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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. I have two kids, the oldest is 8, the youngest is 7. I stopped working after my first son was born. That was when the REAL work began. Who knew how hard it would be to stay home full time? When my youngest started Kindergarten, (he's in 1st now) I had all of these feelings of guilt for staying home, questioning what I should do. I can tell you now, that I am busier than I have ever been. I am Co-President of the PTA,room parent for one class, and I do centers once a week in the other class. We could surely use another income, but I know that for me, this is where I am supposed to be.

  2. I had posted about it and all I did was a google search for candidate match. Good luck. I was very surprised with my results!


    I was not too surprised with my first match, but my second??? It really made me think!

  3. I just got off the phone with my friend, and I had asked her if she voted..She said no, because she didn't really know enough on where the candidates stood on issues important to her. A few weeks ago, someone here posted a link to a series of questions that matched you up with the candidate based on your answers..She wants to do this, and I can't find it..I thought it was on Fox News, and I could not find it on their website..Does anyone know?

  4. Well, i just got off the phone with the Election Supervisors office-770-443-7503...Polling places were changed last month, and the signs are put out for those that might not have been notified...She says that I am still at Poole, so thats where I will be then.

    I can't wait for the day, when we can go and vote where we are closest too , and that all of our info is on some computer, and they can just pull us up. Anyone know when that day might come?

  5. Thanks so much! Poole is not even close to me, but that is where they have us going. If it has been moved I would like to know first. The office at Union said, they thought it was because our parking lot is so small, but I was surprised to see the sign at Hiram elem too.

  6. I was just at Union Elementary, and a man was putting out signs that said that there will be no voting at the school, and it has been moved to the fire station. I also drove by Hiram Elementary, and they have signs posted out there that says the voting has been moved....I must say that I am relieved that they won't be voting at my kids school, but this leaves me the question of where do we find out if voting has been moved everywhere???My polling place is Poole Elem. would I call there?

  7. Do you happen to work with brick as well? I have a two sided fireplace, that had some sort of cement full surround fireplace. Tore out the livingroom side, and had brick put in, now I need the kitchen side done. I am unable to get ahold of the man that did the first job, as we are not building right now in our subdivision.


  8. Followed instructions to a tee, took my "dumplins" 1 hr. and 45 min. on HI to not be so gooey and the biscuits seemed to have had a too sweet affect on my dish..just used regular canned biscuits....smelled good but didn't taste good...what did I do wrong?


    Oh No! I was going to make this next week, it sounded so easy! Have no idea what, if anything you did wrong, but will be anxious to find out.

  9. welcome to pcom


    Thanks, and I just wanted to let you know the videos that you posted on that other thread, really made me laugh. I really needed that so, thanks.


    Welcome to pcom! We have a SAHM forum if you have not yet found it. LisaG is the moderator of it if you are interested pm her and she will give you the password.


    Thanks so much! I will do...

  10. I think we should do like Baptist churches and have all the newbies give their testimony so we can tell if they're here for good or for evil.


    Other than that, welcome.


    What brought you here? :D


    Well, I am a proud member of NGBC, BUT, I don't really have a testimony.

    I hope that you will soon learn, that evil isn't really my thing.

    What brought me here? Someone mentioned this website, os I checked it out.

  11. Welcome to P.com! You will be an ole' timer before you know it! ^_^


    Scarlet and Bruce


    When I said learining about new businesses, I was talking about yours! I hope sometime soon, to come and see some of what you have! From what I have read, your products are great, and I think that I will love them. The pics of the baskets that you have done looked wonderful. When circumstances change, I will be there!

  12. Welcome to pcom. Glad you're here.


    Warning: This forum is known to cause sudden bursts of laughter, discharge of liquids from the nose and mouth while reading a post from Moose, and is manufactured in a facility that also produces fits of rage, intrigue and mystery.


    I couldn't have said it better myself.

  13. Oh, and another thing, never make reference to fat people, there may be fat people reading pcom and eating doritos at their

    computer and feel guilty.



    you almost made my bite of mint chocolate chip come out my nose!

  14. Well, I have been lurking for a few weeks, and thought that I would finally jump in and say hello. I have lived in Paulding County for 3 1/2 years now, and only found this site last month. I just wanted you to know, that you all have given me great insight into the goings on of the county, great references on local business, but most of all, great laughs during a very stressful time for me.

    Hmm...What can I say about myself? 33 year old SAHM, married 11 1/2 years, and Co-President of my kids school PTA. Be

    talking to you soon.....

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