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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. Wasn't Tundra defending Kersten's libertarian attitudes toward marijuana and now she's condemning Howard's lackluster support for gaming (I've never heard of him sponsoring a bill or supporting horse racing or casinos in the state. There is a word for it ... I think it starts with an 'H' ... dang pubby
  2. Admitted that was the first example but the remaining examples can all be explained by learning more, understanding more and changing as a result. As conservatives are anti-changing/evolving/growing, I understand your difficulty with the concept. Still, you should heed the wisdom of Ralph Waldo Emerson and his observation ... A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds…with consistency a great soul simply has nothing to do."[8] When a man adheres blindly to thoughts or opinions he has vocalized in the past, purely for the sake of seeming true to his principles, Emerson argues t
  3. I don't call people racist without justification. I would suggest that you're stretching what I've said to say that I called you a racist. I think you are, as they say, putting words in my mouth or as Shakespeare might observe ... The lady doth protest too much, methinks. pubby
  4. Hey mrshoward; in 1995 I was in support of civil unions as it seemed that legislature after legislature defined marriage as between a man and a woman. However, my support of civil unions was support for essentially and effectively the same thing - the difference in my mind at the time being one of semantics. I've met a lot of people over the years and I don't perceive her to be any less accurate over time than the best of these folks. As a person who claims understanding of American individualism, I might point to Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay called "Self-Reliance" I've hid the
  5. So, tell me, don't you like it when people are politically incorrect? (Thought that was what you like about The DONALD.) pubby
  6. mrshoward: Don't vote for him ... oh wait, he is not running for anything ... dang. Okay. pubby PS: Ever watched Mad Men? It was the male dominated culture that folks my age grew up in. It was premised on while male dominance over women and over race. Ever wonder why the GOP talks about taking "merica back and making it 'great again.' Wonder why the GOP has since the 1980s dominated the votes from the 35+ white male demographic? The only reason Bill Clinton got elected is because enough of the white male 35+ age group voted for him because of the 40 percent neanderthal a
  7. The videos I've seen of Haitians suggest they represent more a rainbow of colors than the monochomatic 'black' you implied. Frankly, while there are some black Haitians, the general population is more like middle-eastern in terms of skin tone. As they aren't African Americans and they aren't black, I figured colored would be an appropriate descriptor. Oh, and GD ... In the first post I mentioned Haitian ... you objected and that was the only statement I made that suggested anything other than your world view being from the 1920s ... but since we're not in the 1920s and that kind of syst
  8. Actually, Greatma, I knew one or two of the so-called 'Bimbo's'. As far as Bill Clinton ... he is a talented politician with a notable weakness and appetite for strange. I'm not a great fan of his character. That said, many, many men have that particular flaw and it comes in part - probably in large part - because of the enhanced opportunity that folks that lead a very public life lead. Hell, Eisenhower had lovers in WWII; Roosevelt had lovers ... Kennedy had lovers ... can't say about Lyndon but it is possible Dick Nixon had lovers of the male kind (an awfully queer looking photo of he an
  9. Are you accusing Howard Maxwell of pedophilia? The last pedophile I heard of was the former Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. Bottom line I would reject the notion that you implied, that Howard Maxwell was a pedophile and I have not heard of him being a character witness for Denny Hastert ... so all I can assume is that you're (typically) blowing crap out your backwash orifice ... 'cause I don't know what you're talking about. pubby
  10. I think the difference is that Eddie's view of Christianity differs from your puritan-influenced understanding. See, the puritans had the notion that those with money were blessed by God and were therefore purveyors of Gods' word. This concept has been adopted by those preaching the prosperity gospel and it has a long history in the US. Having studied about such variations in interpretation - the Church supported college from which I graduated required we take comparative religion courses - I personally reject the puritan approach ... and not just because it gets folks up in a tizzy about w
  11. GD: It wasn't being nasty to suggest you grew up in Haiti ... it was just the first backward country I could think of where they still traded chickens and eggs for medical care. It came to mind when I first wrote Cuba but then from what I read, they actually have pretty good health care there and as it is not a capitalist country dominated by greedy bastards, the medical care is delivered at reasonable cost to the society. And as I know you are anti-socialist, I felt suggesting you were from Cuba would be insulting. My mind roamed the Caribbean and darn it if Haiti didn't come up.
