of this brand before two days ago..anyone have one?


    My main question, do you feel it would be good for a daily commute of say 45 miles per day? Does it really save that much gas vs a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee?


    I told him that it is up to him. he is the one who has to pay for it, but any help would be appreciated! He has not ridden since before we got married, so I would say he hasn't rode in like 13+ years...He said that he wants to take a class, so you know where any are local?


    How much will our car ins go up?


    Thanks for your help! I am trying to be the "supportive wife", but I have questions, ya know??

  2. I spray my pan with a small amount of Canola oil, then melt some real butter....I always throw some onions in to saute before the eggs go in...I salt and pepper my eggs before they go in as well...After I pour in the eggs, I take a fork and stir them up a bit, just until they are starting to set....this makes them more fluffy. IMHO. I don't like to add more stuff until the eggs are cooked a bit, so I will put a lid on the pan to spead things up.


    Good luck, they will be great! Even if they end up a big scramble, that's yummy too! :p :p

  3. Holy Cow


    Speaking as a 36 year old...we had some crappy taste?????


    What were we thingking????



    :o :lol: :lol:


    I am trying to bring back my "big hair" :rolleyes: :rolleyes: It is pretty curly, and I stopped straightening it every day...Hairspray, some teasing...aah the good ol' days!

  4. Four Steps to Safety (as recommended by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)








    Infant Seat


    Newborn to 1 year


    Less than 1 year

    Up to 20 lbs.


    20-35 lbs.


    These car seats should be rear-facing


    For 20 lb.+ babies, use a seat recommended for heavier infants


    Toddler Seat

    1-4 years

    20-40 lbs

    Child needs to be BOTH 1 year old and 20 lbs. or more before placed in a forward-facing seat


    Booster Seat

    From 4 years to at least 8 years

    Between 40-80 lbs; Under 4’9” tall

    Booster seat should be used with lap and shoulder belt; Lap belt should rest across the lap-never the stomach[/b]


    Safety Belt

    Between 8-12 years

    Over 80 lbs; Taller than 4’9”


    As someone who has personally seen what can happen to a 7 year old child that was only "strapped in" with no booster seat, I and my husband will keep our boys in boosters until they are 4'9....


  5. I really hope that if some Pcommer reads this, and thinks it is their child, they will go to them and take the keys away...This makes me wonder, I have seen alot of threads about this same type of topic, has anyone ever admitted that this was their child? :huh: :huh:


    When I was in high school everyone thought that I had the meanest parents ever, because I had a bumper sticker on the back of my car that said to call 000-000-0000, if my driving was a concern to you. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I was the youngest of 5, and by that time, they had dealt with their fair share of accidents... :p :p Now that I have my own kids, I may be making up bumper stickers of my own! :D :D

  6. You should be able to get it online at the BOE website...Also, whatever school your child is attending might have it up. Be prepared that at the Open House on the 14th, you will problably get a list from your childs teacher with a bunch more stuff to get.

  7. I have used cottage cheese in mine for years..I add egg and parsley to mine. :D :D


    Here's my question... What do you mean don't boil the noodles?? This is my worst part, and are you saying that you can buy the regualr noodles and not boil them? I have seen the no cook ones, are these the ones you are talking about? If you do buy the regular noodles, and then don't cook them, do you have to change your baking times? :huh: :huh:



  8. As a parent, I do not fault any parent for bieng concerned..It's only natural.


    I have heard some rumors and they are awful! What makes me really mad is the media!!! IMHO, they are the ones that are making this worse. Last night I was watching, and they alluded to foul play! :angry: :angry: I was apalled, and then they were outside the darn funeral home. This family needs to be left alone, to grieve however they can. It is a crazy world that we live in, and horrible things happen to children every day, as do tragic accidents. All we can do now, is pray for this family.

  9. Possible lazy eye situation - but that is only a Dr. Mommy diagnosis, LOL. We have an appt with a doc in Woodstock, but if this is going to be a long term going for a lot of re-checks thing.........yeeeeaaauuuuch......


    I was hoping to check someplace closer and see if I could get in in a reasonable time, but I also don't want to skimp on the quality....cuz I DON'T WANT MUCH....LOL


    OK, Dr. Ho I will call tomorrow.....anyone else? No decent Ops in Paulding? We need those medical offices open!!



    Gotcha...Reason I asked is that both of my kids wear glasses, we are very happy with our Doctor, BUT, he does not do surgeries that I know of...Good luck though, I hope you find a good one.

  10. I want to thank everyone for their prayers. This is our grandson. This was a horrible accident. He was playing on a tire swing, thats all we know for now. again thank you for all your prayers, this is the hardest thing we have ever had to accept. This baby was the sweetest baby you would ever meet . Thank you again. Mrs.Bowevel Pat



    You and your family are in my families prayers...I am so sorry for your loss.

  11. Prayers for this family....


    I too just saw the news report, all the info seems out now. As the mother of two boys, the news report seemed to not say one way or another on how this could have happend. They said that they did not know if he took his own life, should we be worried about someone out here? I live close to this...

  12. Yes!!



    okay, thanks! I just turned it down...How long do you think I should plan on having the bisquits cook? :wacko: :wacko:


    Sorry for all of the questions, but this darn crockpot was hardly ever used, and if the darn lid won't fit, it is now useless!

  13. I don't think anything should be changed, however, just know that it will cook quicker than the crockpot! Make sure to keep an eye on it!



    So, do you think I should put it on a real low simmer?

  14. I put everything in my Crockpot around 12...Still not boiling... :angry: I noticed that my lid no longer fits all the way on the crock. Maybe it got warped or something in the dishwasher?? Anyway, I just transferred it to a stockpot on top of the stove, should I change the directions any??? :unsure: :unsure:

  15. No kitchen help but wanted to see... are you still lovin' the flips??? And the pony-o??




    I am actually going to wear the blue/brown tomorrow running errands...I am going to throw my hair up and go all the way! :D :D


    I'll let you know what people say! You know, I have spent $$$$ on fancy flip flops that killed my feet, and yours are the cutest, and the most comfortable! :wub: :wub:

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