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Everything posted by matthewspiglet

  1. I bought something off ebay 2 weeks ago. It said it will take up to 3 days to ship. Called the bank the money has been taking out but NOTHING in the mail or Ups nothing. What do i do?
  2. Dang i so forgot about this. My mail lady as alraedy came.
  3. Wow. Just wow. Wait until one get's out there from the White House.
  4. Oil Spill Cleanup Goes Low Tech With Hair Booms Posted By - USA Today Last Updated On: 5/5/2010 3:22:25 PM (USA Today) -- Had a hair cut recently? The clippings on the floor of hair salons, barber shops and pet groomers are being used to create a low-tech tool for cleaning up the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Since hair and fur absorb oil, volunteers stuff these clippings into donated pantyhose to make large sponge-like mats known as booms. Matter of Trust, a San Francisco environmental non-profit that has used these absorbent booms to clean up oil spills
  5. Back in the day i drove a probe that really wasn't in the best of shape. I had a sticker that said Honk if parts fall off. Do you want to know how many honks a day i got?
  6. aww what a great Happy Mothers Day.
  7. My daughter is in the 4th grade and she say this morning. Mama this is Teachers Appreciation week and look how they are Appreciating them. Why is school being so mean. How am i going to explain that? So much for teachin our kids to stay in school. I know it's like go ahead and tell them all about the birds and the bees for me to ok.
  8. My daughter came home today crying. She said mama they are taking about taking away our music, art, p.e and letting go of so teachers. It makes me so DAMN Mad when my daughter asks me said mama please do let them take that away from us. We need to learn. So I'm going to say Thanks for the wonderful Court house that OUR KIDS ARE NOW PAYING FOR.
  9. Thanks everyone i will look into some of these for him.
  10. I wouldn't have thought this. I will have him read this Thanks
  11. Where do you live? I'll come over and do it for you.
  12. My husband as really bad Dandruff problem. He has used just about dandruff shampoo out there. But nothing seems to work. Can anyone recommend anything thing. Its so bad that its looks snowing. Please help what can I get, use to help him. Thanks
  13. Thank you so much . I will let her know this. All she can do is try.
  14. let me explain the first one a little. I have a friend who is care for a person who isn't able to take care of themselves. My friend can't work because the person needs around the clock watch. The person only bring in a income once a month. My ? is Is there any way the caregiver can get some kind of income to help the person out? I hope this makes since ? number 2 How in the heck do I get my icons to get back on my computer? Thanks
  15. LOL I think of him when im at walmart. Its crazy there. I almost got hit oneday standing there waitting to cross when someone in a BIG Truck came flying up to park. Its crazy. We need parking lot cops. lol I know someone who would be perfect for this job.
  16. Yeah i saw that after i posted LOL. I hope he does well also.
  17. I agree I love it when my kids help. We sing the clean up song. I feel like you do it help teach them responsibillies. Also they are only young once one day your going to miss it. Just the other day i got a picture of my 2 year old washing dishes (Her words) Mommie i clean like you. LOVE IT!!! No they don't always do it right but when they are not looking fix it. JMO And my kids are 10, 4, 2 and 7months.
  18. Don't know if this has been posted but. Im sitting here wacthing Jeopardy and they have a guy named Chris on there from Dallas GA.
  19. pizza Don't feel like cookin tonight
  20. no shoes no shirt no problem kenny chesney kid rock all summer long watermelon crawl tyacy byrd
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