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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. You're making it sound like the hospitals don't eat costs now. They do from the many, many people who use the ER as their family doctors and pay nothing. Maybe, with this law they will have to pay something out of their pockets through their tax refund. Perhaps, as LPPT said in another thread, they will have to pay some of their healthcare costs out of their tax refund instead of buying a xbox.
  2. Shock and surprise! It was on the news that I heard about this. Do a search yourself.
  3. No I don't find it concerning. In fact, a number of people on the site have said they will be saving under the act. And I'm hearing stories about people who could not get insurance but now they can. The roll out of the program was a disgrace and many are finding difficulties navigating the site. Don't you find it concerning that the bashing started the day after it was rolled out? Seems to me that an agenda was decided long before the program even started. That's what makes more sense to me.
  4. Sounds to me that the 33 year old has a job, they don't confirm that in the article, nor do they confirm what the 33 year old makes. A $12,700.00 from a $3,500.00 deductible makes no sense whatsoever. If it doesn't make sense, chances are, it's not true. While I understand that this law will hit younger people the hardest, it's intent is not to put them on their knees. That kind of money would. I'll wait to hear about real people who supply real facts about their experiences. Then, I'll either jump on the band wagon or I'll jump off. Some may say I'm already on the band wagon bu
  5. I am trying to get my information from articles written by non biased writers. Sorry Low, this guy isn't it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Morrissey
  6. Wishes for strength during this very difficult time for your family.
  7. So when you sign up for SS you automatically sign up for Medicare but you can certainly sign up for private insurance on top of the provided services via Medicare.
  8. That article is almost 10 years old. Not sure what your point is.
  9. Poor kid. My heart is breaking for him.
  10. You didn't have to do that.....very nice of you.
  11. No. You wrap that....and bring it to my house.
  12. Can't wrap my mind around smoking butts and licking my lips in the same paragraph.
  13. ^^^^^^^ Cult member^^^^^^^^ It's an underground network. Really.
  14. My cat just read this thread......he did not think it was funny. I thought it was hilarious!
  15. Here is the headline. AJC wants to charge to read the actual story. For what it is worth. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local/airport-plan-blindsides-paulding-residents/nbLHP/
  16. Yeah, you can be a hard ass, but you are a really smart hard ass. I would venture to say, the critters lovers hearts are breaking with you. Thanks for sharing your pain.....we forget sometimes, it's just down the road for many of us.
  17. Absolutely! I could not agree more. But it was shot down.....this is a step towards it.
  18. Ivy, they will get it fixed at some point and time. I agree. It's fairly appalling. Hang tough.
  19. I'm so sorry. Really. I'm more than sure you are beside yourself and I'm really sorry. Stinks losing them. In a big way.
  20. Actually NJ, it's a new concept in this country....they did a poor job with the break out of the program. I'm sure they are doing the best they can. Just give it a little more time and we will see how it goes. They simply didn't expect the amount of people to hit the site all at once.
  21. I agree. Between this and the fact that there was a very limited plan as to telling people what to expect, they have opened the door as to the complaints. I wonder if this program was really the first of its kind. I tend to believe it was, in this country anyway.
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