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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. I can't remember the exact height I will have to get my hubb'y book thingy. But, my 3 1/2 year old is 47 pounds his car seat is getting too small. The five point harness almost cuts the poor little guy in half.


    maybe check the settings on the back of the carseat?? My boys have been in their boosters for so long, I am not sure what the age/weight is when they can first be in one. My boys were the same way, and the boosters were alot better for them- by the time they were able to get in theirs we had loosend the straps all the way and adjusted the back to max height..


  2. yeah, well the guy that does my hair told me about them..so off I went in search and lo and behold there it was! My hair has been thanking me ever since :lol: :lol: I am truly not trying to get this thread moved :blush: :blush:

  3. I had the same problem, and it got worse the longer my hair got..I went out specifically and got a dryer with a longer- umm...for lack of a better word "shaft" :ph34r: :ph34r: so that I could get up under my hair without it getting caught in the end..found one at Sally Beauty Supply

  4. It honestly depends on how much the kids weigh and how tall they are. My alomst 4 year old has met both of he requirements to go into a regular seat. We also had to move him out of the infant car seat early because he was just too big for it. My daughter on the other hand will probably be in a seat for a while. i would have called 911 just for the fact that they weren't in a seat belt. Then I would have followed her until the officer arrived.



    :huh: :huh: Do you not have to be 4'9 to be out of a booster??

  5. Yeah, I think it has alot to do with your job function. Hubby has been with Lockheed for 25 years now and has been laid off 5 times. :unsure:



    Was he Union, and if so, what happens? Do they pay you? How long does it last?

  6. :D :D I lost mine a couple of weeks ago at the new Publix- had no idea until the next day..Someone found it and called the 800 number on the back of the card- and they put a block on it right then and there..Had to get a new card, but I feel so blessed that the person that found it was honest :blush:


    I know just how you feel, and I am happy for you! We hear about so much bad, and it is so nice to know that even in these times, there are still honest good people all around us!




    when is that number thing ever gonna get fixed?

  7. I think I'll stop and ask the people next door about it, maybe they can tell me more about the house. Anyway I like the old farm house next door to it even better.




    :lol: :lol: :lol: I feel the same way, everytime that I drive by..It just has character! Finally found the other house, it is pretty- love the stone work, and the kitchen looks pretty nice...


  8. I know at one time they were asking just under $800,000.00 for it, this could be part of the reason..My friends husband said that it is also a prime location for flooding?? Don't know, but I love the outside, and would love to see the inside!

  9. I got bi-focals at 8...I'm now 34 and have no glasses thanks to lasik.

    But it wasn't a problem for me. One was for reading at school....if I remember that was just clear as the distance was the issue for me...and the top was to see the board. It made the biggest difference for me. I don't know if that's helpful or not, but I was super duper proud of them and thought they were cooler than any other kid's glasses...they required skill! ha ha!!


    Thanks for the reply..kinda freaked out about the whole thing. :rolleyes: I asked about getting the kind with no lines- but he recommended against it for two reasons, one was the cost is much more, and two because my son can use the line- he looks above it to look at the chalkboard and below the line to read.


  10. My 8 year old is needing Bifocals- His perscription has more than doubled since his last exam- and this is what is recommended.. Is this common? I am told that this will slow the progression of the vision changes....If you have gone through this, I would really love to hear from you :(

  11. with expected lower temps over the next few days, the bus barn is having all drivers go door to door for pickup/dropoffs.


    Note that schedules may be running behind - schools are aware of this.



    Well, I still had to go to the end of my street today to get the kids <_< <_< :lol: :lol: I waited to see if she would swing down my street, but nope!

    No worries, our driver is wonderful and I still love her even though I had to walk in the cold! :lol: :lol:

  12. I could not believe my good fortune that it was not used (not like they would get very far :lol: :lol: ) I have never ever done something like this before, and I must say that BOA handled it really well so far- we will just wait and see about when I get my card..Until then- I will just have to use my checks and hubby's debit card.


    We hear every day about thefts, and this would have been an easy opprotunity for someone, I just wish that I could thank whomever found it... :blush:

  13. I went to the new Publix last night on Ridge Rd- and apparently lost my debit card....Did not know this, until I was getting ready to leave the house about 45 minutes ago...


    After many phone calls, I was told that someone found my card and called it in to BOA..They immediately closed the card, and now a new one is on its way to me..The person that found the card told them that they will destroy it..


    If you are out there, thank you so much! I have never had anything like this happen before, and I have been blessed that someone found it that was honest enough to call it in.. :wub: :wub: The last 45 minutes have been very stressfull, and I feel so lucky right now, with everything that has gone on lately with credit cards, it is so good to know that there are still good people out there!

  14. Don't know of any jobs for you, but I will keep an eye out ;) ;) I must also tell you, that I admire you alot for doing it all on your own, I have two kids mysel, and could not imagine not having my husband there. Good luck on your search! :) :)

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