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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Really. I guess it's going to be the same thing with any topic I open. Not for nothing but this thread is 3 pages of pretty much nothing than arguing. And it's about blue collar jobs! Another thread that ended up in a fray was about cupcakes! :rofl: I swear most you folks are nuts!
  2. Yup. My response is at the end of the 2nd page.
  3. Who asked me what I did for a living? Wanna talk about reading and comprehension?
  4. Ahem.....ANYWAY, I just did a search on google for trade schools. I would assume that some of them are not top notch so research would be needed. I know if I had a kid I would feel so much better knowing he was planning a skilled labor job than just floating around.
  5. See, I'm retired, early, extra early so I don't have to work anymore. So, you don't watch Fox or listen to Rush. Also, you don't know anyone who feels entitled so how is it you know so much about the "entitled.". So much so that you feel you can say the whole country feels "entitled?"
  6. Half the time my friend, someone has been speaking about some Rush bs, that's why I would not have heard anything about it. And given the amount of media being thrown at us excuse me if I miss a sun article or two. Your insults mean nothing to me. Trust me, bigger and better than you have tried. How do you know how the "entitled" think if you don't know any? Even an "ostrich with its head in the sand" would wonder how you would propose to know anything about them.
  7. I wonder if the kids even know of the pluses of going into skilled labor work?
  8. Somebody once told me that the more time you spend on line, the less of a quality life you have. As time goes on, I believe her more and more. Glad you had a great time.
  9. I've been wondering where the heck you've been Blue. In fact, I started a thread asking if anyone knew where you went. Good to see you posting again and I agree completely with your post on this.
  10. No. Actually, you came to mind as I was typing that.
  11. Bull. I don't know what kind of people you have around you but I don't know ANY people who aspire to "entitlement." None. But then again, I don't hang around with a bunch of losers either. Sorry that you choose to.
  12. Don't worry, you're not missing anything. I've lived out here for 13 years and I have never set foot in that place. Nasty looking.
  13. Yes! If your choice is to climb the corporate ladder so be it but it looks to me that blue collar gives you many, many more choices. Good for your boys! The future looks bright to them. On a side note, a friend has a son who is a lineman. I went to the linemen rodeo with her one year. OMG! Beefcake! I do mean serious beefcake!
  14. Toxic people with huge chips on their shoulders with an agenda to prove that their opinion is the ONLY opinion.
  15. There seems to be so many pluses to learning a trade instead of climbing the corporate ladder. No college debt for one. I guess everyone wants to be a superstar? To me, you are a superstar if you have options with your life and don't allow yourself to be in a dead end, stuck position.
  16. No. I'm not looking to be a "turd herder" anytime soon. I'm just curious why parents apparently are not steering their children in this direction. Seems to me that a good wage, job security and the freedom to live anywhere you like would be a good direction to point your kids towards.
  17. Who is teaching the skills? Where are the trade schools? Where are the union schools?
  18. Yes, that was the deal when we got our new roof too. A few appeared skilled but most of them appeared to be unskilled and did the dirty work. I'm taking about skilled workers, electricians, plumbers, mechanics.........
  19. Those numbers are way down. I'm talking about skilled laborers. What happened to the trade schools? Are they everywhere and I just don't know about them?
  20. I watched a show the other night and they were discussing that the hallmark of success is a white collar job. So, young people are all focused on graduating with math, science, marketing degrees. What happened to blue collar jobs? They were talking about the fact that, say a diesel mechanic, can get a dozen jobs but there aren't any candidates. So.....no one wants to make a good living because they might get their hands dirty? I remember when I was a kid it was thought that if you could get a job, say as a plumbers apprentice your future was golden. What happened?
  21. Hmmmmm, how about Daddy, Daddy, get off of me, you're crushing my cigarettes!
  22. No. Once she named the kitten.......it was a done deal.
  23. I also thought the basis of the civil trial would be wrongful death.
  24. Good. I've also loved his voice. I think he's about as ugly as a mud fence but his voice is soooo smoothhhh. I met him once, at a concert. Glad to hear you are coming around Randy!
  25. Hey Mr. Wonderful, you got a clean up in isle (insert name of latest Clapton retch thread.)
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