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Everything posted by Mrskittycat

  1. When I signed up it said it could take up to 2 weeks to go into effect.
  2. I have been in your shoes way to many times, though the decision is never easy I always follow my pets lead. If they are in pain and suffering I put them down if their is nothing the vet can do. But first I spend a day with them feeding ( if they eat) them their favorite foods, anhd doing some of their favorite things ( if they can) I hold them while the vet puts them down and tell them how much I love and will miss them. My heart hurts for you and hope you will know that their are those out here who understand.
  3. Tonight on LMN is a tear jerker nite Autumn in New York, and Dying Young whaaaaaaaaa someone pass the hankies
  4. Philadelphia & Fried Green Tomatoes, Beaches just to name a few
  5. Don't laugh....but with all the nice patterens and prints of sheets, I have used the flat ones for curtains. With a little hemming and maybe adding some decorations whala. This works well in bedrooms.
  6. I had my thyroid removed for the same thing you mentioned. It has been about 5 years now and other then blood work to monitor my levals . I take a little pill a day and no problems. But you need to make sure this is what you need and want. So ask for a 2nd opinion.
  7. No But Hubby loves to If this was the last day of your life what would you do?
  8. wish there was some way that we the people that was blessed to not have had lost all our possesions to help those in need. It would be nice to have everyone donate something to help others. Even if we could only help a few, what a blessing we would be to them. I have a table and chairs, and could probably dig up other things. Does anyone have any ideas?
  9. you think thats bad..I get mail offers for funeral funds!
  10. OMG! I never even thought of the ice maker...thanks for the post.
  11. Got a new roof this summer..so no leaks. I am thankful I live on a hill. Pray for those who don't
  12. can someone tell me if Due West is closed? Or East Paulding Rd. These are routes I take to work
  13. Just a big mess! Might as well make the best of it..anyone have any favorite rainy day memories? Mine is as a little girl my brothers and I would lay across the bed with my Mom and she would tell us stories till the storm passed.
  14. yeah we have a very large poplar tree next to the house.. been wanting it gone for awhile ..but not on the house!
  15. LOL think now would be a good time to sell hubby's boat?
  16. Remember when we were praying for rain? Lots and lots of folks were... sometimes God does not answer prayers right away..could it be he is just now catching up? with lots and lots of rain? Stay dry and becareful what you pray for!
  17. don't matter how old the roof is ..if you have hail damage they will cover it..or should . our roof was 18 years old but we were still covered for the hail damage
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