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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. I drive by this almost every day..People are there, going throght the stuff like it is a yard sale or something..I have not stopped, nor do I intend to, but I would imagine that people have already taken what is of any value by now. I went by about an hour ago, and there were several cars there.I couldn't do that, but to each his own.

  2. My husband was on his way to work and got to the wreck before medical personnel. He helped get the baby out of the car. He is VERY upset and had to come back home. He said it was VERY, VERY BAD!! ALL OUR PRAYERS GO OUT TO THIS FAMILY!!


    Momof3- I just wanted to thank your husband for doing all he could for this poor family. Before I became a SAHM, I worked for Rural Metro Fire Department, and had to deal with more of these situations than I care to remember. We had to have trianing to deal with our emotions that we felt after the fact. Everything your husband is going through is normal, and I hope with time, he can deal with it. I can not imagine going back to accident scenes, now that I am a parent. I would stop of course if I ever came upon one, and help was needed, but this has not yet happend. Just be there for him, and give him an extra tight hug, and know that there are people out there, that are very thankful to him, for trying to do all he could.

  3. Here is a good example for you .. I was an only child until I was 15. My mom and dad finally decided to reproduce again ( bad idea ) :lol:


    My " little brother " grew up in daycare .. he swore worse than my sailor parents did. And the thing is " they let him " .. he was never told it was bad. At daycare, I was the one that always had to pick him up and get lectured because he was swearing. My mom worked 6am to 6pm .. she hardly ever saw my brother.


    Throughout his adolescence and teens he was " always " suspended. What was his punishment ? Oh he got to play on playstation for a week .. because it was " NEVER " his fault.


    He is now 22 years old .. he answers the phone " What the :ph34r: do you want ? " And IF I can get my parents on the phone .. They say " Oh it's just Steven .. he's grumpy " :blink: He can't hold a job, he stays in chat room and lives off of my parents. And my mom calls me to complain ???? :wacko: I tell her every time .. You got what you asked for .. now deal with it.


    So, yes your kids really are a product of your environment.


    You really made me laugh with the part about your parents finally deciding to reproudce again after 15 years...My sister was married and pregnant with her first (she was 18) when my mom got pregnant with me! :D :D :D


    My husband and I used to curse alot before the kids were born..He got his foul mouth from the Army, and I guess I got mine, because growing up my Mom thought "damn" was a horrible word! So, of course, when I flew the coop, I rebelled. I fully expect my boys to do the same, which is fine with me, WHEN they are out of the house. But to be honest, when I hear someone curse now, it makes me look at them slightly differently.

  4. Actually, there was a story about this on the Today Show this week. Shelters all around the country are filled with animals of all kinds..Now, I did not listen to the whole story, as I am not a pet owner, but the gist of it is the Economy. People all losing their homes, having to now rent, and lots of places don't take pets, or you have to have $$$ for a deposit. It was pretty sad actually, but I have learned, that sesperate times sometimes call for desperate measures. :( :(

  5. Something about this just keeps buggin me...Where does a 4-5 year old come up with "Mom, you're a B___"??


    I have two boys, and they have NEVER heard anyone call me that, much less any other woman that. I so agree with the poster that recalled the conversation with her 17 year old, my husband and I talk to our kids about RESPECT.

    I just have to wonder, where this child learned this behaviour.

  6. Ok... Now I consider myself a man of the world as much as the next, and as Soapmom has already stated, to each their own, but political correctness has surpassed it's limits with this one. I've known a few tranvestites that were so convincing, you couldn't tell they were guys untill you tweeked 'em. And lesbians so butch, that I thought they were lumber jacks. But this one takes the cake. She "legally" changed her sex to male??? Well guess what, the government will still define her as female. If she gets arrested, "he'll" be placed with the females. In the Hospital "he" will still be treated as a woman, even though "she" may think "she's" a male, as long as you're making babies inside of ya' you're still a female.


    But most of all, shame on the media for this three ring circus they've created, they're doing nothing but stirring the pot. This will generate more anomosity for the Gay/Lesbian community than anything else has in years. And the Good Morning America entertainment and propaganda machine (you'll never catch me even considering these charlatans a legit news media) comming on and proclaiming a man being pregnant is deceit in it's purest form, even if they did come out and say he was a transgender that kept her sexual and reproductive organs. Liberal mediaism at it's most manipulative and at it's lowest...



    Oprah said that they were legally married, since "she" is now considered a "he".....Was I the only one that heard that this way?

