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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Not an issue but in return you'd have to quit those alt right sites AND Fox News.
  2. You should really try to think for yourself without depending on gossip.
  3. Are you saying I'm a mod? If so, you would be incorrect. In fact, I've never been a mod. Like many, just because I support this site and lean left does not make me a mod. You're the third poster to say this, and you are all wrong. What you are not including is the fact that I would never commit to being a mod. No way, no how. However, think whatever you like, I know the truth and the truth is I'm not and never have been a mod. But you guys know everything, so think what you'd like. I could care less.
  4. Maybe an inexperienced mod? We post food stuff in the cafe all the time so I don't know why that would happen.
  5. That's the name of the song I was trying to think of when I read this thread! Somehow I thought it was done by Tina Turner. LOL
  6. Sorry, never heard of it. Maybe it's a family saying?
  7. I'd just love a really good thriller. I love a good movie.
  8. Thanks Pubby. I participated in the parade a few years ago (it was the coldest day ever) so I enjoyed seeing how it evolved.
  9. Now that is strange. Country fried steak? LOL
  10. It does look good but I'm reading that it might be very dark. Not sure that's what I need right now. LOL
  11. Has anyone seen this movie? Curious to see if it's as good as some say.
  12. Wonder if Herschend participated in the donation. Does matter much through, love Dolly.
  13. That's a great idea. I had no idea they were so big. Thanks.
  14. He'll be too busy heading up his business. I seem to remember a promise he made about that.
  15. Oh, not to worry, there will be plenty of that going on as well.
  16. At this point I have no idea what Trump is or is not going to do. No clue. This is what I read the proposed Secretary wants to do.
  17. Or are currently a patient or have someone in the family that is? Here comes the train.
  18. That's interesting but I don't want to live that long. Seems it's just a very long, slow slide into being a vegetable.
  19. The winds are some strong here, I'm worried that they are dealing with that as well.
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