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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. Thanks for your help guys...


    This will be for our Annual Fall Festival...We are wanting things like hamburgers, hot dogs, nachos, fries, ect....The way it generally works is that we don't pay upfront, we just take 20% of profits from food sales. The wonderful ladies that we have used for years, got alot of deep fyers, and all night it kept blowing the breakers in our school kitchen. It was such a pain, people were waiting forever to get their food, if they got it at all. After talking to our Principal the other day, she suggested using someone with a "mobile kitchen". I looked into the Varsity, and they charge up front, and want specific numbers...It is hard to give a number for a Festival.


    ***Cheffy- is this something you think that you could do?***

  2. Does anybody know of someone who does catering with their own mobile kitchen? This will be for a school event in October, the people that we used last year, did not have their own kitchen, and our school could not handle their electricity consumption in our kitchen.


    Thanks for looking, and if you can help, I would appreciate it! :D :D

  3. It wasn't directed towards you, someone had mentioned anti-perspirant...I'm glad I haven't had to cross this bridge yet but my husband and I use Old Spice deoderant....yes we both use it :lol: I swear the chick stuff all has anti-perspirant in it and that freaks me out. I'm sure I read something a while ago about it being bad. I hate sweating but I also hate cancer, skin tags and other funky stuff :wacko:



    Gotcha ;) ;)


    Interesting about the Old Spice...I love that smell on my husband, never thought about using it myself...I just keep buying everyone that says that it will not leave those white marks....So far Dove is it.

  4. Sweating is normal why try to stop something that is a normal process?



    It is not the sweating that is the problem.....it is the odor :blush: :blush: the poor thing told me the other day, that he would like to try some deodorant.


    my boys like axe too but we don't buy it. it's too strong. our 11 year olds are at the point now that they need some anti-persperant/deoderant.



    What is too strong? The ingredients or the scent?

  5. We can all do what we can tio luive as organically as possible - it is REALLY tough and REALLY expensive where we live!


    If you order online - once you find the Tom's or organic scent you like - try to order in bulk!


    Also - Plain Ole Rubbin' Alcohol work just fine tooo!!!!!!! Keep the odor to zelch however - there will be perspiration - but at his age - it is more an odor problem! We have several friends and family members with an allergy to the preservatives in deodrant - one guy - puts the alcohol in a spritzer-sprayer and loads up the pits - air dry - now.... this is not advised to women who had JUST shaved .... OUCH!!!!!!


    Lil Vader - who will be 8 NEXT WEEK (oh my!) has been wearing it for aout 4 months now - I noticed his new aroma while at a skating birthday party and I was SURE someone around me had a problem and when he finally decided to take a rest for a minute a plopped down beside me - I about fell over............... I could not believe it!!!!!! EVERY-DAY since then - they boy has some ODOR protection in place!!!!!!!





    Thanks so much Amanda!


    So what does Lil Vader wear? The Toms or the Rubbing Alcohol? I can not believe that he is going to wear deodorant before starting the 3rd grade! :blink: :blink: It seems like just yesterday he stared Kindergarten!


  6. Yeah, I'd do Kroger then-I'm going to walmart tonight-I will check for ya there. but I know Kroger there has it for sure-I just saw it 20 minutes ago. Top shelf in that organic section at the end of the organic aisle is one whole side of organic soaps and such and it's on the top shelf there.



    Thanks so much, I was at Kroger today, but did not even think to look there!


    Here is what snopes had to say about the breast cancer. They classify it as undetermined...




    I do however, think there is a link. I don't know about the alzheimer's and such but have always heard not to use aluminum cookware and that is why I don't. Stainless steel only.


    How do you get your food not to stick?


  7. Not trying to be rude but what does this website have to do with gas & food prices and flooding & tornados?

    The prices seemed VERY high to me too for tshirts.



    Bad news all around the country...This made me smile. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  8. No, the Kroger at 61-278 has it--and actually I think Target had it last time???



    I did see one yesterday at Target- it was in a tan container...There was No Scent and then they had Lavender..Not too sure if this was the Toms Brand though..Lavender is not an option for obvious reasons, and the no scent one???

  9. My oldest (8) has told me that he would like to start wearing deodorant. :huh: :huh: :huh:

    I have noticed that he can no longer skip a day of showering, but this I was not expecting! So, I went to Target yesterday, and could not find anything geared for boys?? The have Teen Spirit for Girls, but nada for the boys. My husband is concerned about

    aluminum content, so does anyone have any suggestions?



  10. Both of my boys are in glasses, ages 8 and 7. Hubby and I both wear glasses as well. We all go to Dr. Sharma at Sams Club. My oldest was not given an accurate eye exam at Marittea Eye Clinic, and while going with me one day to get my contacts, he noticed he seemed to have trouble with his glasses on..He took him right in, gave him a exam, and got him the corrected perscription. He just recently saw my youngest, and I could not be happier with him.

  11. Been there done that....Hubby left for here the day after Thanksgiving..Kids and I stayed in Ohio till the end of February..Was it stressful? Heck yes! Were the kids brats sometimes? You betcha! ^_^ ^_^


    The one thing that has not been mentioned is how you will feel when it's over. Great! I feel very proud of myself for holding everything together by myself. Paid the bills, took care of sick kids, ect...It reminded me of my Mom, who had to hold it all together by herself, when Dad was on Deployment. She had 5 kids.


    This sounds like a once in a lifetime, let him go. Everyday we see other mothers out and about whose husbands are fighting in the War. If they can get through it, you certainly can. :wub: :wub:

  12. Sams Club.....They don't try and pressure you to get all the extras. Both Hubby and I, and now both boys all go there. Minnie and Gina are some of the people that work there, and they are great. Also, anytime the boys need adjustments (which is like weekly) they do them right then and there!


    Good Luck :D :D

  13. There have been many awards through the years....academics, attendance, and sports. Too many to list. My 3 boys are wonderful young men and make me proud everyday. :wub:







    What handsome sons you have...It just amazes me that my two (now 8 and 7) will be that big one day! :blush: :blush:

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