  7. I do think of him, often actually..He was arrested a few months back- 11 counts of child molestation of his step daughter..His wife (the girl he left me for) is now divorcing him. That Garth Brooks song comes to mind, about the old high school flame, thanking God for unaswered prayers.No, I don't talk to him (he's in Arizona) and I really don't know if he did it or not. I can say that he had no morals, but this? :wacko: :wacko:

  8. When I heard the news, I actually got chills! Joey was my man then, but now, Donnie is more my type..How many thirty something Moms do you think is gonna be at the concert? This has just made my day. :D :D

  9. I watched it....It was strange to say the least. Funny thing happend, hubby called from work, and asked what I was doing. I told him I was chopping onions, and watching some guy on Oprah who is pregnant..I think he dropped the phone :D :D


    He hadn't already heard this on the news, so after I explained it to him, all he could say is "That is just wrong on so many levels"


    I am a very open minded person, but even this freaked me out a bit..

  10. Callaway Gardens- We went over the Easter weekend, and our kids loved it! We got their Friday evening, and checked out Sunday afternoon. We stayed at the Lodge and Spa, and it was very nice. They are having some really good deals right now.

  11. I think this is very good advice. My son did not speak until he wa 2 and not in real sentences until about 3 1/2. He is almost 18 now and talks constantly, but he is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. He is VERY intelligent and will lead a perfectly normal life, including starting college this fall. There is always a chance that there is something else going on. If it would make you feel better to get it looked into then I suggest you do that if for no other reason than to put your mind at ease. Reading Rules suggested Babies Can't Wait and I think that is a great program. There is probably nothing for you to be concerned about but the extra work now will do nothing but help in the long run.


    Hijack here...


    No one has ever told me that my son has Aspergers..I was told a couple of years ago, that Autisim is like an umbrella, and some kids can be in the middle, and some kids can be on the outer edge....How did you know? It's funny. I always say to go with your gut as a mom, but this scares me. Do you happen to know what the testing involves?


  12. When my son was about a year old, I was worried about his lack of talking..The Doctor said that he was fine, then came 15month, 18 month checkups and still not much improvement. Again the Doctor said that he was fine,,When he was 23 months old, I went and had him evaluted by a Speech Therapist..He had the speech of a 13 month old. He started therapy that very week, and within 6 months, the flood gates opened! He ended up having therapy through most of his Kindergarten year, and was released on his 6th birthday. The same child is now 8 years old, has the vocabulary of an adult, and is in Venture. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    Personally, I think that a mothers instinct is all you need, when YOU feel something is not right. Follow that, and you can't go wrong. Good Luck!

  13. Not only is it weird, it is dangerous. No child should be putiing any tatatoo on them. Remember some of them are laced with drugs.


    I am very certain this one is not but we need to teach the kids not to lick these and stick them on themselves.



    I had no idea about tattoos having drugs on them! :o :o

    Where the heck have I been, that I have missed this. What about the ones that you get out of those gumball type machines??

  14. Wash yer kids arm. Tell them not to stick anything else to themselves until they check with you first.

    After all, you cannot control what the rest of the world does, but hopefully you can control your own child's actions and behaviours.


    He did not put it on his arm, he came home with it. He knows not to put anything on his body without asking me first. Actually the funny thing is, he had no interest in wearing it. Too boring for him, he wants the "real thing" like his Daddy has!


  15. I have debated on wether or not to say this, I do not want to start some big debate...I guess, the reason I am kind of irked is because it seems to us, that to bring this in ans pass out is fine..Would it be fine for my son to bring in something from our Church to pass out? We have to be so careful not to offend anyone with our beliefs, why is this not the case?

  16. Thanks for all of your replies...For the record, I am not upset with the child or with the Teacher. I guess that we just feel, that as adults, we seem to get overwhelmed by who is running for what, and who is better than who. Yes, he is able to read the tattoo, and thinks that this is who his father and I should vote for. He told me, that he made tattoos after all! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:




  17. So, the other day my first grader comes home with a new temporary tattoo...It is an election tattoo for J.K. Rogers for Sheriff. I asked him who gave this to him, and he told me that a girl in his class passed them out. My husband and I are a little irked by this. No offense to Mr. Rogers, I really don't care whose name was on the tattoo, but at achool?? First grade?? I thought that this kind of stuff would not be in our schools..I have not said anything to his teacher (whom I adore, by the way) not really sure I should say anything. Am I over-reacting to this?

  18. My 8 year old son, told me that he does that at school on his Venture day. Thanks for the link, I added it to my favorites. How sad is it that I had to have him help me with some?? :o :o

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