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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. Here is body-cam video of the emergency worker who helped extract the infant, take her to the ambulance and revive her. pubby
  2. Boss Hogg ... naw ... I'm his cuz ... Able Pickens Peachtree III. pubby
  3. I understand your point ... I really do. But recognize that there is no law against using the "n-word" by anyone and if you grew up in the south even to this day, you've heard it hundreds if not thousands of times. What is going on in OK, LA and TX with the fraternities is frankly a purge based on political incorrect language which is, in the final analysis BS because it really isn't anything more than a serious reminder to the ruling class to keep their prejudice unspoken. It certainly doesn't limit the ruling class from cutting taxes so that officers are patrolling alone on streets
  4. That's not true ... I don't feel the police are corrupt and power mad. I just come from the point of view that it is by definition, a screw up when an unarmed person ends up dying in an arrest. Whether the issue is a lack of education by the victim, a lack of or improper training by LEO, stupidity by the victim or a combination of the bunch - an unarmed person dead as a result of an encounter with LEO is a screw up. I'll admit absolutely that is where I start. That is because we need to be thinking about what we can do avoid these circumstances because in my world, it is an aut
  5. It is more complex than that. While these are anecdotal observations, I do know that if I were a cop, I'd feel less secure alone than with a partner for backup. I also would feel less secure if I knew that more of the bad guys had badder weapons than I had. (I remember doing a story in which Sheriff Perry Grogan complained that the 'bad guys' were using AR-15s and other high-powered weaponry and that the SO was already 'out-gunned' by the criminal element in the county - in 1990.) You can say what you will but I don't think anyone in LE 'counts' on John Q. Citizen to pull his gun and
  6. Perception is everything and this particular incident is one of many incidents - too many - that have LEO blasting unarmed citizens. What makes this one remarkable is that it is the first one where the office didn't say, like the Ferguson Mo. cop "he reached under his shirt," because the guy was bare ass naked. You say "Something can be tragic, obviously unwanted yet still not a result of a flawed practice or intentional malice." and I say, it didn't used to happen with the frequency that it does today. Zorro said it didn't happen in 1978 when he and two other officers had to wre
  7. You can't get anything right stradial. It is big brother that is watching. pubby
  8. My memory also includes this from the Rome Georgia newspaper. There 's more: You don't have to have an IQ much higher than 80 to realize that if you use a rifle and shoot at a line of police who are facing a large group of black protesters in a place with a history like Ferguson, Mo.; there is the possibility the police would blindly return fire shooting into the crowd. Only an extremist would do something that stupid but there are plenty of them on both the left and right. pubby
  9. Reminds me of a story told by Ben Bradlee of the Washington Post about J. Edgar Hoover. I sense something like this is what happened here. pubby
  10. What we're talking about are bodied being piled high. We've seen that before and I think you'd call those who did so thugs. The point being that is what is being seen. We all know that jailers and psych ward nurses and all those called upon to handle the mentally ill do so without benefit of a pistol pulled from the hip and discharged into a torso. Stradial, saying that you never questioned the shootings is like a Fraulein living comfortably in her apartment ten miles north of Dachau in Munich saying that she was glad the good folks were doing their job. UGAdawgs, that is
  11. That is absurd. This is a discussion of opinions on whether cops should always get a free pass when they shoot unarmed civilians. Some people, for various reasons, are no in control and their actions may be violent due to any sort of chemical imbalances for any number of legitimate medical reasons. A little understanding of medical science would disabuse everyone that just because someone is acting drunk doesn't mean they've been drinking or taking illegal drugs. Charging a threat for a person in the midst of a fit of paranoia that is not induced by a criminal act (ingesting drug
  12. Zorro and others... We've not judged the guy guilty, but, by the same token, we don't need the GBI to investigate whether that pile of BS over there stinks. It may or may not be BS ... it could be Cow S or Dog S or even goon puke ... but from the looks of it, it is a pile and it stinks. Guilty? I wouldn't say guilty. It may be an accident but we do not only empower cops with a great deal of power, we do expect them to be Boy Scouts - i.e. always be prepared ... and it is on that expectation that the police are not 'prepared.' Now, if the reason is - as you pointed out from your pri
  13. I just hope it doesn't spark a police riot. When I heard the ST. Louis County police chief describe the situation and the risk, it was obvious he was first, proud his officers didn't just open indiscriminate fire on the crowd but aware that is a risk. Do know there are hateful people who would love to spark a massacre and I would only say they are extremists. As far as whether they left or right extremists are to blame, I would only note that in the USA, right wing extremists with guns are in the majority. pubby
