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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Has anyone else tried this diet? I started it on Saturday morning. So far so good. Down a couple of pounds already. The food is good, I just wish it didn't take a good portion of the day getting it ready! LOL. Also, I'm really not used to eating this much food in one day. I also don't like that you cannot have ANY alcohol during the first two weeks. Has anyone else tried it? Sucessful?
  2. No. Well, you can quit your job but you can't quit posting. Ever. Capishe? Good. You know I only wish the very best for you Laurie but you are just such a part of this site...it just hasn't been the same since you've quit posting. So NO. Only half kidding.
  3. I've never heard that. That's halarious! And so true. Our wakes are pretty "festive" too.
  4. ANY cruise I've been on, they took your passport upon entry and held it. I have no explanation, but that was the deal for me.
  5. They hold your passport upon entry on the ship. What the laws and regs are as far as you getting it back.....I have no idea.
  6. My Mother was 44 when she gave birth to me as well.
  7. Have you read anything about the new Pope?
  8. Those are words to live by. And like all great words to live by......true.
  9. I just wanted to make sure that you called Streisand a "no talent?". Hey, I'm with you as to her personality. She is the personification of a "New York Jew" and all that comes along with that. She is also one of the greatest voices of our time. To think otherwise implies that you are letting her appearance and personality override her talent. She brings people to tears with the beauty of her voice. Can you do that? BTW, howling dogs don't count.
  10. Once and only once. When it takes 45 minutes to get off the boat because there are so many people you kinda feel like you are among the unwashed. Never again. It was like staying in a cheap hotel.
  11. You're excused. Feel better? I take it no one was struck by lighting because of your comments huh? The Catholic Church was a huge factor in my childhood. My Mother, as well as my Aunt worked at the Church. After my father died, the church stepped up to the plate and me and my two sisters went to Catholic school as well as CYO day camp in the summer. Free. I saw the church get involved with many families that needed help. If there were bad apples in that batch, I saw none of it. If any of us three girls stepped out of line, Father Fleming would come to our house for Sunday dinne
  12. So true Surepip, I'm not happy how the church handled the molestation charges but to think it only happens in the Catholic church is not the truth. Pages and pages of articles which address child molestation at the hands of Bapist ministers. http://search.yahoo.com/tablet/s?p=baptist+minister+child+molesters&fr=ipad
  13. I could not agree more. It just shows a total lack of common curtesy and respect. I guess they don't have respect for anything if they are so willing to show disrespect for a religion that billions of people believe in. Guess they were never taught any better.
  14. Congrats you guys! We just hit 25 years last October. Times flies huh?
  15. Smoke 14, I was disheartened to read your post. My impression is that Tripps Mom and Dad created the support for their son. Perhaps you can touch base with them to share ideas so you can start your own campaign to garner support for your son. Best of luck.
  16. Call Crestmark. They are a commerce member here. They do a good job and will make it easy for you. That's who we used.
  17. Low, try the duck! I prefer dark meat too. I bet you will LOVE it!
  18. If I remember correctly there is one formal night. You can get away with a nicer outfit through. I really don't think anyone wants to pack gowns and tuxes anymore. The rest of the time, it's smart casual. I really don't remember anyone dressed to the nines. If you go, make sure you go to at least one of their tea services in the afternoon. That was one of my favorite things. A slice out of time.
  19. If you can swing it.......go with Silver Seas! But be forewarned, you will be spoiled and won't want to cruise with anyone else after experiencing their kind of cruise. It is FABOULOUS!
  20. Gabe's in downtown Villa Rica serves a duck dish. One night I was feeling adventurous so I ordered it. Let me tell you it was tender, like filet tender, juicy, rich and out of this world. Really, seriously, out of this world. If you think you might like duck and want it cooked like it was meant to be cooked, go to Gabe's and try their duck. You're welcome.
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