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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Just spoke to Melissa, Thad had two liters of blood drained off his lung and is doing much better. She sounded good and is very upbeat. Also, the prayers are very much appreciated, she asked just keep them coming.
  2. Like you have said to me numerous times, you're just too stupid to understand. People are seeing you for what you really are. How? By your own actions.
  3. Pubby, when are you going to come to the realization that certain people only post to try and run your site into the ground? All the while proclaiming what fine, upstanding people they are. I know, your site, your rules but dang fella.
  4. I guess people just don't want to hear that many black people are as frustrated as we are with the perceived black leadership. I really wonder about that. They are trying to raise their kids just like many are. I think this is a great opportunity for the black and white communities to come together. Like it or not, we are in this together.
  5. What many are not focusing on is the fact that many black people are not happy with their "leaders" either. There are many people who know the rules and regs of society and they do follow them but they have no representation with the media machine. I hope things change. http://www.salon.com/2014/08/26/al_sharpton_does_not_have_my_ear_why_we_need_new_black_leadership_now/
  6. Unfortunately he passed away after getting cancer. We hired him to redo the black top and cement in our driveway. He was a great guy. Do a search and talk to his family about getting a quote.
  7. I'm glad the president made comment. Why? Because it started the conversation and that conversation needed to be started.
  8. Ya think, I thought it was against the rules to simply post a link(s) without comment. You're such a outlaw. LOL
  9. I understand that Pete Guy's company is still in business. Pete's gone now but they are still in business.
  10. You guys are going about this wrong. Put the blame where it belongs, it's Obamas fault. http://www.rawstory.com/2015/06/foxs-keith-ablow-kids-at-texas-pool-party-had-it-in-for-police-and-its-obamas-fault/ And people wonder why some folks think Fox is crazy?
  11. I've always liked neighborhood officers. We had them at our Sunday dinner table when I was a kid. The neighborhood cops, when we saw them anyway, were so much a part of the community that people invited them for dinner. When did that change? They looked out for us and we looked out for them. When did we stop looking out for each other?
  12. This particular officer had an prior infraction well before any of that.
  13. I haven't read this. Also, you are aware of a prior incident that questioned his judgement right?
  14. What does the age matter? Maybe I'm old fashioned but my mother was all over me as a early teen. Have the rules changed? Do you just turn them lose at 9 these days?
  15. I want to know more about this girl. And I want to know more about how/why she was there. I also want to know how parents just check out like this.
  16. Where are the parents? Where were the parents when all this was going down? Maybe I'm wrong but the girl looks way young.
  17. I really don't have this problem but it seems so many do, I thought I would just give you a thumbs up. Now, can you help me with any kind of thing with people who don't cut their grass or let their 12 year old drive their trucks or shoot guns at all hours or throw trash on the roadside or drive down here to drop their pitiful, hurt animals off? You know I kid.......sort of.
  18. This is great information. Thank you.
  19. I bet a big old trash can filled with leg less frogs would be around somewhere.
  20. Exactly, I can't understand this mentality. I'm trying, but it's just not getting there.
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