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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I was just trying to help with information. You can always call and let them know to come out and maintain their easement. The tiny road we live off of was covered in trees to the point that they would brush against your car. I called several times over the years and the county would come out and cut them back a bit. It really was not until an emergency truck came down the road to service another house on the road that they came out AND CUT THAT STUFF OUT! I feel for the OP, I lost a holly tree last year to the exact situation. They sprayed it through, guess they were that confi
  2. I could not agree more. Also, in the springtime there is a Vicksburg Pilgrimage that is really, truly the absolute best road trip I ever made. It's truly worth any effort. I think you can find further information at southern living.com. Lots of history, lots of plantation houses, just really on the ground history lesson. Anyway, the odds seem better in Tunica. Biloxi cleaned my clock.
  3. See, if they have an easement they also have the right to maintain their easement and in order to do that I do believe they have the right to cross your property. Hey, it could be worse.....
  4. Oh my DGITW...I'm sorry. Sending good wishes.
  5. Hun, I'm sorry, but that is why you never do improvements (including plants) to a piece of property that is subject to an easement. I'm sad for you and I'm sure it's tuff to take. You bought your property subject to this easement right? If so, I'll be interested to hear what the outcome will be.
  6. I believe they have been in trouble for a long time now. Twinkies = yum!
  7. Perhaps Blue you should have ignored the question from Powder Spring Dad?
  8. I totally agree! He was a great public relations man. I thought he always did Paulding proud.
  9. I'm off 101 by the old Scotts and when I went to the barn to get the horses in the skies over Rockmart and Cartersville looked bad, really bad. Hope it's not near as bad as it looked.
  10. Hoohaa, thanks so much, really strange. I really have got to learn to watch myself with this iPad.
  11. Cops chick, I promise I have no idea how I gave you that negative. I just wanted to let you know.
  12. The WSJ article stated that the animals would be given these drugs without them being sick. They were given the drugs in the hope of preventing sickness. They didn't need the drugs but were given them anyway. Note to self, look into drug reps. oops, did I say that out loud?
  13. Here's a like article from the Wall Street Journal. Kinda scary stuff. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204331304577141071700036742.html
  14. Really Dudette? OK, let me recant and say this instead, baring any effects of the Mpemba effect, and taking into account the practical conditions of the average piping of the average house in Paulding county, Georgia, cold water will freeze faster than warm water. Does that do it for ya Hun? Anyway, no broken pipes this morning. Yea Me! As a side note, I have no idea about the booger thing. Maybe someone can research the answer and get back to us.
  15. I enjoy these posts from you. Sounds like a blast! Exhausting, but a blast. Good for you. I bet it makes you a happy guy. Tired for sure but happy non the less.
  16. What conditions? You are posting to a gal that grew up putting hot tap water into the ice cube tray cause I also thought it froze quicker. But, you have to take into account the fact that cold is cold and warm is warm and warm takes longer to get cold so it can freeze.
  17. I just hope the roof on the storage barn hangs tough.
  18. It strange cause it's not true. Put it this way, warm water takes more time to get cold and then freeze.
  19. Forgive me if I become a cranky, mean, ill tempered pita. It will mean that I have busted pipes which computes to flooded stalls at the barn. I don't think it has been cold enough for it to happen this time anyway. I have heat lamps, heat tape on pipes and a jacket for the hot water heater. Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do...... I'm telling you flooded stalls are a mess! For freaking weeks! I sure a flooded anything is a mess. O well, let's keep our fingers crossed.....for everyone! Good luck you'se guys.
  20. If LGMs main goal is a walk on the trails for the day, then I agree with you it's fine. If her goal is hiking and camping (which is what I thought it was about) then I don't think it's such a good idea. If you do it in a group, that's different and a lot safer. Oh, by the way, I am older than you and I'm good with it. . But I am not a wet blanket.
  21. Whatever Mark. Yup! I am an "old" wet blanket but I think I got to be "old" by having some common sense. You can apologize anytime you're ready.
  22. Spent a fair amount of time trail riding this area. No joke there are bear and snakes! Lots and lots of snakes! You don't have to worry about the snakes this time of year but just so you know if you end up going when it's warmer. If you hike this area, you have got to bring a gun cause there is a lot of bear activity. There is a horse camp at Fort Mountain that we used to camp at and let me tell you, the folks that frequent this area are out there park rangers would come in the camp to search for things like bear paws. We would sit around the campfire and listen to the whooping in
  23. I missed it Johnny. Just so long as she is not on the road "filming" I guess she's allowed a headache.
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