  12. What, was Howard saying that Donald Trump was of high moral character? ... I am assuming that he's talking about Trump because Trump must have diddled at least one underage girl in his copious diddling. (Doesn't he own one of the teen beauty pageants?) pubby
  13. In what context, mojo ... That if we don't pursue the project it will fail as a GA facility, the county will turn it back to the FAA who will turn it over to HJIA which will turn it into a secondary hub of HJIA? ... I can see local advocates bringing up that possibility ... I think I've even suggested that is one of the reasons Delta, et.al sought political control in Paulding ... so they can get the airport for their own. pubby
  14. Funny, Whitey ... I don't recall anyone BUT YOU suggesting that Silver Comet Field would be a regional hub for the city of Atlanta and HJIA. What orifice did you pull that whopper out of?? pubby
  15. Duh ... almost all healthcare has been paid for either by the government or insurance companies since the 1940s when, under wartime wage and price controls, the offer of health care benefits was one of the tools businesses used to recruit workers. The days when you dropped off a chicken in payment for your appendectomy were gone by the time I was born in the 1950s in all but the most backward of locations. Hummm ... I guess that tells us something about you. The problem has been that with the insured - historically over about 80 percent of us - the medical profession started gaming th
  16. I think a better question may be how much does her statement have to do with failing memory in old age. pubby
  17. I believe that is what we did ... and with the highest using most vulnerable group of people - the elderly. Frankly it is working out relatively well ... until the GOP came in and started giving stuff away (loopholes, screwy rules like Part D has to pay list price for drugs and cannot negotiate prices.) ... But hey, even with the GOP spending the last 35 years sabotaging the federal government, those who understand markets understand the concept of natural monopolies and even the need for greater popularization of non-profit ventures. Bottom line, a broader understanding of not just econo
  18. Hell, Cheney identified undercover CIA agents (through his chief of staff) out of vindictivness and you supported him. Hillary did not allow classified emails to leak out nor did she get a US ambassador killed (unlike Bush-Cheney whose optional war for Iraqi oil ended up with thousands of dead American soldiers, thousands more contract workers ... or even Ron Reagan's sending troops to Beruit where 241 Marines died. That you demand perfection from Democrats and allow idiocy to run amok when you're side is in is simply hypocrisy ... oh wait ... in honor of the presumed GOP nominee HUGE HYP
  19. The worst thing wrong with Hillary has nothing to do with Hillary ... it is the obsessive hatred of the far right. I wouldn't put her in the category of great leader but certainly she'd spent the time doing critical things that would prepare her for the office. She is a politician and you should just call her a politician instead of a liar because all politicians lie. However, one thing politicians don't usually do is impersonate PR guys and, while in that character, run on and on about how everyone wants to have sex with them because it is so fabulous because he is so huge. Y
  20. Dutch teacher strips down in front ofstudents... by tomonewsus A Dutch science teacher has gone viral after she found aninteresting way to teach her seventh graders about anatomy.And by interesting we mean she stripped in front of herclass. Debby Heerkens, a teacher at Groene Hart Rijnwoude School,has become an internet sensation after one of her biologystudents uploaded the video. Heerkens wanted to find a creative way to teach her studentsabout the human body. "At first they were a bit in shock because they thought 'theteacher is taking off her clothes,'until, they saw what isunderne
  21. closed at the request of the OP pubby
  22. The Republican Party’s Race Problem and Strom Thurmond’s LegacyWhat went wrong for the party of civil rights? Why do they have so few African-American supporters? A new book argues that Strom Thurmond reshaped the Republican Party and the South with his support of segregation—and left the party with a poisonous legacy on race relations that continues to this day.
  23. Not at all ... it is just imagination ... which is something conservatives, as a class, seem to be devoid. pubby
  24. You know, I'm glad you said that because it tells me that is what you think. However low, let me implore you to try and stop putting words in my mouth or even thinking that you have the capacity to think what I think because if you think you have the slightest understanding you're failing miserably. I would encourage you to check this link out, though. pubby
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