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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Yes. I agree with that sentiment. At the same time, what about the potential threat of chemical warfare? Do I think the Country would attack? No. Do I think a martyr would? Yes. I'm just looking to keep that threat under control.
  2. I'm having a real hard time with it too. Why can't we just let them kill one another? Why can't we just try to heal as a nation? Why are we looked at like a protector? Chemical warfare changes the playing field. I'm sorry, to me, it just does.
  3. I'm with you on this but at the same time......chemical weapons? I can't imagine the US not having some kind of control. You've seen the videos right? Can't imagine our country having to deal with this. Ever.
  4. Ahhhhh, baby girl/woman please quit worrying, it will be as it should be right? I'd be the same way through.......well, maybe I wouldn't do the camera. Best of lucky Blondiega1, hopes it works out exactly the way you want it to.
  5. Cheap shot dear. It doesn't just outrage Americans Mrs. Howard. A lot of the world cried with us that day.
  6. More bs. Dead is dead. Shot in the heart. Nice huh? Zimmerman is a knee jerk away from some of you.
  7. Just more bs. Here is something that does not contain bs, dead is dead.
  8. Guess what? I think that an armed man shot and killed an unarmed person. And was found not guilty. Sorry folks that doesn't fit within my right/ wrong sliding scale. All the hype, all the bs doesn't matter. All the bs justification that is made.....doesn't matter to me. Dead is dead. Trayvon is no hero but dead is dead.
  9. Except Zimmerman was a bitch with a gun.
  10. Oh no Mrnn, Georgie is being persecuted again. Poor, poor Georgie Porgie.
  11. He'll get away with that too....once he kills a white man, that's when it will get ugly.
  12. What did you learn that made you not like them so much? I'm curious.
  13. We bought really cheap, just cheap, really expensive, just expensive and most of them have leaked. We have six feeders out and we always have a bunch of them but the feeder thing can be a real pita.
  14. Personally, my fav is that you, your clothes, and your vehicle stink like it for three hours after you eat it.
  15. I've learned the hard way to get a half decent feeder because if it leaks it's a sticky, staining mess.
  16. Yea....that plus for that post was a mistake.
  17. Pubby, this is the way I see it. Forget the local politics. Forget all the chatter. Do the job and do it well and forget the drama.
  18. This author was not capable of writing a real story line. That is was what got on my nerves about the whole deal.
  19. All this talk of BBQ......went to lunch at Jim & Nicks today. Spare ribs.......serious yum. Had to wonder if I was gonna make it out of the restaurant without someone having to call LF. That stuff is just wonderful ......but REALLY bad for you. Sorry folks.
  20. Other than old quotes, from 1999.......I've not seen REASONABLE people trying to ban guns.
  21. It will get better.....or someone will be dead eh?
  22. That ^^^ sounded a bit discouraging. I really didn't mean it that way. I guess it's different degrees of control. Some days, no problem.....other days, tougher. Look how many have quit. It can be done.
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