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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. This is just my suggestion, so take it for what it's worth..You said that you have gone on lots of interviews, and they all hire someone else. You can try by calling some of the people that you interviewed with, and find out what about you they felt was not right for that particular job. It could be something that you are doing/not doing in your interviews that is the problem. My husband has interviewed lots of people in his time, and he had a guy call him, and ask him why he didn't get hired. Hubby gave him some constructive critisism, the guy made some changes, and he ended up calling my hubby back, thanking him, and telling him he found a job. I can't tell you that this is something that I could do myself, it would take alot of thick skin, but maybe worth it to you.

    Good luck with your job search.....

  2. How sad! I hadn't hear this story. How in the world does something like that happen?


    This happend several months ago..From what I recall, she was sitting in the kiddie pool at a hotel, and she was sitting on the drain. There was obviously issues with the drain, and her insides, we literally sucked into the drain. It was HORRIBLE.


  3. So he can keep his flight benefits ;) As for Lockheed you are always wondering if you will have a job..They always cut people left and right..But hey DH got a $1.00 pay raise so all is good now B)



    Gotcha ;) ;)


    When Continental laid us off, we did not get the benefits, so I can see why you would want to keep them. My husband came home the other day, and told me that he gets a flight discount when he flies (I think with Air Tran), and when I asked him about the rest of us, he said No... :mellow: :mellow:


  4. DallasRed- May I ask why your husband would want to go back to Delta? It seems that all of the Commercial Airlines are hurting right now, some more than others, but having an Airline job is not what it used to be. I don't know much about Lockheed, but my neighbor is retired from there, and he does VERY well....


  5. Yeah I agree. I just wish it would get better and he could get a job in the field he went to school for (mechanic for airlines.) But, we have just pretty much concluded that it is what it is and he will just have to take a different path. -_-


    ETA: he wanted to be like his dad. His dad worked for Eastern and well we know what happened with that.



    Davis- I am so sorry to hear that. :mellow: :mellow:


    I hope that your husband can find work in the field, if that's what he wants...It is so hard right now, I know...

  6. My hubby got a job at Northwest Airlink and then 9/11 happened. We were all packed (whole apt) and were going to move to Memphis. Well 2 days before we were to move 9/11 happened and he has never had a job in the industry to this day. <_<



    My husband worked for Continental Airlines...He just got hired on that summer, and we were so happy! Before 9/11, when you got on with the Airlines, that was it, you were problably gonna retire there. But now....We have had one major layoff since then in the Corporate World. There is no such thing as job security anymore, especially in this Industry.

  7. Does this mean they aren't recalling any more Mechanics? <_<


    ATLANTA -- Delta Air Lines says it will offer voluntary severance payouts to roughly 30,000 employees -- more than half its workforce -- and cut domestic capacity by an extra 5 percent this year as part of an overhaul of its business plan to deal with soaring fuel prices.






    Is your hubby an aircraft mechanic? Reason I ask is that this is what my hubby does....He worked Commercial Aviation until after 9/11 (layoff) Has been Corporate Aviation ever since.


  8. Why did Priscilla do that to herself?? She has always been so pretty, and then she goes and does that?? I am not against plastic surgery (I have had some myself) but she went too far IMHO.


    Having said that, I can't wait for tonight, this is a fun refreshing show!

  9. Well, I can tell you what NOT, to do....Wait until they are 7 months old, and then decide to put them in a crib. This is what I did of course, and it was a long difficult transistion for both him and myself. (Hubby worked nights, hence he bacame my sleeping buddy) I know that there is not a greater feeling than sleeping right with your child, but if you think that you will put them in a crib at some point, sooner rather than later is my advice.

  10. My friend got this for her son, a couple of years ago...I't's BIG, REAL BIG! It takes awhile to put up, and her son seems to have more fun when the darn thing is in a big ol mess on her floor. When she bought it 2 Christmas's ago, she paid $100.00 at Walmart.

  11. I don't think that anyone was trying to make you feel bad Georgiagirl...I did have a c-section, and I had a 10 1/2 MONTH old baby...We lived in Ohio, and my family was in Arizona..Hubby could only stay with me for a day after I came home. We made it work, we women are tougher than we think! ;) ;)


    IF, he needs to go back sooner, you will be okay.


    I know that my husband needs a oil change on his 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, how much would your hubby charge?


    Good Luck, and by the way, your baby girl is beautiful! :D


  12. I know just how you feel!!! <_< <_<


    Dominos will deliver to my Subdivision, but I really need to be desperate cause hubby does not like them. I have been biting the bullet and driving to Papa Johns, they taste better than Dominos IMHO. I remember 2 years ago, the agent telling us this area, is going to be so big in a couple of years. She said everything was going to come out this way.

    Still waiting......


    Maybe one day :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  13. bump...still no luck. While the phone itself could not fit through the grate drain, I suppose pieces of it could. Still hoping it turns up.


    Sending good vibes your way! If it does not turn up, and you don't want to get a new one, try the Got The Goods Forum.

    They sometimes have phones available.


  14. Just talked to the Carlton's of Carlton Farms in Rockmart-it was Chad Carlton's new house he just bought with his wife that was flattened. Thank GOD they were not there and had been renovating, so had not moved in yet. At any other time, they would've been there working on it-but because of the time of day it hit-both were not there. They are safe, but their house is gone.




    I have been to their farm many a time...So glad no one was home. I know that they must be so upset about the house, but it can be rebuilt.

  15. My hubby ran over his with a forklift on Thursday :p. Hope you find yours.



    I have a friend whose husband ran over his, and he tried to super glue it back together! :p :p :p

    No, it did not work.

  16. Are you insinuating something? 'Cause I don't feel so bad about eating that brownie cake last night now either.


    My nephew swears 2012 is it.



    Really starting to wonder!! My Pastor has been sayin for awhile, that things are changing, and are we gonna be ready when HE comes.

  17. Just went to the MSNBC homepage...


    Giant crane has collapsed in NYC...


    Earthquake off Oregon Coast, magnitude 5.9


    Tornados in Atlanta with more to come..


    Wildfires in Texas


    LGM posted about her Dad in Santa Cruz where they are getting hail..(rare)



    I am going back to eating my chocolate eggs with no guilt.


  18. im starting to not like alabama :p



    HA,HA!!! This has been a VERY bad day...I am now in sugar shock, from my stress eating..But really, can anyone blame me? I was stuck in Walmart in Rockmart, surrounded by the mens underwear for 40 minutes thinking we were going to get blown away....

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