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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. I watched it last night, CC: It reminded me that Hillary is fighter for the people who made decisions like the private email server primarily as a defensive measure. From her early days in Arkansas when she was Hillary Rodham and immensely criticized because she didn't act like a southern belle to the bimbo eruptions and Monica, whitewater and Jim McDougal, she knew that the conservative forces that opposed progress would root out, complain and blame her, Bill and anyone in favor of progress of any kind in every way they could. When you realize that the private email server was a big TRUC
  2. I'm more surprised that mrshoward didn't chime in saying it was an act of Islamoterrorism. pubby
  3. <adata-ipb='nomediaparse'href='http://adserv.paulding.com/x1/www/delivery/ck.php?n=a917e73b&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE'target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0"src="http://adserv.paulding.com/x1/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=2&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE&n=a917e73b"/></a> Reward offered forinformation on Sweetwater Bridge Circle Shooting (Paulding County, GA) OnSeptember 26, 2016, at approximately 8:50 PM, PauldingCounty Sheriff’s Deputies responded to Sweetwater BridgeCircle in reference to several shots being fired atthe residence. The victim, who wasident
  4. gpatt0n

    My Bad...

    You can actually post a request to the mods via the report button acknowledging your mistake and they will edit the title for you. pubby
  5. Our fear is that real solutions you envision will be something like the final solutions offered by those who believe in top down authority. Real facts ... the real fact is that the man's name was published in the newspaper in Honalulu when he was born and that he listed place of birth as Hawaii when he registered for the draft, not to mention birth certificates certified by the state of Hawaii. Everything else is bullcheese. Oh, and here is another real fact ... the Democratic party didn't nominate a criminal who should be behind bars to be their nominee for the presidency of
  6. I've heard he does and I hear he claims I visit it ... but like so much of what he claims that too is untrue. pubby
  7. In some realities GD is right because he's right and those on the right are always right because they are right, right? What cha smokin willis? pubby
  8. Here, let me concoct some lies for you dogs. You are a dog You are a bright fellow You are intelligent You are superior You are fat You are handsome You are known for telling the truth You are not partisan You always win at poker You love all your neighbors You are laid back and not critical of others I couldn't be more right about you I have to say in my own mind I have never before lied as much as I did in concocting that list. pubby
  9. Your problem dogs, is you are fool enough to believe people who carry the "R" label. Hell, you even believe them if they were a democrat and turned Republican like Trump whereas I know that many Republicans were democrats and they are by definition either liars then (when they were democrats) or liars now that they are republicans. pubby PS: Bob Barr's favorite joke was how you can tell when a politician is lying ... their lips are moving. To his credit, he didn't distinguish between Republicans or Democrats.
  10. What is patently absurd about the whole birther lie is that a lowly Illinois state senator would have had the stroke to have a false identity so easily established to hide his place of birth in Keyna in the first place. I would posit that for that to be truth one would have to assume intervention on his behalf by a higher power. Frankly, if a higher power had pulled that 'miracle' then that higher power would have had the ability to subvert the attitudes of those in Congress who obstructed virtually every action this president tried to take. Really, this whole notion is absurd from th
  11. Great news ... I bet her mom thinks we prayed too hard ... I'm sure she was ready to evict her tenant a couple of weeks ago pubby
  12. GD: You call it spin; I call it study seeking fact. Here's another 'fact' ... compare it to chart with Hillary and Donald above. No, he's being conned by appeals that involve bigotry and misogyny. We really don't know how rich he is ... and his hiding how rich he is and also where he is getting his money and who he owes ... are all secrets being held closely and is one of the reasons he won't release his taxes. You folks have been conned by a slick NYC con man because you're impressed by big letters on buildings. How sad. pubby
  13. Obviously the objection to Trump is not how conservative he is ... it is how ignorant he is of the processes of our representative government and the notable penchant he expresses for authoritarian rule and rulers. That is why the analysis of the political spectrum is so obviously informative. Being a general rating instrument that has been employed going back to the early 2000s and having been employed in academic study of politics, it is generally an unbiased arbiter of a persons political 'compass' ... a way to determine where they are and where they are going. This guy is as aut
  14. Kind of funny/sad. Yep, that is Don Jr. after he literally killed the symbol of the GOP ... A dead elephant has no memory. The funnier image, though, is what Don, Sr. has already done to the figurative symbol - Let's say I see Don Sr. holding a gray bag with two balls. pubby
  15. In this field, yes.Unequivocally. Hillary Clinton is a person who, largely because of her sex, has not been out there bowling people over with her bluster. She has been listening and when she speaks, the words she uses are deliver messages at a college level. She is like many women in the context of how selfless she is in her speech. This has allowed the Republicans, with what a dozen Benghazi investigations that didn't find a damn thing but did generate a lot of spurious headlines, etc. etc. on down to absolute bull chit about body doubles, define her, especially to those who lik
  16. Folks, Donald Trump is the wrong guy to do these changes. He's an idiot. You can tell that by his choice to begin his campaign by restarting the Birther conspiracy. You do know that shows he's a nut job from the get go. The only people who don't recognize that are ... deplorable ... pubby
  17. I know you are frustrated but this scenario, as sad as it is, is the reason that the majority of the people want to avoid contact with it or even know about it. Given we all know that there are two sides of a story - and that the devil is always in the details - we also know that we are not being given enough information to make any kind of reasoned judgment. It would a lot easier if the boyfriend had a record as a child molester. pubby
  18. No, it is disgraceful that he is running and it is deplorable that you voted for him. If you had any sense, you would understand it is you who needs to get your thinking straight. pubby But he's not a businessman; he is a con man who happened to have inherited enough money to put on some very elaborate cons. pubby
  19. false equvalency: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/donald-trump-university-memory-224712 It is disgraceful that this guy is on t he ballot for president this November. pubby
  20. You think I'm out there, consider this analysis by the pro's (political scientists) that maintain the politicalcompass.org site. Oh well ... I would have posted this hours ago but ran across a reference to a book called the Mass psychology of Fascism and was reading a bit about it (reviews.) Fascinating topic and approach as it deals with the rise of the third Reich ... and was written by a guy called Wilhelm Reich ... which is a bit of a pun. But what is really funny, is this book, written by a respected associate of Freud, says it all revolves down to sex. pubby
  21. dogs: When dealing in a political milieu in which Vlad Putin is a participant and manipulator and the primary actor is a three time loser (bankruptcy) whose veracity earns this editorial note ANYWHERE: I have no intention of sitting on the sidelines while the most authoritarian personality ... one that rivals folks whose rise in power has led to the death of over 100 million people in world history. Compare these two graphs from the politicalcompass.org. What you see is that Hitler is a bit more middle of the road in the left-right wing dimension but Trump is off the
  22. But Hillary is not dead nor is she dying and when you dish out such BS for public consumption you got to know that it creates a void that will be filled by more substantial palaver. As far as the closing of the topic, if you reported it to the mods, well, I'll leave it up to them to do their moderation thing. pubby
  23. Why don't we leave it open in case Hillary dies :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: pubby
  24. Actually, this is how the political game is being played cptlo: Tell me if you agree.
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