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Everything posted by Mrskittycat

  1. dont know do these fit? Busier then a cat in a fresh plowed field Busier then a one armed ditch digger. Bless her heart
  2. yeah maybe he can go live with Casey Anthony
  3. you have any samples? I love those things but mine never turn out right
  4. I love a rainy day every now and then just a good old lazy day rain ...but this is driving me nuts! not to mention what it does to my bones.Rain rain go away
  5. When out in public and your child misbehaves what do you do? Do you feel threatened if you spank in public? Just wondered things have changed so much since I raised my sons .
  6. ahh I think its scheduled for Nov but Im not for sure I might be wrong may have misunderstood better check back later
  7. yep a good day is never pain free but like you said you gots to keep on keeping on and also I forgot to add another thing I like...waking up to a pristine white after a snow fall that covers the trees and ground and big fat flakes still falling! pretty to look at but dont miss it enough to move back to.
  8. I enjoy 1Family and fur babies 2 sunrises and sunsets 3the smell of rain 4 the sound of a baby laughing 5 trips down memory lane 6 sitting on the back porch early in the morning with a good cup of coffee 7 a day without pain and way to many things to list! And you are 100% right, life is to short to sit and complain we need to grab hold of the good and live life! sorry did not mean to preach
  9. I think you should definitely sue! After all they made money off of you, and you can take your money you get from the lawsuit and take golf lessons.
  10. I voted for him and my power bill only went up 15.00 feeling blessed
  11. this world needs more heros like Mike Prayers for the family
  12. I seen this on the computer and wanted to share so this little boy gets his wish Go to www.facebook.com/Xansfans
  13. you got that right...like white males never do anything wrong? If you buy that let me sell you something else
  14. I think everyone deserves to be remembered , but your 100% right we need to get our priorities in order to the families of the fallen I thank you
  15. To say one cares more for a dog then a child is pure B S the topic was about a dog not a child so people reacted as such . Speaking for myself the is nothing more innocent in this world then children and animals I love both, to be judged because felt sorry for the dog is so wrong.
  16. I must have missed that one .I didnt see anyone say it was Paulding
  17. I truly hope people dont see this as Its just a dog that would really be an injustice I hope people raise so much heck that they will have to take action
  18. wow just plain wrong makes me feel sick inside
  19. I dont know where you are located but when we have issues with our street lights we tell our water co. they charge us 4.00 a mo for the service
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