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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. I sooooo wanted to be at home this morning to watch it, but had to be at the boys school. I don't know if I want to see the video. Before I left the house, the Today Show was on, and they were previewing the concert. All of a sudden my husband goes, "Honey, you do realize that you are singing and dancing in front of the TV.." :D :D I had no idea!


    The concert 10/29 is my birthday, I have to tell my husband!

  2. Sorry for the hijack..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    My husband is looking to get his next tattoo, and have one recolored. We have had several reccomendations for you and the shop. Long story short, a few Saturdays back, we were in Dallas when they were having the yard sale. He went in and waited for awhile, looked at some books, all the while waiting for the lady that worked there to at least aknowledge him.Then another lady came in, and the lady who worked there, asked how she could help her! :unsure: :unsure:


    Hubby of course got miffed, and walked out. I would like him to try again, is there a good time/bad time to come in?


    Thanks so much....

  3. I think I can.


    The SO did put out an off-the record backgrounder that basically said that questions remain regarding this incident.


    That said, my experience tells me that the issues that remain would not include suspicions regarding a stranger.


    If they were searching for an abductor they would have presented at least some information on that.


    Rather, like in most cases when authorities become involved in domestic situation, there are questions that may arise that would raise concerns whether or not they are directly related to the original incident.


    And that is not to say charges are going to come from their investigation.


    Law enforcement, remember, is supposed to be suspicious and we can all hope that what ever their suspicions are, they are unfounded. Otherwise, I suspect we'll be reading about charges.





    Thanks so much...

  4. Keith is wonderful, he is a great person. Best of luck to you and you family. 770-459-3219



    I so agree...I have never had to use his services in the capacity of marriage counseling, I do get to see him in action every week!

  5. We did too...Hubby insisted at first because of the little boy on Wednesday...What did you set your temp at?? We are at 76. Even that feels way too warm. :mellow: :mellow:

  6. I must reply to this...My kids go to the same school that this boy goes to. As a matter of fact, my son knows this boy as they are both in the same grade. As a mom, all I want to know, is if I need to worry about some wackjob out here, that could possibly try and take my child out of his home! I don't need details, but for the love of God, if he ran away, just say so, so I don't have to worry about every darn person that I don't know that comes into my Subdivision!!! I was at the School today, and said about the same thing, and was told that they have no new information.


    Sorry :angry: :angry: It's just been a long day.

  7. Yeah, we live near there, but I didn't know that they were having a neighborhood yard sale


    This is our 1st. Annual Sale...Obviously we are not as big as some of the others, but maybe you will find something. I myself, will not be participating until Saturday, because I have to Sub tomorrow.


    Come on out! :D


  8. It should be taken care of, I did some work on it.... and will have the seafood boss keep an eye on it.





    Wow! Thank you so much! :D :D

  9. There should be no smell! Fresh seafood does not stink. Be safe and get all your meat at West Metro. I will only eat seafood from Harrys.



    I am not familiar with Harry's...Where is this? Do they sell fresh, or is it some sort of restaraunt?

  10. I was at Kroger today at 278/61...For full disclosure, I am not a seafood lover, but my husband is, so I buy for him and the kids. I have noticed that the last few times I was there, the smell from the meat/seafood department. Today, was the worst. When you walk in, the smell hits you, even hubby said that is not good. Has anyone else noticed this, and can anything be done? I could not even go back by there, it was so bad.

  11. I'm still sobbing.......



    Wow, they make a great looking couple...Is the boy or the girl yours?





    Duh!! I am thinking that this is your son?? I should have looked at the second pic1

  12. Oh, I just love Prom Night! The pics so far of all the kids are great! Last year, we just happend to be out for dinner, and when my then 5 year old boy saw some of the girls...Well, let me just say that he was telling everyone that they looked like the most beautiful princess ever! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    Keep the pics coming!


  13. Here is my situation..I have two boys, ages 8 and 7...I also have a husband that works all the time, so that I can be a SAHM for my family. If one is invited to a party, I call the parent and ask if I can bring my other one. I also INSIST on paying for my other child, if there is a charge per child. If I am throwing a party for one of my kids, andI know that the child has siblings, I make it clear that they are invited as well. This is just the way that I have always done it. It has never seemed to be a problem for me, and I hope that having both my children at a party, was not a problem for the other Mom.

  14. My MIL lived in Cleveland for 3 years. She moved there to be with her son and his family. In that short period, her car was stolen, her home burglarized, she was mugged, and, the last straw, robbed at gunpoint in the street outside her home. I think it's miraculous-- if true-- that this couple managed to hold on to that money for so long in that he**hole of a city.



    We moved here from Cleveland in 2004. Cleveland is a wonderful metropolitan city on Lake Erie. I am not sure, where your MIL lived, but like all major cities, there are places to live, and places not to. I guess that we were fortunate enough to live in a WONDERFUL area (Geauga County). I am so sorry that she had such a rough time, If the opprutunity were to ever present itself, for us to go back, we would in a heartbeat. Our house was actually 12 miles from the city of Clevaland, but you would never know it. Although I am very happy here, my heart stays there.

    For the record, Lima (which I have been to) is not in Cleveland, nor is it a suburb. It is actually in Northwestern Ohio, 72 miles north of Dayton, and about 78 miles south-southwest of Toledo. The Cleveland Plain Dealer chose to run this article, as it pertains to the happenings in and around Ohio.


    Cleveland Rocks! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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