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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. We all have our limitations. Gas is a big one for me too. GLT 770-443-1821, just in case.
  2. Maybe it just comes down to the fact that a hospital does not want to promote fast food because it's bad for you. Oh, wait.....that can't be. It's the government and Obama's fault.
  3. Yesterday, I was with a friend having a slice of pizza on Roswell rd. looked out the window and down below was a young girl, standing in the dumpster enclosure, smoking a cigarette. Standing in the dumpster enclosure so she could smoke a cigarette? That's not a no, that's a oh hell no! The dumpsters were not empty. Yuk!
  4. Backgammon in front of the fireplace. We do have lots of laughs.
  5. Made in America! And beautiful! It doesn't seem like it would make life a bit better, but it really does huh? Congrats Low.
  6. Don't put good numbers out there again, ever. What will happen is that you will either be bored by useless, pointless, biased information or you will be attacked as an idiot, fool, etc. etc. Try to keep it straight......oh, by the way Zoo, Happy New Year to you and yours.
  7. I encourage you and support you in your desire to quit. This is the deal.....if you really want to quit.....you will. That's all there is to it. Good luck, if you get a craving, pm me and I'll come get you and we will both take it from there. P.S. seven weeks.
  8. Now Zoo, you and I both know YOU CANNOT REPRESENT ANY NUMBERS THAT POINT TOWARDS ANY IMPROVEMENT! It MUST be gloom and doom at all times! AT ALL TIMES! Try to keep that in mind.
  9. You kidding me? We've gone through 3/4 of a cord of wood. Windows, windows, windows. Oh well, we do enjoy the views.
  10. Last time I said Rick had great wood, Freelip gave me a hard time. Oh hell, guess I did it again.
  11. Just call Rick, AKA the firewood man. He will deliver if you like. 770-652-9537. Good guy with great kids.
  12. That's awesome. Was it on your list?
  13. Ditto, Ditto........Slick. Merry Christmas Everyone! :D
  14. What a beautiful project for the entire family. Very cool! Merry Christmas!
  15. Very cool. Can't wait to see it as the children will see it. Take pictures!
  16. UAW? Thought the topic was about the NRA.....
  17. OK...so you are a do nothing vote. Right?
  18. Yep, money talks....it talks a lot when the conversation is about guns. Not saying that's good or bad, just saying its big money. That, in itself, is enough to corrupt it. Disagree?
  19. Well, I think I'm still a human being. So......you show me where I said, exactly where I said that the NRA was irreverent. If you really, truly don't understand that money talks. Not necessary in everyday life, but more so with everything at all political............sorry. Smarten up.
  20. Tell you what, just try and get a large amount of ammonia nitrate these days. Let me know how it goes for you.
  21. Try reading this. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0774721.html
  22. How many times do people/children have to be killed at the hands of an unbalanced mind? How many times?
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