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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. K....we will agree to disagree on this. I'm sorry, but I see no need for the general public to have assault weapons anymore than I want to see police in tanks. I grew up with the police. The neighborhood and barn that is a memory now had their police buddies and I knew all of them. Never mind how my family ended up being a part of them. Its breaks my heart to have them in this role. I do not think any of them signed up for this. Most of them were the neighborhood buddies. Connected through growing up with the areas son and daughters. That is how I feel.
  2. It's a constitutional right. That would mean any change would involve congress right?
  3. I get it. That's what you got, that one dem rep. said what she did. That is even close to making it law. Changing law is really what we are talking about right? Yes, you did show people talking about gun control. I'll give you that. Did it confirm a serious shove towards gun control?
  4. Is that the law now? Did I miss something really important?
  5. Yeah, I was real serious about who you thought was taking our right to bear arms away.
  6. It's not Pubbys thread Low. Please back up your own words. Why, when, how are our guns being taken away?
  7. No it's not. Actually, it's more like back up your words.
  8. So just spill who is looking to take our guns away. Nothing ugly, just back up what you said. I really don't care how much more hateful you can be. Just go for it. I have no worries.
  9. Good, I wasn't looking to argue with you either. Nobody is looking to tear your guns from your hands Low. No matter what you listen to on the radio. ETA: It is in the constitution, one of our inherent rights. Trust me, if anyone was looking to amend those rights, it would make the news.
  10. Sorry for the repeat post. I'm just really curious what government wants to take your guns away?
  11. Low, what government wants to take your guns away? Exactly, what government?
  12. This is NOT about wanting to take your guns away. I want you to have your guns. Do they need to be assault weapons? Do the cops that respond need to have military weapons to give you assistance? Does it need to be all weapons all the time for all people. Sometimes I think it's come to that in people's mind.
  13. In any case, the point of this thread was to discuss how people felt about the arming of police with military grade weapons. With the gun rights being granted to citizens, I really don't think there's a reason for them not to have these weapons.
  14. I was going to respond in kind. Turns out there are many, many civil and federal forfeiture laws. Allowing for the tendency for splitting hairs, I decided against it. LOL
  15. You are wrong on the forfeiture laws. Just last week a business was closed down and the owners thrown in jail. They lost their business, its contents, their house and any and all assets they held. Everything is to be sold off to satisfy a outstanding sales tax violation. Or is that a different law?
  16. OK....whatever. Do you think these "armored vehicles" should be on the streets of our communities? You don't see anything wrong with that?
  17. This is what I'm calling a tank. http://bluecollarchronicle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Police-tanks.jpg Local taxes could not possibly bear the burden of paying for this. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/09/police-departments-struggle-return-pentagon-military-surplus-gear
  18. No, I not saying that and I am not saying that I disagree with cops having equal fire power. Do they need to have riot gear and tanks? I am not speaking to an event that happened in 1979 I am speaking to local police having access to military grade weapons. I am speaking to communities seeing their local police in tanks. Last I heard, people did not have access to tanks and the like. Will you support reduction in funds for local police agencies to get tanks and the like?
  19. Pubby, with all due respect, you have now brought politics into this thread. I'm not interested in how politics can be applied as to this issue. That comes later. I want to hear people views, without the politics for right now. I also want to keep this in the cafe.
  20. Is this the role of local police or the national guard? This issue is being looked at more and more. So much so that the federal government is now limiting local police funding when it come to things like tanks and riot gear.
  21. Last week I noticed a poster who is involved with the police refer to the fact that he worked as a LEO as that he "served." I know many police but when they discuss their employment they refer to it as "I work at ......." Got me to thinking that this mentality is driving a them against us mindset. In this world of available assault weapons is this the way to go? Please keep your comments sane. This is not to be considered a cop bash but rather a discussion about how this mindset is destroying the citizen and police realsonship within our communities. Here is an article about thi
  22. Enjoy your insect termination! Wish I knew about this when I had horses in the barn.......I would have asked you to come by and lose your mind with fun!
  23. I think Melissa said it started because of the broken ribs. If surgery happens next Tuesday, they are going to brace his broken ribs and drain the cavity. Melissa said the color is back in his face.
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