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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Here, read this link. It will give you some current guidelines as to what NOT what to call people. http://feastofhateandfear.com/articles/from_aye.html BTW, Buckwheat has been a slur for as long as I can remember.
  2. Like I care what you think. If you want to hold yourself up as a conservative, you do a disservice to that particular party.
  3. Hush. You know what your agenda is. How come you don't go somewhere else? You may think that folks don't know how you push your hateful agenda.....you're wrong on that. It's crystal clear.
  4. I hope the members here realize that a good bit of negative posts come from the negative right. Now that there a just a few right posters around here anymore, I really hope the members can see the forest for the trees.
  5. Has this judge ever decided like this before? Perhaps he's too new for us to know. I just wondered if anybody employed outside the "system" has ever been given this break. Sorry to the cops that tried to nail him. That must be frustrating. Nail the guy, witness all of it, do the right thing, and the judge slaps him on the wrist.
  6. I can't imagine. Would she want to prosecute? Some very sick, unknowing kids out there. I'm sorry this happened to your wife.
  7. I've had some goat cheese that tastes like goats smell. Then I've had goat cheese that is sweet and savory and I love it. What's up with that? Anyone know what's up with that?
  8. Where did you read this? It was a joke as far as I know.
  9. It's the cost of doing business to have safeguards in place. For the businesses sake as well as the general public. Wonder how much this is going to cost the auto industry? Or is it because it is the auto industry that the losses will be cut to the quick? That's the scenario that I bet will come out of it. People dead because it would cut into the profits......we'll just buy our way out.
  10. I find it unbelievable that this company, who has done business with the American auto manufactures for years, can take the position that their product is safe when it's been PROVEN that it's not. Why the airbags were not tested by the American auto industry is unclear to me.
  11. I can't remember the exact words after that. LOL. Quick! Somebody take it up.
  12. LOL. It's takes a long time, is a pita because of what you need to get together to get it done, it's a bit nerve racking because it can be risky, and THEN......taking care of all the crap you pull out of the suckers! Yep bud, I hear you! Call someone and good luck!
  13. Call a roofing company and ask them to provide a quote. I hear you on not wanting to clean them yourself ever again!
  14. Without moderation, there is no reason to even try and discuss this or any other issue.
  15. The democrats refused to let the republicans have any input on it? That's just silly. If the republicans had ideas and plans that made sense, they would have found a way to be heard. Just like they have been heard from day one with their criticism.
  16. Yes, it was passed with very little input from the republicans. They didn't have to gonads to do it. All they have done is whine and bitch about it. Again, it was passed because the republicans did little to come up with an alternative. One that could be put on the table as a serious alternative.
  17. Just to be clear and avoid a spin, I was not the one that started the political party bs. APR did because if you can't come up with a reasonable response just lay it at party politics door.
  18. Righhhhtttttt. I have a good friend who leans right. She owns three houses, drives a BMW and vacations at will. She had her own business, claimed as little income as possible, and is now bitching about healthcare too.
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