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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Gee, where to start? Here's one http://www.politifact.com/personalities/glenn-beck/
  2. Or, did you mean Glenn Beck? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Beck
  3. Oh, you mean like Alex Jones? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Jones
  4. Bull. Complete and utter bull. Do you get the Saudi newspaper that is the only "news" source to report this delivered to your house? Since you reportedly get that newspaper delivered to your house ARE YOU A TERRORIST?
  5. Yes. But he is trained. I'm for putting him in an institution for observation and treatment. He is an accident waiting to happen.
  6. BTW....that detective is an embarrassment to law enforcement across the board. He pulled a gun and put it to the neck of a young man for no good reason. He needs some counseling.
  7. Boneheaded blunder???? That is freaking hilarious! I'm using it first chance I get!
  8. I have no more contempt for Glenn Beck then I do for any other schlock jock. I mean shock jock. That's what he is, nothing more. He gets people stirred up for no other reason than to increase his audience and, in the process, his bank account. That's why no reputable news source backs him. Sorry, but the lack of reputable people backing Beck is a deal killer for me. Of course, you being the rebel that you are, think that he is uncovering the truth that Obama is hiding. That's what is great, he can spew and you can eat it up. I choose not to.
  9. Well, I understand that today is the deadline for Mr. Beck to prove what he says.
  10. Just the fact that you have the ability to post proves that what you say is simply not true. You cannot see? No, I guess you can't.
  11. Here's a joke. Hey! Did you heard about the movie star that was stabbed in a parking garage in Denver? What star was it? Damn! I can't think of the name.....wait....Reece, Fleece... Reese?... Was it Reese? Witherspoon? Was it Witherspoon??? Nah, it was with a knife.
  12. I used to trail ride a good bit and ran into dirt bikes every once in a while. Sorry, but they did not show any concern that I was on a 1100 pound animal that thought for sure that these little snot nosed teenagers were going to eat them alive. This happened more than once and when I tell you they presented a potentially dangerous situation, trust me, they had absolutely no regard for anybody's safety. Therefore, I have nothing but bad feelings for them. Btw, I rode National Park trails where dirt bikes were not allowed. Saw lots of kids with the parents on the trails. Way to teach y
  13. Yeah, but when you are a friend, you are a real friend. :wub:
  14. I miss Johnny too. Even through Guard Dad said I am a mod, I'm not and, as you said, I never would be either.
  15. Oh, I don't pretend to have known. Perhaps your link should have been in the original post. That way, this slam against Columbia would have made some sense and would be understood as sarcasm. Talk to the OP, maybe you can give him some tips.
  16. Very true Mrs. Howard but I don't need to know that crap about Columbia. The reputation and merit of that school stands on its own.
  17. The 2nd terrorist is 19 years old so perhaps your slam against Columbia was rather shortsighted. Not that you would ever stand even the slightest chance of getting into a school of that caliber in the first place. Know your place.
  18. I can assure you Subby, there are no "reefer heads" around here. Just the gals having fun and a couple of laughs in a thread. BTW, what you are selling, dude, I'm not buying!
  19. Exactly where is Bob Dylan when you need him? As in: Well, I would not feel so all alone....everybody must........
  20. They are saying he is still alive but in bad shape. My heart has been in Boston for the past five days and I'm glad they got him. Maybe Boston can begin healing now.
  21. It was great. It's a fabulous part of this beautiful country we live in and my first visit. Thanks for asking
  22. Lucky, please ask Pubby to put this in a password protected forum. I would hate for anyone to lose their job.
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