  14. There was no hate there; there was a legit question. He said he was in a similar situation where the officers decision was to wait until three officers had arrived before they confronted the drug crazed youth with whom the three had to wrestle, in his words, fifteen minutes. Obviously if he was alone in that situation, he would not have seen any option but to kill the fifteen year old. He said as much in his judgment of the case before us. Since he wasn't critical of the officer not waiting for reinforcements ... in fact very quick to justify his actions (with the likely if not guar
  15. Mark Lethbridge of Brown and Caldwell spoke to the Paulding Business Association today about the progress, problems and future of the Richland Creek Reservoir project, which is slated to begin construction as soon as the Corps of Engineers approves the permit. The project, with projected cost of about $180 million, is projected to provide water for Paulding for the foreseeable future. The county will have to let a bond issue estimated at roughly $80 million for its part of the project as well as service additional low-interest debt of about $50 million obtained through the Georgia Environmen
  16. Obviously if it took three of you fifteen minutes to subdue him, do you regret that you missed the opportunity to confront him one-on-one and know that you'd have been justified killing him, Zorro ... because obviously you justify all killings in that circumstance. Or would you explain step by step, why you officers decided to physically restrain this kid and preserve his life for appearance before a judge? Such restrain just seems so remarkable in this day and time. pubby
  17. Surepip: And where is Dale Russell in regard to your case? ... We're talking about specific events in October, November and December 2013. It would make a big, big, big difference if those who were listed as suing the county were not just the targets of a cursory review of public documents (because the folks in the county didn't know who they were at all) but were targeted by local government to those things. But there are no allegations except the statement in Jones email a year later to Ms. Goldman ... a case in which the documents were already in the court clerks office and
  18. It is simpler than that. There are a variety of reasons ... and I'm going to guess that some of the names of those filing suit were among those - particularly in late October 2013, whose backgrounds were explored ... as they might be informative of the mystery person who did the extortion. Yep, the county had just been served with three lawsuits featuring peoples whose names they didn't know and under the pen of big time law firms with high-dollar attorneys. Only a fool wouldn't want to look up the names of those folks when you saw their names, particularly when you didn't know them
  19. I think what Dale Russell points out is the issue here is not the 'court documents' that Jones is to have alleged to have threatened Candi with in December 2014. The only 'background checks' that seems to be at issue are those involving the handful, we assume, that were conducted between October, 2013, and January, 2014, when the identity of the guy making the threats was identified. It is quite possible that Jones was exploring hunches on the person seeking to extort him ... just because he was suspicious of a couple of particular people. But lets assume that is not the case. Instea
  20. I will take donations and you can bring your own headware The other thing to remember is that we encourage you to write your editorial and use our 'teleprompter' to not just read it but rehearse it so you can be the best editorialist you can be. pubby
  21. We have some fun starting with a lecture, I mean Pat and Patti Show Editorial by none other than Mrnn ... quite informative ... followed by the most notable insults from the BOC meeting (and commentary)... After that, if we had the skills, we'd have staged it as a dream sequence but let it suffice, it was a tin-foil fantasy capable of covering even pubby's bald knob. Yes, Patti and Deena imagine a new Paulding, a great Paulding, a Paulding reaching to the sky and one that solves all the problems by throwing great gobs of money at it on the belief that if you build it, it will come.
  22. BOC Meeting WORK SESSION Tuesday's Commission meetings were interesting for a variety of reasons including good information from Brent Sparks (about the air show) and further polarization and ill feelings between the pro and anti-airport camps. One observer noted there hasn't been this much conflict since the yanks and Rebs duked it out at the Hell Hole. While the morning meeting was marked by outbursts and complaints of some folks being out of order, the ill feeling continued into the hallways where individuals continued the confrontation. Video credit
  23. I had intended to talk about it in the last Pat and Patti Show ... but it slipped through the cracks. The release was sent out to all media (I know, I got it from the media list) but the way it was packaged (it was packaged as missing but seemed more like runaway) so it didn't make an amber alert (close but no banana). Had it gotten the amber alert it would have been big news in the metro. pubby
  24. For those who suggest that we are headed toward a return to the Gilded Age, it would help to review quickly a brief history from crashcourse. I just watched this and it is an entertaining history refresher. pubby
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