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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. I go on that road almost every day. I really hope that they are finally going to pave the whole darn thing, and widen it so that more than one car go be on it at a time. Hope someone can tell us the scoop!

  2. I have had to have 3 different hernia surgeries, to fix 6 hernias. (back to back pregnancies)


    Anyway, when the hernia is actually causing pain is not a good sign. Worst case scenario is that the hernia gets incarcerated in the hole. This is an emergent situation, and he would need surgery asap, so that the intestine does not die. To have emergent hernia surgery is MUCH more serious than elective hernia surgery. Find out what kind of payment plans the hospital has.


    For the record, I waited almost two years with my last hernia. I was not in any pain, due to the fact that the hole was so big, there was little to no chance of incarceration.

  3. Lunches are tough!


    this is what we do- grilled cheese, cut up hot dogs with cheese and crackers, hot dogs with bun, Trix yogurt with banana and cheese crackers or sliced apples and cheese crackers, instead of making a ham and turkey sandwich, roll up the ham and turkey with some cheese slices and carrots and ranch dressing. The boys have also started liking those Tostino Pizza Rolls. I bought a bag of popcorn chicken and french fries, and I baked them instead of frying. I also bought those little Sprites, and told them we were having Chik fil a :D :D

  4. Born in Yuma Arizona, lived there until a month to the day after I got married..At that time we moved to Kingman, Arizona.


    From there we moved to Piqua Ohio, then on to Novelty Ohio, which is a suburb of Cleveland.


    Been here since 2004.

  5. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


    I am so happy for you! San Diego is where my Father cam home almost every time. When that ship came in, and then waiting until we saw him..... :wub: :wub:


    I know that tomorrow won't get here soon enough, enjoy!

  6. Why do you need to use a lotion when tanning? Does it really speed the process up, or can you not tan on a bed without lotion? Sorry if it seems like a dumb question, but I have nevver used a tanning bed before, but I think that I need to!

  7. I thought that by now for sure you would have heard something :mellow: :mellow:


    Is there somewone that you can call or email? My Father is in Arizona, so it is 6:30 am there time, but I can call him later this morning, and see if he knows anbody who knows anybody...


    Keepin you in my thoughts and prayers......

  8. The first time we went, we went to Dine with Shamu..This is a dinner that you have as the park is closing. You are literally eating with the whales- it was really great.


    The last time we went we did the Polynesian (sp?) Luau. Wow!!!!It starts after the park closes, and although it can be pricey, it is something that both you and your children will not forget.


    Have fun!

  9. DallasRed- My father is retired Navy...He spent his many years on varius ships..One time there was a fire. The news media did not cover it all that much, and we did not hear from him for days..(there was no email at that time) I have seen the picture of the during and after. Any fire on a ship is serious, and the clean up is unimaginable. They also might have instituted some sort of black out on communication until such time as the powers at be see fit. My father says now, that they came very close to losing her, but she recovered. I just know that you will hear something soon, and I have no doubts that he is fine- just problably very dirty and awfully tired. Keep us updated. :wub:

  10. Maybe try to completely ignore her when she does it. I know that would be hard to do at times, but if she got no response from you, it would bore her after awhile. There is a reason why she continues to do this, and as long as she is going to get your attention from it, good or bad in this case, she will continue. I would also consider checking with you Pediatrician, as they may have even better ways to deal with it.


    IMHO- hitting her in her mouth, no matter how soft, may not be the best thing to do. :blush:

  11. Our male nephew has recently been diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma...I have been told that this is generally found in young boys..He is 28. We really don't have any more information that this, as there is little to no communication between his mother, which is my sister in law, and us. We can not really get any information from our nephew, as he is incarcerated, and in some Prison Hospital somewhere in Arizona.

    My husband and I have two boys of our own, and we are concerned that this could put them at some sort of greater risk.. :mellow: :mellow:

  12. Just a little FYI. The mom and dad of this boy are divorced and have been for some time. So the mom of this boy didn't just lose a husband less than a month ago. The step-mom did. Maybe now it will be a little less sad or maybe not.



    My parents were divorced for over 20 years, when Dad died. They shared 4 children with each other, and the divorce was not a pretty one. Both of my parents remarried, and my father had other children. For a very long time, there was alot of anger and hurt, but when he got sick.....My mother attended the funeral with us, and was sad with us...This may not have been the man that she loved as a Husband, but it was her childrens father.

  13. Do you have to pay ALL of the childcare expenses yourself? Shouldn't their Dad pay half at least? I don't have any great suggestions for making extra money, but I do wish you the best. I have never had to pay for childcare (SAHM) but my sister does, and I know that if it wasn't for child support and him paying a portion of it, she would problably be where you are. Good luck, I hope something comes up for you.

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