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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Thanks y'ouse () guys....I knew I would find some posters who had been there.
  2. Like I said, I am ready to get out and about. Come to think of it, in the end you will have a love in your love that can never be duplicated while I'll have.....well, empty pockets!
  3. I guess so.....looks pretty much what I had in mind. Thanks. That would be my idea of a great afternoon. Thanks. Thanks Mrs B....Nah, nah, nah you can't go....
  4. Been to Vegas lots....the strip is great with lots to do but I'm thinking I want to see the "Old" Las Vegas. I've searched for some ideas but I really enjoy following up on peoples recommendations so I thought I would throw this out there. I bet the odds will be better at the older places. Got in a cab there once and asked the driver what casino looked the best as far as odds, he responded "the ugly" ones. OH, by the way.......:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:. I am so ready to get out and about.
  5. I think the meat was used for dog food, by-products and the like. Europe eats horse meat as a staple.
  6. I received this about two weeks ago. The threat of immediate slaughter has passed and they have all been "fostered" Hope that all the folks that fought the US slaughter houses are proud of what they have accomplished. Due to the pressure they have closed all US houses so now the horses are shipped to either Mexico or Canada. I cannot even imagine the Mexican conditions nor the ride to get there. The horse industry is in the crapper. People are actually just opening up pasture gates and letting them out. Horse sales are pretty much a heartbreaking misery. With the sky rocketing
  7. I'm know the feeling of being a bit overwhelmed and it stinks! You need to do something and you need to do it now. Go to a doctor or just get determined to pull up your socks and get active, but please make a change in your life. Sometimes you have to force your way through the wall. Good luck.
  8. If you want prime rib, the bit of fat, juicy kind, then O'Charles really really has the best! We went to the steak house in Rockmart.....middle of the road at best. You really can't do too much with sub par meat.
  9. Do you think that that is the case? Or do you think it has more to do with being a friend to P.com? I mean it does increase the post count and all.
  10. I've had computer issues for awhile now and it finally said "tilt" so I called Computer Rescue and I wanted to let the board know this outfit is great. Steven came to my house, confirmed what he thought needed to be done, took my computer to his shop, worked on it and I had it back the next day! He picked it up and delivered it back to my house! It works like it is a new computer and this thing is like 8 years old. GREAT guy and he knows his stuff. If you need some help with computer issues give him a try! I would absolutly recommend him.
  11. That's great Blue! Best of luck to you and the Mrs. :D
  12. I did and I tend to agree with ya. O well, chalk it up to characters of the internet. :rofl:
  13. I'm confused. If the company you work for is based in the UK why don't they have this information readily available?
  14. You might be Paulding County white trash if, because of snow and ice, your trash does not get picked up and instead of waiting it out you throw your bags of trash on the side of the road. No joke. I saw 4 bags of trash on the side of 101. I could go on and on about this!
  15. Atlantis just make me mad. Way Way Way tooo expensive. And the odds in the casino suck. Explore the Keys is what I have heard, ya know, if you want a more natural vacation. Forget the bling, bling. Atlantis is all about the bling bling.
  16. That's great! Boys look to be easier. My nephew is the apple of my eye. Whereas my nieces bicker and fight like...well....like girls. I am sooooo happy for you!!!!!!!
  17. Happy Birthday Anita! Hope you have a great day!
  18. Nope, not me, not yet anyway. Might have something to do with the fact that if I am outside I am on the tractor or in the barn. Hubby did bust his butt while filling the bird feeders, but I missed it.
  19. But...but....but....she's KRM!
  20. Thats good information to know. Thanks NG. BTW, you are a better woman than I cause there is no way I would be going down Goldmine road.
  21. I am sure that once the powers that be realize that you have been inconvenienced they will get right on it.
  22. We have GOT to get together! Really. I like kind people.
  23. Believe me, she will be nowhere near his stall when I can finally let him out. I really could not bear the whining and crying.
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