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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Yeah, they will raise the prices because they just don't make enough profit. Chances are, you are right. Perhaps when Walmart isn't the 800 pound gorilla with their buying power, we can see small business come back into their own.
  2. Well, Walmart can pay $12.50 an hour and cut into their profits or the money can come out of our pockets via taxes. Which do you prefer?
  3. Good. Let them. It will be a good test market to see if a metro city can actually do better by removing this money hog out of the local competition. Bet it would be really good for small business.
  4. That's great Laurie. I'm really glad for you.
  5. Thanks Low. Looks like it might have, at least, some sun today. Enjoy!
  6. Do you use the gel or the good old crest?
  7. Wow you guys. As a kid I would get swimmers ear at least once a year and ear ache/pain is very, very uncomfortable. Hope everyone gets and stays better.
  8. Here's an article that seems to confirm what happened. Two students dead......many people in critical condition. http://www.ktvu.com/news/news/local/two-chinese-middle-school-students-identified-777-/nYfq7/
  9. You rock! Rhonda, here's you wishing you a night filled with this song......and a tomorrow filled with a light soul. Jeeze, now I'm switching to "I love a rainy night......." I have to go to sleep.
  10. If I knew how to post a video I would soooooo post this song. Ya know, just to bust your chops. Now girlfriend, in the words of Cher "snap out of it!" Look on the bright side.....oh hell,, now I have "Always look on the bright side of life....." Stuck in my head.
  11. Well, the day after tomorrow I'm gonna really, really be down. Know why? Cause "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down" Feel better?
  12. I live in that area and I'll keep an eye out. I bet someone took him in. Put posters up everywhere in the area. At the entrance of the subdivision, for sure. Good luck, I hope you get your dog back.
  13. I like the way you think.
  14. I can't help but wonder if I should hold off and read what REALLY happened in about four days from now. Cause the conflicting news reports are nuts!
  15. How did you come to all these conclusions mathetes? Who are your mentors that helped you reach the conclusions you have?
  16. Jeeze....the media is all kinds of messed up. This was posted on aol, for what it's worth. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/06/asiana-airlines-plane-cra_n_3555309.html
  17. Your article said it was a cargo plane. Still hope everyone got out.
  18. What makes you think you can control people? You can't. You can only control yourself. At this point you are attacking people because in your mind people are putting animals before children and that is not the case based on the fact that that thread got more hits than the one you posted about the YDC. As you know, there are many people here that would ignore the thread because of the originator of the thread. Focus your outrage on the actual cause and not just on the p.com bubble.
  19. TP, if a person is compassionate normally they have compassion for both children and animals. The compassion comes from their core and does not have to be limited to either group. Why does everything, every cause, have to be broken down to a "them or us" mentality?
  20. Read the comments at the end of the story. There is everything from Hilter lovers to dooms day followers and everything in between.
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